Some solutions to build key contingents of cadres at the grassroot level in Danang

Cadres of executive committees and authorities at the grassroots level are those who regularly interact with the people and are best understood by the people. Therefore, building a contingent of grassroots cadres who are proficient in working, talking, doing, capable of organizing and mobilizing people to implement the Party’s guidelines, the State’s policies and laws is always a requirement both immediately and in the long term.

Recently, the establishment of cadres and civil servants (CBCC) at grassroots level has achieved important results, the grassroots cadres and civil servants are focused on training, retraining and the policy regime is more complete, increasing in terms of quantity, level and knowledge of many aspects. However, the building of grassroots cadres and civil servants is still weak; the content of the training program is inadequate; planning is still passive and patchy; regimes and policies are not really satisfactory …In response to the requirements of the country’s renovation, international integration, the government apparatus at all levels, especially the local authorities in Da Nang city, have been focused on perfecting and gradually improving on quality. As a result, Da Nang city has built up fundamental resources to deal with many great things in the development process.

Đà nẵng(Photo VGP/Minh Trang)

In order to build a contingent of leadership and management with more quality to meet the requirements of the mission, Da Nang Party Committee has seriously implemented the Central Resolution 4, the XI term of the Party, which tied to the local specific task. The list of disciplined party members in 2014 was publicized at the Annual preliminary review meeting, which followed the Da Nang Party Committee’s Directive 29 with the main content of implementing “5 construction” – responsibility, professionalism, honesty, disciplines, examples and “3 anti” – bureaucracy, negativity, form. In 2014, Da Nang City Party Committee disciplined 51 party members, in which in the People’s Committees of districts, wards and communes, there were 21 cases of which reprimanded 10, warned 6, fired 4, downgraded salary of 1; the departments, boards, branches of the City had 30 cases which reprimanded 15, warned 6, demoted 6 and dismissed 3. Issuance of Directive 29 of the Da Nang City Party Committee aims to promote administrative reform, enhancing responsibilities and public morals so that cadres, civil servants and public officials are dedicated to serving the people and the result achieved when implementing “5 construction” and “3 anti” was “popular”. The motto of Da Nang’s Party Committee in cadre work is: “It is better to offend each other than to offend the people” (1). Serious heads are responsible for the limitations of their agencies and units, rearranging the apparatus, re-evaluating their capacities, eliminating the corrupted, degenerate, bureaucratic cadres…
However, many factors related to the quality and performance of the authorities at all levels, especially at the grassroots level, have not yet met the development needs of the City. One of the causes of the above situation is due to the management capacity of the communal cadres and civil servants still has shortcomings and limitations.
Stemming from the above situation, to improve the quality of administrative management at the grassroots level in the city of Da Nang in the next period, it is necessary to focus on implementing some of the following basic solutions:
Firstly, standardizing titles of key grassroots officials to meet state management requirements.
Standards of grassroots cadres and civil servants have been specified by the Ministry of Home Affairs in Decision No. 04/2004/QD-BNV dated January 16, 2004. According to this regulation, the general standards are appropriate, but it is difficult to implement if it has not been specified for the requirements and activities of grassroots cadres, especially with key titles in a specific locality like Da Nang. Based on common standards, it is possible to specify the standards of key grassroots cadres in Da Nang into the following three basic standard groups:
First, the group of political, moral and lifestyle qualities:
– Be loyal to the revolutionary ideals of the Party, Ho Chi Minh’s thoughts, trust and abide by the Party’s reforms, enthusiastic and devoting to the job, with a sense of responsibility to the people. High determination in leadership and directing socioeconomic development, improving the material and spiritual life of local people;
– Having a strong political spirit, steadfastness when facing any difficulties and challenges; dynamic, creative, flexible in operation to both maintain sociopolitical stability, and best mobilize resources to fulfill socioeconomic development objectives in each period;
– Must regularly cultivate, train, practice “diligent, thrifty, honest, righteous and fair”. Be respectful of and maintain disciplines, live honestly and righteously, non-corrupted, wasteful, responsible, compassionate and behave properly. Besides, key cadres at the grassroots level must have professional ethics. It is a sense of responsibility and discipline in work, conscious of saving time, money, and resources; not greedy and self-interest, conscious of criticism and self-criticism.
Second, the standard group of qualifications and capacities:
