Some results and experiences in administrative reform in Quang Ninh province

After five years of implementing the resolution No. 30/NQ-CP on 08/11/2011 of the Government issued the overall program to reform the State administration 2011-2020, the work of State public administration reform (PAR) in QuangNinh province has achieved important results, contributing to the comprehensive development of the economy and society of the province. The speed of local productivity (GRDP) increases by an average of 9.2% per year, calculated according to the current price in 2015 achieving approximately 100,300 billion, about twice compared with the 2010 year and per capita of about $3,900, 1.76 times in 2010, 1.77 times the nationwide average (2,200 USD).


From these initial results in implementing State PAR inQuangNinh province the following experiences are drawn:
First, get the satisfaction of organizations and citizens as the target of the State administrative reform.
That is the most important message to advocacy, education and awareness, creating the power of both the political system and the people on the party’s major undertakings, PAR programs of the Government. The province has focused on advocacy work of PAR on all mass media for all organizations, enterprises and the people. The PPC has issued decision no 1000/QD-UBND on 15/4/2013 regarding the approval of the project strengthening the work of information propagation on a PAR Quang Ninh province by the year 2015. The regular media advocacy work of PAR with the province’s State category “administrative reform” under the program signed between the Provincial People’s Committee (PPC) with the Fatherland Front and the Union of the province of Quang Ninh, newspaper, radio and television Phenomenon and the electronic portal of PPC.
A new feature in PAR is the establishment of service centers of public administration at provincial level and district level by the Chairman as its head and issues working regulations, assign specific tasks to the members to guide, monitor and supervise the implementation in each sector, units and localities according to the annual plan. The implementation of e-government and service centers of public administration is determined to be the breakthrough PAR of Quang Ninh province, demonstrating the determination of the political system towards the public administration service, taking the satisfaction of organizations and individuals is one measure of the success of the PAR.
QuangNinh province has directed the synchronous implementation of PAR contents, including reviewing, simplifying and reducing inappropriate administrative procedures, reducing the time for handling administrative procedures; implementing electronic government construction. So far basically completed the construction of e-government schemes such as data integration center, building common software and online public service software; implementing communication, training electronic citizens; established and put into operation centers for public administration at provincial level and 14 localities. Completed review and announcement of administrative procedures of three levels of government (total administrative procedures were 1,284, of which provincial level 1,026, district level 183, commune level 75), standardized and brought 100% of prime administrative procedures at public administrative service centers follow the principle of “receiving, appraising and approving at the center” to ensure convenience, openness and transparency. The satisfaction rate of people and businesses to solve procedures at the public administrative service centers of the province reached over 98%. The model of the center for public administration in QuangNinh is highly appreciated by the Central Government, the new model is being perfected to choose and many other localities can learn from the experience.
Second, the determination of the head.
The head here can be understood as collectives at the level of committees, People’s Councils, People’s Committees and heads of units at all levels, in which the party committee secretary plays a particularly important role. The leader is always the one who initiated, presided over, commanded and inspected and supervised the implementation to realize the set objectives, affirmed the political determination of the entire party and people. The head is enthusiastic, resolute, persistent, and encourages timely mobilization of cadres, civil servants and units with achievements and reviews to remind units that hesitate, lack determination and removing difficulties and obstacles, then the reforms will be successful.
The Provincial People’s Committee issued a Resolution on promoting PAR and developing high-quality human resources in QuangNinh province to 2020, with a vision to 2030, demonstrating the determination of the whole political system towards the administration. modern.
Thirdly, choosing the breakthrough is the reform of administrative procedures.
Although public administrative reforms must be synchronized in all aspects, it is necessary to select breakthroughs to focus on leading and directing the implementation. Quang Ninh province has selected three key tasks of the period: institutional reform; to build and improve the quality of the contingent of cadres, civil servants and employees; improve the quality of services provided by public administration and public service delivery agencies, with a clear emphasis on administrative reform.
The reform of administrative procedures, the improvement of the quality of administrative services and the quality of public services are the breakthroughs that are important in creating quality and effective public administration reform. Altered, supplemented or replaced, abolished the regulations on administrative procedures applied in units, submitted to the Chairman of the provincial People’s Committee for publication and updating to the national database on the administrative center. Developing procedures at the administrative center for the receipt and settlement of investment procedures in the direction of simplification, clarity, publicity and transparency, creating an attraction for domestic and foreign investors to Quang Ninh Province.
Agencies, units and local plans to implement OSS in state administrative agencies at all levels in the province, ensuring the unified direction of the province.
In the period from 2011 to 2015, the Department of Justice has conducted evaluation of 462 draft legal, and reviewing and evaluating the content related to reorganization plan, the apparatus in the project “Capacity building leadership and combativeness; renewing the Party’s leadership methods and apparatus streamlining payroll “of branches and localities.
Decree No. 43/2006 / ND-CP dated April 25, 2006 of the Government “Regulating autonomy and self-responsibility for the performance of tasks, organizational structure, payroll and finance for units public career ”is taken seriously. The province issued Decision No. 3868 / QD-UBND dated December 17, 2010 on decentralizing revenue sources and spending tasks among budget levels. Accordingly, units using funds allocated for the right purposes, economically and efficiently, and fulfilling their tasks will be able to use the saved budget to pay additional incomes for officials and public employees. Therefore, the average income increased for officials and civil servants ranged from 1.5 to over 2 million VND / 1 month.
The Provincial People’s Committee issued Decision No. 3473 / QD-UBND dated December 20, 2013, Decision No. 3090 / QD-UBND dated December 15, 2014, on classifying and assigning autonomy and self-responsibility for financial resources. in 2014 and 2015, for 44 public business units with financial autonomy from 20% to 100% of regular expenditures, including 17 100% autonomous units, 18 autonomous units of 50%, 04 units 30% autonomy, 5 autonomous units 20% financially.



