Opening ceremony of the training course on state management for public managers and leaders of the Lao PDR

On August 9, 2023, at NAPA Headquarters in Hanoi, the National Academy of Public Administration (NAPA) organized the opening ceremony of the training course on state management for Lao public managers and leaders.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Quoc Suu, NAPA Vice President delivered the opening remarks for the training course.

An overview of the opening ceremony

An overview of the opening ceremony

Attending the ceremony were Mr. Chanthaphone Khammanichanh, Deputy Ambassador of the Lao Embassy in Viet Nam; Assoc. Prof. Dr. Vu Thanh Xuan – former NAPA Vice President; leaders of several NAPA departments, units, and faculties, trainers of the training course, and 15 Lao participants who are district-level public officials, leaders, and managers in their home country.

Dr. Tran Dai Hai announcing the Decision of the NAPA President.

Dr. Tran Dai Hai announcing the Decision of the NAPA President.

At the opening ceremony, Dr. Tran Dai Hai, Deputy Director of the Department of International Cooperation, announced Decision No. 3544/QD-HCQG dated August 3, 2023, issued by the NAPA President, regarding the organization of the training course on state management for public managers and leaders of the Lao PDR. The training course will take place from August 7, 2023, to October 6, 2023.


Speaking at the opening ceremony, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Quoc Suu, NAPA Vice President, stated that the training course on state management for public managers and leaders of the Government of the Lao PDR in Viet Nam is the realization of the Cooperation Agreement on training between the Government of the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam and the Government of the Lao PDR.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Quoc Suu affirmed that the capacity building of public managers and leaders is crucial for the construction and development of both Viet Nam and Laos, especially in the context of strong globalization and international integration. Organizing training courses for Lao public managers and leaders is a significant responsibility and honour of NAPA, entrusted by the Parties and Governments of both countries. This is a practical and meaningful activity that further enhances the spirit of solidarity, friendship, and special cooperation between the two Parties and peoples of Viet Nam and Laos.

The curriculum of the training course is updated to align with the requirements of the ongoing renewal and international integration process in the Lao PDR. It consists of both theoretical knowledge and skill development, designed to blend classroom training with extracurricular activities and site visits. During their time in Viet Nam, participants will be equipped with fundamental knowledge and a systematic understanding of essential matters related to the state apparatus, as well as general issues of public administration and state administrative reform. They will also develop basic management skills and state administrative management in various fields.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Quoc Suu hopes that the knowledge and practical experience gained during the study and research process in Viet Nam will provide the conditions for Lao participants to expand their knowledge, enhance problem-solving skills, improve work efficiency and quality, thereby contributing to the state administrative reform and nation-building efforts. In addition to exploring and exchanging experiences in administrative reform and management, participants also have the opportunity to visit and learn about Viet Nam’s country, culture, and people, thus further strengthening the bonds of friendship and cooperation between the two nations.

On behalf of NAPA leaders, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Quoc Suu extended gratitude to the Embassy of Laos in Viet Nam and relevant agencies for facilitating and supporting the organization of the training program. He also looks forward to receiving feedback from the participants to further enhance and refine the program.

Mr. Chanthaphone Khammanichanh, Deputy Ambassador of the Lao Embassy in Viet Nam, speaking at the opening ceremony.

Mr. Chanthaphone Khammanichanh, Deputy Ambassador of the Lao Embassy in Viet Nam, speaking at the opening ceremony.

In the opening ceremony, Mr. Chanthaphone Khammanichanh, Deputy Ambassador of the Lao Embassy in Vietnam, stated that hundreds of key public officials from various central and local ministries and departments of Laos have been receiving training at NAPA over the years. The Lao Party and State highly value the results of cooperation in developing human resources for the Lao PDR during the past and present. He expressed profound gratitude to the Communist Party, State, and People of Viet Nam, the NAPA leaders, trainers, and all officials who have provided favorable conditions for Lao participants to study, update their knowledge, and apply it effectively in their practical work for the country. He emphasized the special, strong, and lasting relationship between the two countries, which was nurtured by the great President Ho Chi Minh and Presidents Kaysone Phomvihane and Souphanouvong, as well as by the leadership of the Parties, States, revolutionary veterans, revolutionaries, and the people of both nations over many decades.

Mr. Somkhit Kansanith, Member of the Provincial Party Committee, Secretary of the District Party Committee, Chairman of Muong Beng District, Udomxay Province, and representative of participants, delivering a speech at the opening ceremony.

Mr. Somkhit Kansanith, Member of the Provincial Party Committee, Secretary of the District Party Committee, Chairman of Muong Beng District, Udomxay Province, and representative of participants, delivering a speech at the opening ceremony.

Mr. Somkhit Kansanith, Member of the Provincial Party Committee, Secretary of the District Party Committee, and Chairman of Muong Beng District, Udomxay Province, represented the participants and expressed sincere gratitude to the Communist Party, Government, and People of Vietnam, as well as NAPA, for creating favorable conditions to welcome the delegation to study at NAPA. 15 Lao participants come from various provinces and cities of Laos. Because of different conditions, it is difficult for trainers to deliver the lectures. The participants promise to try their best to overcome their learning challenges so that they can effectively apply what they have learned to practical work in their localities. Moreover, they hope for the NAPA’s leadership and trainers to provide favourable support, enabling the participants to successfully complete the course.

A group photo of the delegates and participants attending the opening ceremony.

A group photo of the delegates and participants attending the opening ceremony.

After the opening ceremony, the Department of Refresher Training Management introduced participants to the course regulations and information, including the rules and schedule of the training course, international cooperation regulations, temporary residence, visas, accommodation, travel arrangements, daily activities, and scholarships.

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