Scientific workshop “Consolidating the training curriculum, developing the guidance for teaching population and development at the National Academy of Public Administration”

( – On December 2, 2020, National Academy of Public Administration organized a scientific workshop “Consolidating the training curriculum, developing the guidance for teaching population and development at the National Academy of Public Administration” in collaboration with the General Department of Population and Family Planning (Ministry of Health). Dr. Nguyen Dang Que, NAPA President attended and delivered the speech.

Attending the workshop was Mr. Luong Quang Dang, Director, Personnel and Organization Department, General Department of Population – Family Planning; Mr. Mai Trung Son, Deputy Director, Department of Population Size and Family Planning, General Department of Population – Family Planning; Ms. Do Thi Hong, Deputy Director, Department of Communication, Education, General Department of Population – Family Planning. On the side of NAPA was Dr. Nguyen Quang Vinh, Editor-in-chief of State Management Review; Assoc.Prof.Dr. Hoang Mai, Director, Department of Graduate Training Management; Assoc.Prof.Dr. Tran Thi Dieu Oanh, Dean, Faculty of State – Law and Fundamental Theories; Dr. Dang Thanh Le, Director, Institute of Administrative Studies; Dr. Nguyen Tien Hiep, Director,  Center for Foreign Languages ​​- Informatics and Information – Library; Dr. Ta Thi Huong, Deputy Dean, Department of State Management of Social Affairs; Dr. Nguyen Thu Thuy, Deputy Director,  Department Planning – Finance; and scholars, lecturers inside and outside NAPA.

Dr. Nguyen Dang Que speaking at the Workshop

Dr. Nguyen Dang Que speaking at the Workshop

Speaking at the workshop, Dr. Nguyen Dang Que highly appreciated the collaboration between NAPA and the General Department of Population and Family Planning in organizing the workshop. He emphasized that as a leading national training institution for cadres, civil servants and public employees, NAPA is pleased to cooperate with the General Department of Population – Family Planning, authority for population and family planning in areas of mutual interest. The workshop provided an opportunity for scholars and managers exchange and provide evidence for NAPA to consolidate the training curriculum and develop the guidance for teaching population and development for training courses at NAPA. Dr. Nguyen Dang Que affirmed that in the coming time, NAPA will continue to work more closely with the General Department of Population and Family Planning and invite the General Department’s experts to participate in teaching the topic on population and development in NAPA’s training programs.

Dr. Nguyen Quang Vinh co-chaired the workshop

Dr. Nguyen Quang Vinh co-chaired the workshop

Addressing at the workshop, Dr. Nguyen Quang Vinh emphasized that the Communist Party of Vietnam and the State mobilize all resources for the goals of “rich people, strong country, democracy, justice, civilization” and “building a socialist rule-of-law State of the people, by the people and for the people ”. These goals are concretized through specific objectives at different levels in various aspects of social development. Quality of the population is a specific objective for the goals. Improving the quality of the population is the objective and the desired  outcome that the entire political system of our country is aiming to achive. The workshop focused on the question of how to improve the quality of the current population in Vietnam from the perspective of state management . Dr. Nguyen Quang Vinh stated State Management Review is the focal point to coordinate with relevant faculties and departments to implement population and development activities at NAPA. Comments from lecturers, scholars, managers attending the seminar will be suggestions for NAPA to consolidate the training curriculum, develop the guidance for  teaching population and development for the training programs.

Ms. Do Thi Hong co-chaired the workshop

Ms. Do Thi Hong co-chaired the workshop

The workshop received 32 papers by scholars, experts, lecturers inside and outside NAPA. At the workshop, presentations focused on the following issues: Issues to be studied and covered in  teaching when shifting the focus of the population policy from family planning to population and development (Prof. Dr. Nguyen Dinh Cu); Population policy in the new situations (Mr. Luong Quang Dang), Orientation on adjusting fertility rate and improving the quality of family planning services in the coming time (Mr. Mai Trung Son); Implementing the education, communication, and advocacy to reduce the imbalance in sex ratio at birth in Vietnam (Dr. Ta Thi Huong).

 Dr. Nguyen Quang Vinh giving a wrap-up at the workshop

Dr. Nguyen Quang Vinh giving a wrap-up at the workshop

In the wrap-up, Dr. Nguyen Quang Vinh stated presentations as well as suggestions and comments at the workshop would provide valuable imputs for the coming-soon column on population and development on the State Management Review Online. This collumn will post all workshop presentations to disseminate knowledge on  population and development. In the coming time, State Management Review in particular and NAPA in general will continue to work closely with the General Department of Population and Family Planning in the fields of mutual interest. /.

Some pictures at the workshop:

Dr. Ta Quang Tuan, Deputy Editor-in-chief, State Management Review introducing the workshop

Dr. Ta Quang Tuan, Deputy Editor-in-chief, State Management Review introducing the workshop

Prof.Dr. Nguyen Dinh Cu, former Director, Institute for Population and Social Issues, National Economic University presenting at the workshop

Prof.Dr. Nguyen Dinh Cu, former Director, Institute for Population and Social Issues, National Economic University presenting at the workshop

Mr. Luong Quang Dang speaking at the workshop

Mr. Luong Quang Dang speaking at the workshop

Mr. Mai Trung Son speaking at the workshop

Mr. Mai Trung Son speaking at the workshop

Dr. Ta Thi Huong speaking at the workshop

Dr. Ta Thi Huong speaking at the workshop

Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen Nam Phuong, National Economic University speaking at the workshop

Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen Nam Phuong, National Economic University speaking at the workshop

Workshop participants

Workshop participants


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