Opening Ceremony of Overseas Training Course on Public Administration for Officials of Bangladesh Civil Service

On March 18th 2019, National Academy of Public Administration (NAPA) held the opening ceremony of overseas training course on public administration for officials of Bangladesh Civil Service in Hanoi.

The event was attended by Dr. Vu Thanh Xuan, NAPA Vice President; Dr. Pear Mohammed – Additional Secretary, Bangladesh Civil Service Administration Academy, Head of the delegation; Ms. Mashuda Akter – Upazila Nirbahi Officer, Atparat, Netrakona district of Bangladesh, team leader of course participants; Ms. Pham Thi Quynh Hoa, General Director of International Cooperation Department, NAPA; representatives from NAPA faculties and departments and 33 training course participants.

Dr. Vu Thanh Xuan – NAPA Vice President giving opening speech in the Opening Ceremony

Dr. Vu Thanh Xuan – NAPA Vice President giving opening speech in the Opening Ceremony

Ms. Pham Thi Quynh Hoa – General Director, International Cooperation Department, NAPA introducing the training course

Ms. Pham Thi Quynh Hoa – General Director, International Cooperation Department, NAPA introducing the training course

In the opening remark, Dr. Vu Thanh Xuan expressed his warm welcome to the Bangladesh officials to the training course on public administration held by NAPA in coordination with Ministry of Public Administration of Bangladesh. He emphasized that the training courses for Bangladesh Civil Service officials delivered at NAPA were an evidence of friendship between NAPA and Bangladesh’s training institutions, contributing to the cooperation development between the two countries.

He believed that the course participants would have an opportunity to learn and share experience in public administration reform, civil service reform and high quality human resource development in the public sector of the two countries.

On behalf of the course participants, Ms. Mashuda Akter highly appreciated NAPA’s role in public officials training in general and Bangladesh government officials in particular. She believed that the course participants themselves would learn knowledge and experience in public management and administration and have better understanding about the country, the culture and the people of Vietnam.

Ms. Mashuda Akter – Upazila Nirbahi Officer, Atparat, Netrakona district of Bangladesh giving speech at the event

Ms. Mashuda Akter – Upazila Nirbahi Officer, Atparat, Netrakona district of Bangladesh giving speech at the event

The training course is conducted from March 17 – 26, 2019 in Vietnam. This is the first international training course in 2019 and 21st course for Bangladesh government officials in Vietnam. The participants will be introduced about Vietnam’s political system, administrative system; policy formulation and implementation; achievements and challenges; experience in administration and civil service reform for a professional, accountable, effective and transparent public administration to increase people’s satisfaction for the public service delivery.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Thi Hong Hai – Dean, Faculty of Administrative Sciences and Organization – Personnel Management, NAPA delivering lecture in the training course

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Thi Hong Hai – Dean, Faculty of Administrative Sciences and Organization – Personnel Management, NAPA delivering lecture in the training course



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