Online English Training for public officials of the Ministry of Home Affairs (MOHA) – The closing ceremony

On the afternoon of December 30, 2021, the National Academy of Public Administration (NAPA) held the closing ceremony of the two online English training courses (English Level 3 – The Six-level Foreign Language Proficiency Framework for Viet Nam and English for Public Administration and Civil Service) for MOHA civil servants and public employees. The closing ceremony was held in person and online.

Attending the ceremony, on the side of MOHA was Ms. Truong Thi Lien, Deputy General Director of the Department of Organization and Personnel.

On the side of NAPA were Dr. Nguyen Dang Que, Executive Vice President; leaders of faculties and departments; trainers and 37 learners of the two English courses.

Participants attending the Closing Ceremony online.

Participants attending the Closing Ceremony online.

At the ceremony, Ms. Doan Bich Hong, Department of International Cooperation reported on the two English language training courses.

Doan Bich Hong delivering the training course report at the Closing Ceremony.

Doan Bich Hong delivering the training course report at the Closing Ceremony.

The course English for Public Administration and Civil Service had 22 learners and took place from November 22 to December 17, 2021 with a syllabus consisting of three modules: Presentation skills; Skills in working with foreign partners; and Professional writing skills. The course was evaluated very good by 36% of the learners, good by 50%, and satisfactory by 14%.

The course English Level 3 – The Six-level Foreign Language Proficiency Framework for Viet Nam had 15 learners and took place from November 22 to December 19, 2021. The learners had opportunities to improve their four language skills : reading, speaking, listening, and writing. The course was evaluated very good by 16.7% of the learners, good by 66.7%, and satisfactory by 16.6%.

At the closing ceremony, Ms. Pham Thi Quynh Hoa, Director, Department of International Cooperation announcing the NAPA President’s decisions on course completion certificates.

At the closing ceremony, Ms. Pham Thi Quynh Hoa, Director, Department of International Cooperation announcing the NAPA President’s decisions on course completion certificates.

Dr. Nguyen Dang Que giving the closing speech

Dr. Nguyen Dang Que giving the closing speech

Speaking at the closing ceremony of two English training courses, Dr. Nguyen Dang Que, Executive Vice President of the National Academy of Public Administration highly appreciated the active participation, self-study, and discipline of the learners. With the strong support from MOHA Department of Organization and Personnel and close coordination, flexibility of NAPA functional units, the two English courses were completed as planned and highly evaluated by the learners for the teaching quality, the relevance, and the balance between the theory and practice of the training. Dr. Nguyen Dang Que expressed gratitude to the leaders of the Ministry, the leaders and officers of the related departments of MOHA for their attention, guidance and support. He acknowledged the coordination between MOHA Department of Organization and Personnel and NAPA related units for the successful implementation of the two English training courses which created a momentum for further development and organization of training courses to improve foreign language proficiency of MOHA civil servants and public employees in the coming years.

Ms. Tran Thi Thai, Deputy Chief of Office of MOHA, spoke at the closing ceremony on behalf of the learners of the two English courses

Ms. Tran Thi Thai, Deputy Chief of Office of MOHA, spoke at the closing ceremony on behalf of the learners of the two English courses

At the closing ceremony, the representatives of the learners presented bouquets of flowers to thank the leaders of NAPA, MOHA Department of Organization and Personnel.

The representative of the learners gave flowers to the NAPA leader.

The representative of the learners gave flowers to the NAPA leader.

The representative of the learners gave flowers to the leader of Department of Organization and Personnel, MOHA.

The representative of the learners gave flowers to the leader of Department of Organization and Personnel, MOHA.

Participants attending the closing ceremony took photos.

Participants attending the closing ceremony took photos.

Closing ceremony at NAPA Headquarter in Ha Noi.

Closing ceremony at NAPA Headquarter in Ha Noi.

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