Seminar on Graduate Training

On September 19th, 2019, NAPA held the seminar “Graduate training at the National Academy of Public Administration”, which is an activity of the plan for development and implementation of the application-oriented graduate training programs in accordance with Government Decree No. 73/2015 / ND-CP issued on September 8th, 2015.

Attending the seminar were Dr. Dang Xuan Hoan, NAPA President; NAPA faculties and administrators; Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dao Thanh Truong, Dean of Management Science, University of Social Sciences and Humanities; Dr. Chu Manh Hung, Chairperson of the Board of Directors, Hanoi Law University; Dr. Ha Quang Ngoc, Vice Rector of the University of Home Affairs.

Speaking in the seminar, Dr. Dang Xuan Hoan appreciated coordination between the Department of Graduate Training Management and faculties, academics in master training. He emphasized the need to improve quality of the graduate training of NAPA – the national center of administrative sciences. NAPA aims to provide high quality training, application-oriented training, elite training programs which encourage graduate students to be creative and carry out research works.

Dr. Dang Xuan Hoan, NAPA President delivering opening speech at the seminar

Dr. Dang Xuan Hoan, NAPA President delivering opening speech at the seminar

Assoc.Prof.Dr. Hoang Mai, Director of the Graduate Training Management, the seminar moderator introduced the application-oriented graduate training model which is implemented in the provinces and localities in the key economic regions. NAPA invited academics and managers who have been implementing application-oriented graduate training programs to exchange experiences

Assoc.Prof. Dr. Hoang Mai, Director of the Department of Graduate Training Management chairing the seminar

Assoc.Prof. Dr. Hoang Mai, Director of the Department of Graduate Training Management chairing the seminar

Speaking at the seminar, Dr. Chu Manh Hung shared the challenges in enrollment in his university which was decreased in comparison with previous years due to many reasons. His university has applied technology to deal with plagiarism.

Dr. Chu Manh Hung, Hanoi Law University speaking at the seminar

Dr. Chu Manh Hung, Hanoi Law University speaking at the seminar

Assoc.Prof.Dr. Dao Thanh Truong said allowing students of the selected training programs to write essays instead of thesis has shortened the training time to 18 months and the current challenge is the decrease in enrollment compared to previous years.

Assoc.Prof. Dr. Dao Thanh Truong, University of Social Sciences and Humanities speaking at the seminar

Assoc.Prof. Dr. Dao Thanh Truong, University of Social Sciences and Humanities speaking at the seminar

Dr. Ha Quang Ngoc stated a problem prevailing graduate students in many universities all over the country that they could not make distinction between the title of the master thesis and the one of the doctoral dissertation.

Dr. Ha Quang Ngoc, Vice Rector of the University of Home Affairs speaking at the seminar

Dr. Ha Quang Ngoc, Vice Rector of the University of Home Affairs speaking at the seminar

All opinions shared at the seminar have affirmed that NAPA is a prestigious training institution, a national center for administrative science and training centre for Public Management, Public Policy. Moreover, NAPA students are cadres, civil servants and public employees working in the state agencies and organizations under the political system. Therefore, NAPA’s application-oriented training will help students to promote their working capacity, contributing to the better quality of the public service. This NAPA’s strength helps attract students of diverse background and at the same time facilitates those students who are local cadres and civil servants.

Dr. Nguyen Tien Hiep, Director of the Organization and Personnel Department, NAPA stated that it is necessary to strengthen NAPA’s competitiveness through improving its lecturers and shortening the training time in response to the current difficulties and challenges. Dr. Nguyen Thi Thanh Thuy, Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences and Organization – Personnel Management, said NAPA should standardize its training programs to meet the international level.

Dr. Nguyen Tien Hiep, Director of Personnel and Organization Department, speaking at the seminar

Dr. Nguyen Tien Hiep, Director of Personnel and Organization Department, speaking at the seminar

Assoc. Prof.Dr. Nguyen Quoc Suu, Dean of the Faculty of State – Law and Theoretical Foundations affirmed that with the current mandated position and quality faculties compared to other training institutions, NAPA is capable to provide application-oriented graduate training programs, especially the application-oriented master program in Constitutional and Administrative Law.


Assoc. Prof.Dr. Nguyen Quoc Suu, Dean of the Faculty of State – Law and Theoretical Foundations speaking at the seminar

In wrapping-up at the end of the seminar, Assoc.Prof.Dr. Hoang Mai emphasized that delivery of the application-oriented graduate training programs in localities is one of the breakthrough solutions for development of the graduate training. NAPA has had the legal rationale and capacity to develop application-oriented graduate training programs.

Dr. Mai Huu Bon, Head, Division of Graduate Training Management, speaking at the seminar

Dr. Mai Huu Bon, Head, Division of Graduate Training Management, speaking at the seminar

Video conference from NAPA branch campus in Ho Chi Minh City

Video conference from NAPA branch campus in Tay Nguyen

Video conference from NAPA branch campus in Tay Nguyen

Ms. Mai Thi Phuong Dung speaking at the seminar

Ms. Mai Thi Phuong Dung speaking at the seminar

Video conference from NAPA branch campus in Hue City

Dr. Nguyen Thi Thanh Thuy, Deputy Head of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences and Organization – Personnel Management speaking at the seminar

Dr. Nguyen Thi Thanh Thuy, Deputy Head of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences and Organization – Personnel Management speaking at the seminar

Panorama of the seminar

Panorama of the seminar



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