Opening ceremony of the 3rd training course in 2017 for Bangladesh high ranking officials

On May 18th 2017, National Academy of Public Administration (NAPA) organized an opening ceremony of the training course on public administration for Bangladesh high ranking officials. The training course is from May 17th to May 26th, 2017. It is the 16th batch in the training program on public administration for Bangladesh high ranking officials in Vietnam organized by NAPA.

Presented in the ceremony were Dr. Le Nhu Thanh, NAPA Permanent Vice President; Azizur Rahman, Counselor of Bangladesh Embassy to Vietnam; Mr. Nguyen Quang Thuc, Deputy Director General of East Asia, South Asia and South Pacific Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, former Vietnam Ambassador to Bangladesh; representatives of Ministry of Public Security, Ministry of Home Affairs; 26 Bangladesh high ranking officials, NAPA staff and lecturers.


Mr. Azizur Rahman congratulated NAPA on the successful of organizing the training course for Bangladesh high ranking officials in Vietnam. He emphasized that Vietnam is one of the fastest growing countries in the world which obtains many achievements in socio-economic development and plays an important role in the region. Participating in the training course in Vietnam, Bangladesh high ranking officials have the opportunity to learn from Vietnam’s experience in reform and development process. Mr. Rahman also appreciated NAPA’s warm reception of  Bangladesh delegation. He affirmed that Bangladesh Embassy to Vietnam will continue to support the cooperation in training for civil servants between NAPA and Bangladesh partners.

On behalf of Bangladesh delegation, Mr. Ranjit Kumar Sen, Additional Secretary, Bangladesh Public Administration Training Center (BPATC) reviewed the cooperation between NAPA and BPATC as well as Bangladesh Ministry of Public Administration (MOPA) inn training for civil servants. He emphasized the training course is an opportunity for participants to explore new experience, learn new knowledge and new values from the successful stories of Vietnam which will help Bangladesh officials in their  work. It is important for Bangladesh since the country is aiming to get a middle income status  by2021. Mr. Sen affirmed that the training course  not only build capacity but also tighten the relationship between governments and people of the two countries.

Dr. Le Nhu Thanh expressed  NAPA’s honor  in  cooperation with MOPA and BPATC in organizing training course for Bangladesh high ranking officials in Vietnam. He emphasized that Vietnam gained many achievement during the reform and development process; however, there are still weaknesses to be dealt with in order to build  an enabling, integrity, government  serving  the people. Dr. Le Nhu Thanh affirmed that NAPA is willing to share experience in country development with Bangladesh high ranking officials. The training is also an opportunity for the two countries to learn from each other,  contributing to the administrative reform process as well as high quality human resource development.

The ten-day training course  consists of lectures  in NAPA and field trips. Vietnamese lecturers and professionals with experience in public administration will introduce the culture, history, political institution, administration system of Vietnam; achievement and challenge of the administration reform in Vietnam; the role of Vietnam’s government in promoting economic growth and equality in society; civil servant recruitment, management, and assessment; formulation and implementation of public policy; international negotiation in order to promote the development and integration. Bangladesh officials will have the opportunity to visit Ministry of Home Affairs (MOHA), Ministry of Health, and Provincial People’s Committee of Ninh Binh Province der to explore the issues of  the delegation’s interest within the framework of the training course for Bangladesh officials in Vietnam.

Dr. Le Nhu Thanh, NAPA Permanent Vice President giving a speech in the ceremony

Dr. Le Nhu Thanh, NAPA Permanent Vice President giving a speech in the ceremony

Azizur Rahman, Counselor of Bangladesh Embassy to Vietnam delivers a speech in the ceremony

Azizur Rahman, Counselor of Bangladesh Embassy to Vietnam delivers a speech in the ceremony

Mr. Ranjit Kumar Sen, Additional Secretary, Bangladesh Public Administration Training Center (BPATC) giving a speech at the ceremony

Mr. Ranjit Kumar Sen, Additional Secretary, Bangladesh Public Administration Training Center (BPATC) giving a speech at the ceremony

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