– Must have knowledge and professional qualifications to ensure the completion of assigned tasks and responsibilities, namely:
+ Regarding culture, it is necessary to ensure that 100% of key cadres having graduated from high school, because this is the basis and foundation to be able to acquire new knowledge in the fields serving their own tasks;
+ Striving to have 100% cadres obtaining university degree;
+ 100% of grassroots cadres must have political reasoning at intermediate or higher level.
– Ability to perceive and grasp new things. Key cadres at the grassroots level must quickly approach new things, expand and supplement basic and comprehensive knowledge, while increasing their in-depth knowledge by many sources, many measures, especially self-study. self-research.
– Ability to organize implementation. The implementation capacity requires key cadres at the grassroots level to know how to apply creatively the Party’s guidelines and policies, the State’s policies and laws into practice, to set up specific programs and plans, to be capable of propagandizing and mobilizing people, assigning human resources to implement the proposed plan effectively. In addition, the capacity to organize implementation also requires key cadres at the grassroots level to summarize the practice, draw good experiences, useful lessons to both improve their work and help comrades, colleagues to improve practical capacity.
Third, work style:
This is also one of the basic factors that make up the quality of the contingent of cadres. Working style should be developed, strengthened and developed according to the following requirements:- Always creative and dynamic to apply the Party’s views, guidelines and policies in appropriate conditions, time and space, especially in the context of developing a socialist-oriented market economy, to boost industrialization and modernization in order to contribute to building Da Nang city into one of the country’s major cities, a major socioeconomic center of the Central region.- The enthusiasm, fervor, honesty, objectivity while working are also very important requirements to create the work quality of key cadres at grassroots level. Currently, due to the limitations in the regimes and policies for grassroots cadres and living conditions with many difficulties and shortcomings while the political mission of the establishment is very diverse, if cadres are not enthusiastic, ardent, positive, the quality and efficiency of work cannot be high.- The key cadres at grassroots level must dare to think, dare to do, dare to take responsibility, saying going along with doing, not arbitrary, always in close touch with and attached to the masses.- Key cadres at the grassroots level must also have a democratic style to gather public opinions to improve their work, they must “eyes see, ears listen, legs go, mind thinks, mouth talks and hands do “.
Secondly, reviewing and comprehensively assessing the contingent of cadres, civil servants at wards and communes in the whole city.
Assessing CBCC is the most difficult, delicate and complicated stage in cadre work, and the first step to decide to arrange and use cadres and civil servants, and at the same time a factor easily causing internal disunity, so the assessment of cadres and civil servants must be placed within the scope of work and operating environment. Regular monitoring must be combined with periodic reviews; assessment must be intrinsic, avoid form, not merely by process, degree, qualifications, age, not narrow-minded, prejudiced about background and decent composition, removing old and outdated notions, respecting the rank of positions in the Party, in the state apparatus. In the assessment, there must be many different sources of information to analyze, objectively select, considering the work efficiency and the actual contribution as a measure of quality and capacity of cadres and civil servants; must put cadres and civil servants into a specific environment and conditions and consider both their development process and prospects. It is necessary to consult the masses’ opinions near where the cadres and civil servants work to assess the depth of touch to the masses at grassroots level…. All these criteria can be considered as the first important basis for assessing grassroots cadres and civil servants.
The correct assessment will help the planning, training and retraining in accordance with each type of cadres and civil servants. Through the evaluation results, it will determine the reasonable and synchronous level of the current cadres and civil servants’ structure, their quality to have a timely adjustment solution.
In order to carry out the above tasks, the management levels from the central and the city level, the competent agencies must formulate standards and methods to evaluate cadres and civil servants correctly and appropriately, in which priority should be given to quantify the work for each specific title in each period.
Thirdly, making a good planning for the contingent of cadres at grassroots level.
Cadres assigned to key grassroots positions must first be those with strong political bravery, good moral qualities, and ability to meet new requirements and tasks.
The formulation and approval of cadres’ assignment must be done carefully and strictly, ensuring the correct process and general standards of each type of cadres; strictly implementing the principle of democratic centralism, respecting the functional agencies, and ensuring the decisions of the executive committee. On the basis of the approved annual plan, it is necessary to evaluate and take out of the planning unqualified cadres and supplementing to the planning with qualified people.
