Seminar “Collaborative governance: Challenges and opportunities in the United States and Viet Nam” and Training of Trainers on Collaborative Governance for Key Lecturers of NAPA

On March 6 – 7, 2024, the National Academy of Public Administration (NAPA), in collaboration with experts from Portland State University, Oregon, USA, organized the Seminar on “Collaborative governance – Challenges and opportunities in the United States and Viet Nam” and a Training of Trainers on collaborative governance for key lecturers of NAPA in Ho Chi Minh City. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Quoc Suu, NAPA Vice President, co-chaired the Seminar and delivered the opening remarks.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Quoc Suu delivering the opening remarks.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Quoc Suu delivering the opening remarks.

Participating in the Seminar and Training were international experts including Prof. Stephen Greenwood, Senior Lecturer and Dr. Dang Van Huan from the National Policy Consensus Center at Portland State University, USA.

Representing NAPA were Dr. Truong Cong Hoa, Executive Deputy Director of the NAPA Branch Campus in Ho Chi Minh City, Ms. Pham Thi Quynh Hoa, Director of the Department of International Cooperation, leaders of the NAPA functional departments and units, representatives of educational institutions, experts, scientists, lecturers and students of the NAPA Branch Campus in Ho Chi Minh City.

An overview of the opening ceremony of the Seminar and Training program.

An overview of the opening ceremony of the Seminar and Training program.

In his opening remarks, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Quoc Suu emphasized: “In 2023, Viet Nam – United States relationship was officially elevated to a comprehensive strategic partnership, increasingly deepening substance and positively contributing to security, peace, cooperation, and sustainable development in the region and the world. In that context, NAPA promotes the expansion of its cooperation network with US partners to attract expert and financial support sources in developing documents, training programs, updating modern management knowledge, aiming to develop NAPA into a special training center in Viet Nam”.

The program aims to organize exchanges on theoretical and practical issues of cooperative governance in the United States and Viet Nam; provide trainers and students who are public servants, with a theoretical and practical system on collaborative governance, challenges and opportunities, including teaching skills and applied practice. During two working days, through case studies, experts provided new insights into collaborative governance to support leaders and managers of public sector agencies in the region with experiences and modern management tools in a cooperative culture, building consensus and collaboration between people/businesses and state management agencies and vice versa, aiming to effectively resolve governance tasks and public service delivery.

Ms. Natella Svistunova – Public Affairs Officer, the US Consulate General in Ho Chi Minh City, awarding certificates at the closing ceremony.

Ms. Natella Svistunova – Public Affairs Officer, the US Consulate General in Ho Chi Minh City, awarding certificates at the closing ceremony.

This is the first activity within the framework of cooperation between the NAPA of Viet Nam and the National Policy Consensus Center, Portland State University – USA, funded by the US Consulate General in Ho Chi Minh City, focusing on designing programs, seminars, and training for faculty and staff on collaborative governance. Also in March, the second event will be held at the NAPA Branch Campus in the Central Region. Based on the results of the seminars and training courses, trainers will deliver lectures and develop research reports and pilot proposals into specialized topics to serve the training activities for officials after being approved by competent authorities.

Dr. Truong Cong Hoa, Executive Deputy Director of the NAPA Branch Campus in Ho Chi Minh City, delivering his closing remarks.

Dr. Truong Cong Hoa, Executive Deputy Director of the NAPA Branch Campus in Ho Chi Minh City, delivering his closing remarks.

In his closing remarks, authorized by NAPA leaders, Dr. Truong Cong Hoa, Executive Deputy Director of the NAPA Branch Campus in Ho Chi Minh City emphasized: “Based on the comprehensive strategic partnership between the Governments of Viet Nam and the United States, NAPA wishes to promote and expand many bilateral and multilateral cooperation opportunities with US partners. From these cooperative programs, many officials, trainers, students and participants at NAPA will benefit from the experiential and academic values brought by American and Vietnamese experts.”

A group photo of the program delegates.

A group photo of the program delegates.

 P/s: The National Policy Consensus Center of Portland State University, Oregon, USA, is a pioneering institution in the field of new trending practices and is a founding member of the University Network for Collaborative Governance. The Center has provided training for government officials, academics and NGOs globally in recent years. The textbook “Collaborative Governance: Principles, Processes, and Practical Tools” developed by the Center has been widely taught and disseminated worldwide.

Some photos of the program activities

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