Vietnam Prime Minister appointed Dr. Dang Xuan Hoan as new NAPA President

On 29 June 2017, Vietnam Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc appointed Dr. Dang Xuan Hoan, General Secretary of Vietnam National Council of Education and Human Resource Development as President of National Academy of Public Administration (NAPA).

Ministry of Home Affairs (MOHA) hosted a ceremony announcing Decision 929/QD-TTg by Prime Minister on appointment of Dr. Dang Xuan Hoan as NAPA President on 30 June 2017 at NAPA campus. Mr. Le Vinh Tan, MOHA Minister chaired the ceremony.

Mr. Le Vinh Tan, Minister of Ministry of Home Affairs gives a bouquet to the new president of NAPA

Mr. Le Vinh Tan, Minister of Ministry of Home Affairs congrats the new president of NAPA

Minister Le Vinh Tan delivers a speech at the ceremony

Minister Le Vinh Tan delivers a speech at the ceremony

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NAPA new President Dang Xuan Hoan delivers a speech at the ceremony

NAPA new President Dang Xuan Hoan delivers a speech at the ceremony

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Presented in the event were Mr. Trieu Van Cuong, MOHA Vice Minister, former in-charge of NAPA; Mr. Nguyen Trong Thua, MOHA Vice Minister; Mr. Nguyen Duy Thang, MOHA Vice Minister; representatives of Government Office and ministries; NAPA Vice Presidents; leaders of MOHA’s agencies; heads of NAPA faculties and departments.

Vice Minister Trieu Van Cuong gives a bouquet to Mr. Dang Xuan Hoan

Vice Minister Trieu Van Cuong congrats Mr. Dang Xuan Hoan

Vice Minister Nguyen Duy Thang gives a bouquet to Mr. Dang Xuan Hoan

Vice Minister Nguyen Duy Thang congrats Mr. Dang Xuan Hoan

Vice Minister Nguyen Trong Thua gives a bouquet to Mr. Dang Xuan Hoan

Vice Minister Nguyen Trong Thua congrats Mr. Dang Xuan Hoan

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As delegated by Prime Minister, MOHA Minister Le Vinh Tan gave Prime Minister’s Decision on NAPA President appointment to Dr. Dang Xuan Hoan. The Minister emphasized the honor as well as responsibility given to Dr. Hoan as NAPA President and wished him successful accomplishment of the assignment. He also expressed his strong belief that possessing rich experience in management and teaching, Dr. Hoan will mobilize synergy of NAPA leaders and staff in development of NAPA in the future through comprehensive renovation and quality improvement, making NAPA a leading institution for public servant training, management and administration science in Vietnam. He suggested that NAPA should take up its strengths and promote high quality degree training of bachelors, masters, doctors and short-time training and develop NAPA’s human resources to build strong academic staff of high expertise.

In his address, the new NAPA President – Dr. Dang Xuan Hoan affirmed NAPA’s role and position in the training and education system in the country in general and in the training of public leaders and managers for Vietnam Government in particular. As the head of NAPA, the President made a commitment to promote NAPA’s tradition, inheriting good practices of predecessors, leading NAPA in assuming its mandates and functions for NAPA’s development, and making NAPA a center for high quality training and research on public administration on par with other leading institutions in the region.

NAPA leaders gives a bouquet to the new President of NAPA

NAPA board of leaders congrats the new president of NAPA

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NAPA students congrats the new president of NAPA

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