Opening Ceremony of the overseas training program in public administration for Bangladesh high ranking officials at National Academy of Public Administration

Based on the cooperation between National Academy of Public Administration (NAPA) and Ministry of Public Administration (MOPA), Bangladesh, on May 9th 2016, NAPA organized a training course of the overseas training program in public administration for Bangladesh high ranking officials. This is the 3rd batch in 2016 and the 10th batch of the program for Bangladesh civil service at NAPA.

Presented at the opening ceremony were Dr. Lê Như Thanh, Permanent Vice President of NAPA, H.E.. Mohammad Shahab Ullab, the Ambassador of Bangladesh Embassy to Vietnam, NAPA faculties and staff, and 27 course participants who are holding senior positions in the Bangladesh Civil Service Giving the speech at the ceremony, Dr. Lê Như Thanh wanted to thank Bangladesh government for their trust in sending their high ranking officials to NAPA for training . He believed that the training program will tighten the relationship between Vietnam and Bangladesh as well as provide an opportunity for both of Vietnam and Bangladesh to learn and share experience with each other. It  also contributes to the administrative reform process and development of high quality human resources for public sector in both countries.

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Dr. Lê Như Thanh, Permanent Vice President of NAPA, giving a speech at the ceremony

Also giving the speech at the ceremony, Mr Mohammad Shahab Ullab emphasized that NAPA is the right choice for Bangladesh to send their high ranking officials for exposure visits. He also mentioned that Vietnam is one of the fastest growing countries in the world and Vietnam has made many achievements in economic development, poverty reduction and improvement of the living standard. Along with the development achievements, Vietnam also keeps the unity of the nation especially while Vietnam has 54 ethnic groups living together. H.E. Ambassador Ullab believed that Bangladesh participants will learn a lot from the experience of the reform and development process in Vietnam and wished that participants could share experience with Vietnam’s experts and professionals in order to improve the skills and qualities of the human resources in the public sectors for a professional, dynamic and competitive public administration system.

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H.E. Mohammad Shahab Ullab, Ambassador of the Bangladesh Embassy to Vietnam, giving a speech at the opening ceremony

On behalf of the participants, Dr Md. Nasir Uddin thanked NAPA for the warm reception and dedicated training program with the aim to meet the training objectives of the delegation. He also believed that the training course will be resourceful for the participants.

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Dr Md. Nasir Uddin, Director Commercial of the Parjatan Corporation of Bangladesh, giving a speech at the ceremony

The ten-day training course was from May 8th to May 17th. The program had both the training sessions done at NAPA campus as well as the field trips to authorities and local governments. The training course covered: 1) general introduction of culture, history, political institutions, administration system of Vietnam, 2) Experience in the administration reform of Vietnam, 3) Planning and implementation of policies, 4) Local government, 5) Reform of the public services. NAPA invited lecturers with profound skills and expertise as well as management experience.

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