Promotional Civil Service Examination to senior officials

Mr. Le Vinh Tan, Minister of MOHA delivers a speech

Mr. Le Vinh Tan, Minister of MOHA delivers a speech

Mr. Nguyen Hong Tuyen, Director of Department of General Affairs on Legislative Development, Ministry of Justice delivers a speech

Mr. Nguyen Hong Tuyen, Director of Department of General Affairs on Legislative Development, Ministry of Justice delivers a speech

Photo of the ceremony

Photo of the ceremony

On January 06th 2019, National Academy of Public Administration (NAPA) organized an Opening ceremony for Promotional Civil Service Examination to senior officials.

Presented in the ceremony were Mr. Le Vinh Tan, Minister of Vietnam Ministry of Home Affairs (MOHA); Mr. Nguyen Trong Thua, Vice Minister of MOHA; representatives from MOHA departments. From NAPA, there were Dr. Dang Xuan Hoan, NAPA President, Chairperson of the Examination Board; NAPA Vice Presidents; NAPA managers and 587 examinees who are principal officials from different ministries, agencies, provinces, cities of Vietnam.

Giving a speech in the ceremony, Dr. Dang Xuan Hoan, NAPA President stated that building a cohort of qualified, competent civil servants is an decisive factor for  effectiveness and efficiency of civil service. The Promotional Civil Service Examination plays an important role in management and use of civil servants, aiming to assess the quality of civil service and individual civil servants for right placement,  standardize and improve the civil service. It also provides an opportunity for civil servants to evaluate themselves, thereby enhances the spirit of learning and capacity development to perform public duties in the context of industrialization, modernization and international integration. In 2018, NAPA was assigned the task of organizing a promotional civil service examination to senior officials.

Giving a speech in the ceremony,  Mr. Le Vinh Tan, Minister of MOHA affirmed that this is the first year MOHA authorizes NAPA to organize a promotion civil service examination to senior officials. He required the Examination Board, proctors, candidates to follow strictly the examination regulations.


On behalf of the examinees, Mr. Nguyen Hong Tuyen, Director of Department of General Affairs on Legislative Development Ministry of Justice expressed appreciation to MOHA leaders, to NAPA for its warm reception and support for examination. He also stated that all the examinees will comply with the examination rules and regulations and strive to achive the highest results.

The  promotional civil service examination will last from January 05th , 2019 to January 13th, 2019 with the following subjects: general knowledge, computer skill, English language, writing and presenting a project proposal.

Photos of the ceremony:

Mr. Bui Huy Tung, Chief of NAPA Office, in charge of Department of Refresher Training Management announces the Decisions of the Examination

Mr. Bui Huy Tung, Chief of NAPA Office, in charge of Department of Refresher Training Management announces the Decisions of the Examination

Dr. Dang Xuan Hoan, NAPA President Chairperson of Examination Board, delivers opening speech

Dr. Dang Xuan Hoan, NAPA President Chairperson of Examination Board, delivers opening speech

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