Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc launched new academic year at NAPA

On October 18th 2017, Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc launched a new academic year 2017 – 2018 at National Academy of Public Administration (NAPA). Presented in the ceremony were, Mr. Le Vinh Tan, Minister of Home Affairs (MOHA)  Mr. Trieu Van Cuong, MOHA Vice Minister; Dr. Dang Xuan Hoan, NAPA President; representatives of ministries and agencies; NAPA staff,  and students.

Prime Minister, a NAPA alumnus, acknowledged NAPA’s training achievements over 58 years of establishment and development and its contribution to the ongoing administrative reform in Vietnam.

NAPA has affirmed its prestige and role of a national leading training center in public administration in Vietnam which has produced public leaders and managers.

Prime Minister

Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc giving a speech in the ceremony

Dr. Dang Xuan Hoan, NAPA President delivers a speech in the ceremony

Dr. Dang Xuan Hoan, NAPA President delivers a speech in the ceremony

The industrial revolution 4.0 brings changes in governance. The public administration must be digital and require public servants to be equipped with digital skills and thorough expertise of public administration as a training institution for senior officials of the government, NAPA plays a crucial role in this process. The Prime Minister urged NAPA to improve its training on public administration and management based on country’s reform requirements and innovation trends in the public sector. In order to provide the public sector with public servants full of integrity, competent and devoted to serve the country, the people, NAPA is asked to focus on the following key tasks: First, to renovate NAPA to provide  high quality human resources training in public administration, public policy, public governance to serve a modern public administration in the context of integration, to develop NAPA into a regional training center for leadership and management.

Second, to promote its traditions in producing public leaders and managers who are able to lead forward and set strategic visions for public sectors and the country as the whole.

Third, to enhance capacity of developing lecturers of NAPA. Ministry of Home Affairs and Ministry of Education and Training are required to further support NAPA in capacity enhancement and attract experts, especially foreigners, in the fields of public policy, public governance, public administration to provide lectures at NAPA.

Fourth, to improve the curricula and learner-centric training methods to ensure the trained public servants to be able to transfer provided knowledge and skills to their management practice.

Fifth, to promote scientific research, to serving the administrative reform and country’s renovation in Vietnam. Ministry of Home Affairs is also asked to involve NAPA in projects of the Government and related ministries concerning public administration reform.

Sixth, to strengthen international cooperation and joint training cooperation, study best practice of training institutions of public administration training in the region and around world of high relevant to Vietnam.



Prime Minister sent a message to NAPA students that NAPA is the best environment for study and research on administrative science and expected students to study harder to contribute to development of their organization as well as the public administration as a whole in Vietnam.


Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc drumming to celebrate the new academic year


The Prime Minister giving a gift to NAPA

After the opening ceremony, the Prime Minister had a meeting with leaders of National Academy of Public Administration. Attending the meeting were Deputy Prime Minister Truong Hoa Binh, Mr. Le Vinh Tan, Minister of Home Affairs and leaders of other ministries, departments and NAPA key executives.

Prime Minister visit NAPA traditional room

Prime Minister visit NAPA traditional room



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