Recently, Da Nang city implemented Project 89 with the new policy of training the position of Secretary and Chairman of People’s Committees of wards and communes. It is recommended that the City assess and draw experience to build a project to train key cadres at grassroots level, especially the project of training the positions of chairmen of People’s Committees for wards and communes for the following years. At the same time, the City should continue to strengthen the implementation of policies to attract good students to work at the grassroots level.
Experience shows that only when there is a strong and prosperous contingent of cadres and civil servants, can there be a basis to select, arrange and use in a reasonable and effective manner. For each title, it is necessary to prepare from 2 to 3 cadres to be standby and ensure the age standard; at least 3-age-level structure must be implemented to ensure transitionality; noting the young cadres and civil servants who have had outstanding achievements, trained, challenged and female cadres.
Fourthly, innovating training and retraining work by using the contingent of key cadres at grassroots level.
Planning is the first step, followed by the implementation with the viewpoint that planning is not only the assignment and arrangement, but also the main, direct objective which is to develop a plan for training, retraining, cultivating, testing and challenging CBCC. Therefore, the planning of training and retraining of CBCC is very important and the key of the Party and State cadre work. It is necessary to strengthen the training and retraining of CBCC in general and the title of Chairman of People’s Committees of wards and communes in particular after planning, thereby ensuring the feasibility of planning in practice. Training, retraining and cultivating CBCC is an urgent requirement in cadre work.
On the basis of specific standards, wards and communes should actively build cadres planning to send them to training, not only training and retraining after elected like at the moment. It is necessary to develop standards of professional qualifications and ethical qualities that are required when running for candidacy, nominating for key leadership positions at the grassroots level. Not assigning cadres who are too old or incompetent, not capable and have no professional qualifications to hold the titles of key cadres and professional cadres. It is necessary to create a favorable environment for key cadres to improve their competency, with reasonable material and spiritual support.
In the training and retraining work, attention should be paid to updating inadequacies in state management knowledge, communication skills, behavior, civil affairs, situation handling process associated with specific titles, informatics and foreign languages required by the development of a tourist city … Training and retraining must be associated with standards, titles and requirements of using cadres with the motto “know many jobs, but specialize in one”. It is essential to continue to open training courses for key titles at the grassroots level from good students, classes to update knowledge, leadership and management skills … Raising the sense of self-study in cadres, at the same time implementing periodically tests on the knowledge and professional qualifications for each type of CBCC to have a plan to foster knowledge in accordance with requirements. Speeding up the rotation of young cadres from districts to wards and communes and arranging to take key positions for training and retraining.
Increasing the use of competent and qualified young cadres with enthusiastic dedication to the homeland. This is a necessary task to overcome the shortage of resource cadres in many localities today. In order to attract young cadres to work at the grassroots level, it is necessary to arrange a reasonable job and implement a satisfactory remuneration.
Promoting democracy for people to participate in the selection of grassroots cadres. In order to have a good cadre, it is not just based on organization, assignment, review, but also public opinion. There are situations in which people do not admire, believe and love cadres partly due to the fact that they do not strictly implement the Ordinance on Grassroots Democracy including the contents of supervision, evaluation and selection of cadres.
It is necessary to continue to improve the specific and stable regimes and policies for grassroots cadres, which needs to redefine the priority direction for grassroots level. The current situation, the grassroots cadres are inadequate in quantity and weak in quality because policy system for grassroots level is not synchronous, insufficient, which cannot create motivation to “retain” and attract cadres.
Our country is in the process of renovation and integration. Da Nang City is one of the bright spots in the overall development process of the country. In order to ensure stability and development, to maintain the position of a top competitive locality in the country for many years, Da Nang needs to continue implementing synchronous solutions to build a contingent of honest, strong cadres on par with new mission requirements.

Nguyen Thi Tam


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