Fourth, people are identified as the most decisive factor.
To achieve sustainable public service delivery, the decisive factor is the people in the civil service with the qualities and qualifications.Quality of cadres and civil servants depend on the institutional system, organizational structure, training mode, training, layout, management mechanisms, remuneration policies and awareness raising of the very essence body officials and public servants.Determining the importance of building cadres and civil servants, Quang Ninh Provincial Party Committee issued Resolution No. 10-NQ / TU dated 05/12/2013 on orientations and tasks for 2014, of which focus on the implementation of the five thematic tasks: “Raising the leadership capacity, fighting capacity, renewing Party leadership; Streamline the system, payroll “. Subsequently, on 28/02/2014, the Provincial Party Committee issued Directive No. 25-CT / TU directing the Party Committee, the Government, the Fatherland Front and mass organizations at all levels to actively implement, develop and implement Project “Renewal of the Party’s leadership style; Streamline the system, payroll “.
Accordingly, the province has reviewed and rearranged the apparatus to 21 specialized agencies under the Provincial People’s Committee, including 17 departments and 3 departments with 399 affiliated units (17 branches, 02 boards, 165 rooms, 155 non-productive units) and 174 professional agencies under the district-level People’s Committees (14 out of 14 districts, towns and cities).
All units and localities have completed the project on rearrangement of organizational apparatus, streamlining of the payroll, clearly defining the functions, tasks, powers and regulations on organization and operation of agencies, unit, ensure synchronous, streamlined, efficient; Overcoming the overlap. The staffing assigned to agencies, units and localities is stable, not increasing in 05 years from 2012 to 2016.
The recruitment of civil servants is carried out in accordance with regulations, ensuring publicity and transparency. The province decentralises the authority to recruit officials for departments, committees and districts. The formulation of the scheme on employment positions and structure of civil servants’ ranks and organizational structures according to professional titles has been implemented at 100% of departments, agencies, units and people’s committees of districts, towns and cities in the province, is currently submitting to the Ministry of Home Affairs for approval. Accordingly, the project has built 2,772 job positions, of which the leadeffrship, management and administration team is 1,096 positions; Professional expertise is 1,527 positions; Support jobs are 149 positions.
The training and retraining of cadres and civil servants is invested heavily. In the period from 2011 to June 2015, the province has devoted to domestic training and retraining with a budget of 51 billion and 451 million VND  with about 39,270 turns of trainees (including training and retraining of officials, Commune-level civil servants are 9,705 people). The budget for foreign training and retraining are 63 billion and 992 million VND for 786 turns of people, the highest ever. In 3 years, from 2011 to 2013, the provincial budget paid a one-time allowance after training for cadres, civil servants and officials of 18 billion and 936 million VND. As of 2014, commune civil servants with intermediate or higher qualifications accounted for 96.96% (91.39% in 2011); 47.21% is the number of communal civil servants who have trained and retrained political skills (29.28% in 2011).
QuangNinh province has organized a pilot test for leadership positions and management at the grassroots level. The organization of the pilot examination is carried out in accordance with the provisions of the law on cadre work, and the province has issued specific documents to guide departments, localities which are implemented with transparency, correct procedure. Many units and localities have elaborated plans and organized pilot tests for leadership positions at the divisional and equivalent levels of units and localities. This can be considered as a breakthrough in personnel work, contributing to improving the quality of human resources, especially staff and managers.
The province has issued regulations on allowances for cadres and civil servants working at the units receiving and returning results at all levels and stipulating the regime of assisting focal officers in the task of controlling the administrative center.
Fifth, invest in facilities.
In order to create conditions for individuals and organizations to facilitate the settlement of administrative procedures, in 2013, the provincial People’s Committee decided to pilot the establishment of a provincial public administrative center and 05 district public administrative centers. So far, 14 out of 14 districts, towns and cities have established public administrative centers and come into operation. Since the establishment, public administrative centers have quickly stabilized the organizational structure, completed the process and time for solving administrative procedures; To intensify the urge, supervision and inspection of the implementation of, and coordinate with the provincial / municipal services, branches and localities in, reviewing and unifying the list of administrative procedures into public administrative centers.
Provincial portal with 71 component gates, 19 website links have served effectively the direction and administration of the provincial Party Committee, People’s Council and People’s Committee; Departments, People’s Committees of districts, towns and cities in the province continuously update the administrative procedures to help people and enterprises to easily look up and carry out procedures. Up to now, the provincial E-Portal has provided 1,286 public services (including 1,028 provincial public services, 183 district-level public services and 75 commune-level public services), of which public services all reached 1.2; Private online services level 3, 4 are 148 services. The provincial e-mail system has 10.267 mailboxes with more than 120 user groups, with an average of over 2,500 accounts per month.
From 2011 to date, 238 units and localities in the province have developed and applied the ISO 9001: 2008 quality management system into state management.

