National School of Government

About Us

The National School of Government has to play a significant role in overseeing the professional common purpose in addressing the systemic challenges of Public Service delivery, through the learning and development of public officials.

In doing so, the NSG has to integrate lessons and experiences from the past to develop and improve on current skills and empower the current generation of public servants; and determining a conduit for producing future public servants with a vastness of competitive opportunities and abilities to innovate. The National Development Plan confirms that the uneven performance at national, provincial and local government results from the interplay between a complex set of factors including tensions in the political-administrative interface, instability of the administrative leadership, skills deficits, the erosion of accountability and authority, poor organisational design, inappropriate staffing and low staff morale. Therefore, the NSG is a call to build a capable and developmental state that will assist in correcting some of the inefficiencies in the public service.


The National School of Government (NSG) aims to contribute to establishing a capable, professional and responsive public sector that is committed to, and has institutionalised, the values and policies of a developmental state. This would be a public sector that delivers services that are able to address the challenges of poverty and inequality.


The NSG is responsible for learning and development programmes in a uniform public sector with the objective of developing a professional, responsive and capable public sector, driven by the imperative of a developmental state. A culture and ethos of service will be imbued throughout the public sector, meeting the expectations of stakeholders and communities, and based on policy commitments of government.


Three core values that define the NSG which are learn, grow, and serve.

Capacity for Learning is an essential foundation for South Africa’s future development, and this value will find expression in the NSG. The NSG assists public organisations to continuously improve outcomes and impact by institutionalising effective and reliable learning. As the ultimate purpose of all the NSG’s learning and development programmes and services is improved performance of public sector institutions, there will be an organisational development focus in every aspect of design, development and delivery ensuring that capacity issues are approached holistically, developmentally and systematically.

With learning there is Growth. The content of learning and development will be socially and politically progressive, national in character but supported by and reflective of the needs and challenges of local contexts. Learning programmes are designed to be dynamic and developmental; they ensure that public servants are able to access relevant knowledge and develop critical, reflective, analytical and problem solving skills that will enable them to be responsive to the needs and demands that confront the public sector. The NSG’s research and knowledge management support services ensures that public servants will be able to contribute to the ongoing development of policy-relevant knowledge through their own learning and development process.


The NSG aims to provide the highest quality of training for public servants, and this is realised when we work together with partners that make it possible. The following are some of our Partners:

  • Public Service Sector Education and Training Authority(PSETA)
  • Quality Council for Trade Occupations(QCTO)
  • Human Resource Development Council of South Africa (HRDC-SA)
  • South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA)

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