Party General Secretary Nguyen PhuTrong appealing for concerted efforts against the COVID-19 pandemic

On July 29, 2021, Party General Secretary Nguyen PhuTrong made an appeal to Vietnamese people in the country and overseas for concerted efforts against the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Party General Secretary Nguyen PhuTrong appealing for concerted efforts against the COVID-19 pandemic

The Party General Secretary Nguyen PhuTrong appealing for concerted efforts against the COVID-19 pandemic

“Dear compatriots, comrades, solders nationwide and compatriots overseas

In the context of complicated developments of the COVID-19 epidemic, our Party and State have issued directives on strengthening the epidemic prevention and control, taking care of people’s lives and health and boosting socio-economic development.  Many policies have been timely promulgated to support the people and businesses affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Governments at all levels, agencies, localities and people nationwide have proactively and promptly implemented the strong and drastic measures such as social distance, social isolation, “vaccine strategies”, “vaccines and 5K message”, etc. to prevent and fight against the epidemic, and have initially obtained a number of positive results.

On behalf of the Party and State leaders, I would like to praise and highly appreciate the efforts of all Vietnamese people at home and abroad for promoting our traditional patriotism, spirit of solidarity and mutual affection as well as the great support of the international communities in the epidemic prevention and control. I also would like to compliment the timely and active participation of the whole political system, which has contributed to controlling and preventing the outbreak of the epidemic, boosting socio-economic development and protecting people’s lives and health.

The COVID-19 pandemic is still developing complicatedly with an extremely rapid spread, causing great harm to people’s health and lives, and seriously affecting the socio-economic development as well as all aspects of life. With the spirit of “fighting the epidemic like fighting the enemy” and protecting the people’s health and life, first of all, on behalf of the Party and State leaders, I earnestly call for further efforts, solidarity, detemination of the whole Party system, people, and army at home and overseas compatriots with the spirit: We have strived and will strive more, been united and will be more united, been determined and more determined; all people united as a block of solidarity go side by side with the Party, the Government and agencies to find all possible ways to prevent and drastically drive back the spread and outbreak of the epidemic in the community. I request that all levels of the Party committees, party organizations, authorities and steering committees for COVID-19 prevention and control from the central to grassroots levels be more peremptory in their leadership and direction; use all effort and time; prioritize all resources; proactively forecast and well control the situation; not be negligent, subjective, passive or unprepared in responding to new developments of the epidemic; be flexible, creative and effective in implementation this crucial task.

I strongly believe that, with the whole Party and people’s participation, consensus, unity in minds and actions, the great support of our overseas compatriots and international friends, we will definitely defeat the COVID-19 pandemic. We must win it to make a worthy contribution to the common efforts of all humankind for a safe, healthy, peaceful, friendly, cooperative and prosperous world, and to be deserving to the glorious heroic tradition of our nation!”

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