Sixth, regularly check the implementation.
Inspection and inspection work is paid attention by the provincial People’s Committee and functional agencies to implement regularly. Based on the assigned tasks, the PAR Standing Office of the province and other departments and agencies are assigned by the PPC to take charge of the content of the PAR program, the localities and annually carry out the actual construction and organization implement inspection plan as required.
Self-checking and checking documents in the province are conducted regularly and achieve high results. From 2011 to 2014, the Department of Justice coordinated with departments, branches in the province to review 396 legal documents promulgated by the provincial People’s Council and People’s Committee. The review has suggested amending, supplementing or promulgating 32 new documents to be in line with the documents of superior state agencies and in line with the socio-economic situation of the province.
On the basis of the review of documents issued by departments, agencies and localities, the provincial People’s Committee issued a decision to announce a list of valid documents, which expire in full or in part in 2014, to help the development, application and enforcement of laws and regulations of the agencies and units that are convenient and effective, to enhance the openness and transparency of the legal system.
In the past 5 years, the Department of Home Affairs of the province organized inspection and inspection of 123/186 communal units, 14/14 district units and 14/19 departments, agencies related to administrative reform, discipline and administrativediscipline in public service, office civilization, implementation of democratic regulations, management of cadres, anti-corruption and public and transparent implementation in state management activities. Thereby, unsuitable content has been discovered, timely suspended or modified, canceled, abolished, ensuring constitutionality, legality and uniformity, publicity and transparency, unity of the whole legal system.
Initial results in Quang Ninh province in State PAR is very important, but it is necessary to continue summarizing, searching for the specific, more practical solution, to achieve strong and sustainable  public administration./.

Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Minh Tuan
Ho Chi Minh National Political Academy


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