National science and technology market development program to 2030

Continue to improve legal environment to support development of the science and technology market


National science and technology market development program to 2030

I. Objectives
1. By 2025
– The annual value of science and technology goods transactions increases by an average of 25%, over 30% for a number of key export sectors and industries. The proportion of intellectual property transactions reached over 15%, the proportion of transactions of technologies imported from developed countries reached 30%. The proportion of technology transactions from research institutes and universities in Vietnam reached over 35% of the total technology transactions of domestic origin.
– Forming and developing intermediaries of the science and technology market: 80 intermediaries and 3 networks of specialized intermediaries for 3 key export industries.
2. By 2030
– The annual transaction value of science and technology goods increased sharply, reaching an average of 30%, over 35% for a number of key export sectors and industries. The proportion of transactions of intellectual property reached over 20%, the proportion of transactions of technologies imported from developed countries reached 35%. The proportion of technology transactions from research institutes and universities in Vietnam reached over 40% of the total technology transactions of domestic origin.
– Developing intermediaries of the science and technology market: over 240 intermediaries and 6 networks of specialized intermediaries for 6 key export industries.
– Digitizing research results, intellectual property with commercial potential in the market. Modernize the national infrastructure system of the science and technology market, effectively connecting with the network of regional and global intermediaries.
II. Tasks and implementation solutions
1. Continue to improve the legal environment to support the development of the science and technology market
a) Review and perfect the system of policies and laws on the science and technology market, and promote transactions of science and technology goods.
b) Develop mechanisms and policies to create competition motivation to promote enterprises to participate in the science and technology market; mechanism for linking science and technology markets with markets for goods, services, finance and labor; mechanism to promote cooperation between institutes, schools – enterprises; commercialization policy, quickly put research results, intellectual property into production and business.
c) Study and propose mechanisms and policies to attract and effectively use foreign science and technology experts and overseas Vietnamese experts to participate in innovation activities and development of Vietnam’s science and technology market.
d) Developing and perfecting the system of standards, criteria and statistical reporting regime of the science and technology market.
2. Promote the development of demand sources of the science and technology market, improve the capacity of enterprises to absorb, master and innovate technology
a) Investigate, make statistics and assess the technology needs, capacity of decoding, absorbing and mastering technology of enterprises; building a database of technology demand and publishing reports on analysis of technology needs of a number of key export industries.
b) Encourage enterprises to invest in research and development; support enterprises to establish science and technology organizations, improve the technology absorption capacity of enterprises.
c) Promote cooperation between enterprises, institutes and universities in the direction of ordering technology or forming research projects, technology incubation, science and technology business incubation. Support innovation activities of enterprises.
d) Assist organizations and individuals in technology assessment, valuation and appraisal; search, select and receive and test technology; exploitation and development of intellectual property.
e) Create competitive pressure to promote enterprises to apply and innovate technology, increase labor productivity. Expand and improve the system of product standards and regulations; harmonize with international standards and regulations.
3. Promote development of supply of science and technology market
a) Restructure national-level science and technology programs and tasks in the direction of taking the enterprise as the center, associated with the product value chain, creating added value, improving the quality and quantity of resources; supply of scientific and technological goods in the market.
b) Implement measures to promote technology transfer; importing and decoding high-tech, advanced and clean technologies, prioritizing technologies from developed countries, with potential for large and pervasive impacts, first of all, on a number of industrial sectors.
c) Support commercialization of research results and intellectual property; Prioritize supporting research results and intellectual property to meet the needs of developing supporting industries, mechanization and deep processing in agriculture, serving the development requirements of rural, mountainous and marine areas, islands and areas with difficult or extremely difficult socio-economic conditions.
d) Developing a network of overseas Vietnamese experts and foreign science and technology experts participating in innovation activities and developing the Vietnamese science and technology market.
4. Development of intermediary organizations of the science and technology market
a) Promote the formation and development of a number of intermediary organizations that play the key role in providing systematic public services on the science and technology market.
b) Improve the operational capacity of intermediaries, especially those belonging to large, multi-disciplinary science and technology organizations and associated with key export industries. Encourage and support the development of intermediary organizations of the private sector science and technology market.
c) Develop a network of intermediary organizations on the basis of connecting technology exchanges, science and technology service groups at research institutes, universities and enterprises with application centers, transfer of scientific and technological progress.
d) To encourage the establishment of an association for consulting and promoting the Vietnamese science and technology market; support to join and become a member of international scientific and technological market promotion consulting associations.
5. Strengthening science and technology market promotion activities
