National technology innovation program to 2030

Promote increase in labor productivity on the basis of technological innovation, especially in industries and fields of high added value, high export value and high technology use


National technology innovation program to 2030
I. Objectives of the program
1. General objectives
Facilitate and support enterprises to transfer, innovate and perfect technologies, create high-quality products with high added value; promote the transfer of technologies for agricultural development in rural and mountainous areas and regions with difficult and extremely difficult socio-economic conditions; train human resources in science and technology for technology transfer, innovation and improvement.
2. Specific objectives
a) Objectives to 2025
– The number of enterprises implementing technology innovation increases by an average of 15% / year.
– 100% of enterprises producing key products and key products directly participate in the program to form research and development organizations; There are from 3 to 5 major product manufacturing industries, key products own or create advanced technology in the value chain to produce products with added value and high competitiveness.
– Promote increase in labor productivity on the basis of technological innovation, especially in industries and fields of high added value, high export value and high technology use; Enterprises directly participating in the program have labor productivity at least 1.5 times higher than their labor productivity without technological innovation.
– Approximately 5,000 engineers, technicians and managers in enterprises have been trained in technology management, technology management and new technology updates in 10 key areas via on-site and online forms.
– To form in each economic region at least one typical technology transfer application research model suitable to the specific conditions of the locality for replication.
b) Targets to 2030
– The number of enterprises implementing technology innovation increases by an average of 20% / year.
– 100% of enterprises producing key products and key products form a research and development organization; There are from 8 to 10 industries producing key products, key products that own or create advanced technologies in the value chain to produce high value added and highly competitive products.
– Enterprises directly participating in the program have labor productivity at least 2 times higher than their labor productivity without technological innovation.
– Approximately 10,000 engineers, technicians and managers in enterprises have been trained in technology management, technology management and new technology updates in 15 key areas, via on-site and online forms.
– To form in each economic region at least two typical technology transfer research and application models suitable to the specific conditions of the locality for replication.
II. Tasks and solutions
1. Complete legal institutions to promote technology innovation activities
a) To study and propose perfecting mechanisms and policies to promote technology innovation in enterprises and promote the formation of research and development organizations in enterprises.
b) Develop a system of standards to evaluate the implementation of technology innovation and the competitiveness of enterprises: to supplement the statistical system and evaluation criteria for the technology innovation activities of enterprises.
2. Formulating and implementing a roadmap for improvement of national technology capacity
a) Develop and update database on current status, technological qualifications and capacities in all sectors and fields according to the needs of socio-economic development and international economic integration.
b) Develop and update database on new technologies and advanced technologies and a force of technology experts serving enterprises to exploit, use and renew technologies.
c) Develop national technology maps and technology renewal roadmap for the fields of production of key products, key products, and national products; support to build and implement a technology innovation roadmap for organizations and enterprises; promotion of technology transfer, evaluation, price appraisal, technology appraisal, science and technology market development.
d) Expand the automatic connection consultant network; organize training and training support on technology management, technology governance, technology update for new businesses, and training facilities to conduct training for businesses in need ; facilitate and support the implementation of on-site and online training and retraining for technicians and managers in enterprises.
e) To step up information and communication work, raise awareness of society, organizations and enterprises towards technology innovation activities; implementing activities to honor and reward enterprises, organizations and individuals with achievements in technology innovation activities.
3. Researching, applying and mastering advanced technologies in the production of key products, key products with high added value in the value chain and highly competitive in the market.
a) Conduct research, application and mastery of advanced technologies to support enterprises to improve product features and quality, renew equipment, lines, and technological processes to create products. key products, key products; consider supporting costs for technology transfer, purchasing copyrights, buying designs, buying software, hiring foreign experts, and training human resources.
b) Assist enterprises in exploiting industrial property database for application in production and business.
c) Facilitating, supporting and promoting cooperation activities between enterprises and agencies, organizations and individuals engaged in science and technology activities in order to search, transfer, apply, master and decode new and advanced technologies and implementing investment projects on technological innovation and infrastructure development in service of technology research, application and innovation.
d) Support the application of management, production and business models for enterprises towards smart production in the production of key products and key products.
4. Supporting small and medium enterprises in technological innovation
a) Receive, transfer, research, produce, test, apply new technologies and advanced technologies; support training, hiring experts to design, manufacture new products and change technological processes to create products with great consumption, dominate the domestic market.
b) Develop information systems to manage enterprise resources, exploit technology data and technology experts.
5. Promote support for technology innovation activities in rural, mountainous and regions facing difficult and extremely difficult socio-economic conditions
a) Apply advanced technology, automate smart agricultural cultivation models in the fields of post-harvest technology and agricultural product processing; improving plant varieties and domestic animals with high yield, quality and competitiveness with imported breeds; to improve breeding technologies, large-scale cultivation, farming and disease control techniques.
