Opening Ceremony of the 8th training course 2017 for senior civil service at NAPA

On September 16th 2017, National Academy of Public Administration (NAPA) organized the opening ceremony for the 8th training course 2017 for senior civil service. Presented in the ceremony were Dr. Dang Xuan Hoan, NAPA President, NAPA lectures and staff as well as more than 100 course participants – civil servants from ministries and departments.

Dr. Dang Xuan Hoan emphasized that training is essential and getting attention by the government. The training course for senior civil service is structured with 13 topics and 5 thematic sessions related to state, government, laws and regulations, public administration, public governance and job-based skills in the civil service. The course participants will be also provided updated economic and political information in Vietnam and around the world which will enrich their knowledge and expertise of policy formulation and implementation. He also stated that course participants are expected to do research, apply appropriate study methods and exchange ideas with other participants as well as NAPA lecturers. Dr. Dang Xuan Hoan affirmed that NAPA faculties will provide a good study environment for course participants.


Dr. Dang Xuan Hoan giving a speech at the opening ceremony 


Mr. Tong Dang Hung delivers a speech at the ceremony

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