a) Promote the organization of science and technology market promotion events at regional, national and international scale; promote the market of science, technology and innovation; integrate and coordinate with trade and investment promotion events both online and in person.
b) Strengthen the promotion of science and technology markets in markets with many sources of high, advanced and environmentally friendly technology, potential markets in which Vietnam has advantages through free trade agreements.
c) Develop and implement programs and projects on cooperation in technology promotion and sharing of experts between domestic science and technology organizations and international technology partners.
d) Support enterprises, organizations and individuals with new technologies created in the country to announce, demonstrate, introduce, participate in domestic and foreign technology fairs and fairs.
6. Strengthening the training and fostering of human resources, communication and international integration on the science and technology market
a) To step up training, fostering and improving professional qualifications for intermediary organizations and the contingent of state management staff on the science and technology market.
b) Strengthen communication work to raise social awareness and promote the achievements of science and technology market development and innovation. To reward and honor organizations and individuals with outstanding achievements in science and technology market development activities.
c) Promote international cooperation in science and technology market, connect Vietnam science and technology market with international science and technology market.
7. Developing the national infrastructure of the science and technology market
a) Synchronously develop the national infrastructure system of the science and technology market; to build a national portal, a database and a common integrated technical platform for the science and technology market. Step by step connecting and integrating with technical platforms on domestic and international science and technology markets.
b) Design and application of tools for analysis, statistics, digitization and processing of technological data; transaction management and connection to the national database of the science and technology market.
c) Invest in and develop national technology exchanges in Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City and Da Nang and a number of regional and specialized technology exchanges that play the role of network focal point, supporting the effectiveness of the network, effective for other intermediary organizations to provide consulting and brokerage services on science and technology markets.
III. Implementation cost
1. Funding for the implementation of the Program is guaranteed from the following sources: state budget; capital and sponsorship of domestic and foreign organizations and individuals; other lawful funding sources as prescribed by law.
2. The management and use of funds from the state budget and other lawful capital sources to perform the tasks specified in this Decision shall comply with the law on state budget and other regulations and related laws.
IV. Implementation organization
1. Ministry of Science and Technology:
– To assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with ministries, ministerial-level agencies, government-attached agencies and People’s Committees of provinces and centrally-run cities in formulating and performing tasks under the Program’s contents; assume the prime responsibility for, and develop annual plans and budgets for the implementation of the Program.
– Organize the management and implementation of the Program according to current regulations on task management and finance for national science and technology programs; according to their competence and responsibility to amend and supplement program management regulations if necessary.
– Develop a pilot scheme on policies to create incentives for commercialization, quickly put research results and intellectual property generated from the state budget into production and business and submit it to the Prime Minister.
– Improve the legal environment for science and technology market development.
– To guide, inspect and annually summarize the implementation situation and report to the Prime Minister. Organize a preliminary review of the Program in 2025 and a summary of the Program in 2030.
– Preside over and coordinate with the Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry, business associations, domestic and international partners to carry out information and communication activities, raising the society’s awareness of the activities. develop the science and technology market; honoring and rewarding enterprises, organizations and individuals with achievements in scientific and technological market development, bringing socio-economic efficiency, improving the competitiveness of products goods produced in Vietnam in the global value chain.
2. Ministry of Planning and Investment:
– Allocate investment capital according to the provisions of the Law on Public Investment and attract investment resources to implement and perform the tasks of the Program.
– Reviewing and adding statistical indicators and methods on the science and technology market to the national statistical indicator system.
3. Ministry of Finance:
– To balance and ensure the allocation of funds from the state budget for the implementation of the Program in accordance with the provisions of law.
– Lead and coordinate with the Ministry of Science and Technology in reviewing and supplementing the financial management mechanism for program implementation if necessary.
4. People’s Committees of provinces and centrally run cities:
– Develop, approve and allocate funds for the implementation of the program on development of the local science and technology market.
– Annually report to the Ministry of Science and Technology on the program implementation results.
5. Relevant ministries, ministerial-level agencies and government-attached agencies:
– Formulate and integrate the science and technology market development plan into the science and technology development plan, annual and 5-year socio-economic development plan.
– Organize the implementation of the Program’s activities according to annual and 5-year plans approved by competent agencies.
– Develop and organize the implementation of science and technology tasks within the management competence, within the contents of the Program.
– Annually report to the Ministry of Science and Technology on the program implementation results.

Source: Vitic/

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