Remaining localities asked to connect with e-govt assessment system

The Ministry of Information and Communications (MIC) has asked 16 ministries, branches and localities that have yet to connect to the e-govt assessment system to complete a full connection in January.


Developing online public services is a focus for the ministry in 2024, with two major requirements – full online public services and substantial services. The former means that people can follow all steps of procedures at home, while the latter means that the public service can be used at home by at least 70 percent of people.

To promote the development of services in every field, MIC believes there should be a technological tool that assists measurement and monitoring of government service provision and use.

The system, called EMC, is the system built by MIC to measure, assess, supervise and manage the supply and effectiveness of the use of information and online public services by state agencies.

The requirements on data connection and sharing that assess online public services are stipulated in government decrees No 45 dated April 8, 2020 on administrative procedures on electromagnetic environment, and No42 dated June 24, 2022 on online information and public services by state agencies in the internet environment.

Through collection of data on the use of information and online public services on the Electronic Information Portal, the information system handles administrative procedures of ministries, branches and localities, while the EMC system supports the National Committee on Digital Transformation, and MIC will monitor and assess the use of online public services by ministries and provinces in real time.

The National Digital Transformation Agency under MIC reported that 67 ministries, branches and localities had implemented a full connection with EMC as of January 18, while 16 ministries, branches and localities had not fulfilled the process yet.

MIC has requested ministries and localities to check legal documents and perfect the legal framework, as well as policies to deploy full online public services. It is also necessary to have policies to encourage people to use online public services.

According to MIC, in 2023, 100 percent of ministries, branches and localities checked and issued the lists of administrative procedures that met requirements for online public services as stipulated in Decree 42.

Eighty one percent of administrative procedures were online.

As of December 2023, 49 cities/provinces had issed policies on fee and charge cuts, while 13 cities/provinces had issued policies on shortening the time needed for following procedures.


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