b) Organize investigation and survey of models of application of scientific and technical advances according to characteristics of each region or area to develop planning and form network of technological innovation models for each locality.
c) Support for centers for application of scientific and technological advances and technology supply-demand connection points in activities such as technology transfer, service connection, and technical assistance in the implementation of public applications. technology, connect to the market and promote products made up of technology application, seek and connect with domestic and foreign partners, improve the capacity to disseminate and replicate successful application models.
d) Support for technological innovation serving the maintenance and development of strengths of traditional trades and trade villages.
dd) Support for enterprises operating in sectors and trades eligible for investment incentives and enterprises operating in areas eligible for investment incentives to receive technology transfer from science and technology organizations.
6. Increase financial resources for the Program implementation
a) Diversifying investment capital sources for technology innovation; encourage enterprises to set up a science and technology development fund to invest in technological innovation; increasing the attraction of social resources to invest in technology innovation activities.
b) Promote the implementation of public-private cooperation mechanism and other forms of cooperation in science and technology activities; linking and cooperating between science and technology public institutions and enterprises in technology research, application, transfer and innovation.
7. Promote international cooperation
a) Promote the transfer of new and advanced technologies from developed countries, with priority given to high-tech, environmentally friendly projects with potential for widespread application in many domestic enterprises, contributing to assisting Vietnamese enterprises to participate in global value chains.
b) Encourage, expand and diversify forms and contents of international cooperation, step up scientific and technological cooperation with countries and regions prioritized in service of the Program’s contents; assisting Vietnamese enterprises to cooperate with science and technology organizations, foreign individuals and enterprises in receiving, transferring, absorbing and developing technologies, participating in technology exhibitions and fairs and equipment abroad.
III. Funding for implementation
1. Funding for the program implementation is guaranteed from the following sources: State budget (recurrent expenditure and development investment expenditure of the State budget); National Technology Innovation Fund; capital of organizations and enterprises; sponsorship by domestic and foreign organizations and individuals; other lawful funding sources as provided for by law.
2. The management and use of funds derived from the state budget and other lawful capital sources for the implementation of the tasks specified in this Decision comply with the law on the state budget and regulations.
IV. Organization of implementation
1. Program Steering Committee
The program is placed under the direction and coordination of the National Science and Technology Program Steering Committee.
The Program Management Board is established under the decision of the Minister of Science and Technology to provide consultancy on the implementation of the Program’s activities.
2. Responsibilities of ministries, ministerial-level agencies, Government-attached agencies and People’s Committees of provinces and centrally-run cities
a) The Ministry of Science and Technology:
– To assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with ministries, ministerial-level agencies, Government-attached agencies and People’s Committees of provinces and centrally-run cities in, formulating and implementing the Program’s tasks; assume the prime responsibility for, and formulate annual plans and funds for, the Program implementation.
– Organize the management and implementation of the Program in accordance with the current regulations on the task management and finance applicable to national science and technology programs; According to the authority, responsibility to amend and supplement regulations on the management of the Program if necessary.
– For specific tasks that have been approved, are being implemented, and require continued or extended implementation in the period of 2021 – 2030, organize a review, evaluation and consider and decide on the extension according to the authority and relevant laws.
– Based on the socio-economic development, submit to the Prime Minister the contents to be updated and adjusted accordingly; reviewing and integrating the contents of the Program with other national science and technology programs to increase efficiency and support each other.
– To guide, inspect and annually synthesize the implementation situation and report to the Prime Minister. Organize a preliminary review of the Program in 2025 and summarize the Program by 2030.
– Lead and coordinate ministries, agencies, associations, businesses to carry out information and communication activities, raise awareness of society, organizations and businesses on technology innovation activities; honor and reward enterprises, organizations and individuals with achievements in technology innovation, bring socio-economic efficiency, and improve the competitiveness of manufactured products and goods in Vietnam in the global value chain.
b) The Ministry of Finance:
– To balance and ensure the allocation of funds from the state budget capital sources for the program implementation in accordance with law.
– To assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Ministry of Science and Technology in, reviewing and supplementing a financial management mechanism to implement the Program if necessary.
c) Ministries, ministerial-level agencies, Governmental agencies, and People’s Committees of provinces and centrally run cities:
– To assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Ministry of Science and Technology in, elaborating and organizing the implementation of scientific and technological tasks within its management competence, within the Program’s contents.
– Annually review and evaluate the results and effectiveness of the assigned tasks, before November 30 each year, send reports to the Ministry of Science and Technology to summarize and report to the Prime Minister. .
d) The Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the Vietnam Association of Small and Medium Enterprises, the Vietnam Union of Cooperatives and the central and local business associations are responsible for:
– To assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Ministry of Science and Technology, concerned ministries, agencies and localities in, mobilizing and introducing enterprises to participate in the Program.
– Coordinate with ministries, agencies and localities to organize propaganda activities on technology innovation for enterprises; to participate in the consideration and selection and commendation of collectives and individuals with achievements in technology innovation activities.Source:

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