Special friendship between Vietnam and Cuba: Achievements and development prospects

Overcoming all language barriers and geographical distance, Cuba was the first country in Latin America to establish diplomatic relations with Vietnam in 1960. For more than 6 decades, going through many ups and downs of history with many difficulties and challenges, the friendship and solidarity between Vietnam and Cuba established by President Ho Chi Minh and President Fidel Castro has been nurtured by the Party, State and people of the two countries and has continuously strengthened.


The Vietnamese delegate pays tribute to Cuban national heroes and revolutionary leaders at the Santa Ifigenia Cemetery. (Photo: VNA) 

The two countries have always supported each other in the struggle for the independence, freedom and the revolutionary cause of each nation. Vietnam – Cuba relations have obtained significant achievements and great prospects, actively contributing to peace, stability, cooperation and development in the two regions and in the world.

1. Special relationship between the two countries with the spirit of “Cuba for Vietnam, Vietnam for Cuba”

Located in the East and West of the globe, although Vietnam and Cuba are half a world away from each other and do not have the same language, skin color and culture, the two countries share a common aspiration and revolutionary ideals for independence, peace, freedom and development.

President Ho Chi Minh once affirmed: “Vietnam and Cuba are thousands of miles apart, but the hearts of both peoples are as close as brothers and sisters.” The friendly bilateral relationship was laid by President Ho Chi Minh and President Fidel Castro, cultivated by generations of leaders and people of the two nations and is constantly being consolidated and developed to new heights.

Looking back on the journey of more than six decades, it can be affirmed that the friendship and loyalty between Vietnam and Cuba is “unprecedented in international relations”, as President Fidel Castro said.

Vietnam and Cuba have been closely bonded together to overcome challenging times to build and develop the countries. During the most difficult period of the national liberation struggle in the 1960s-1975s in Vietnam, which coincided with the time of preserving and consolidating the Cuban people’s national independence (1959-1975), the Cuban Party, State and people wholeheartedly provided assistance to Vietnam despite many difficulties.

Cuba was the first Latin American country to establish diplomatic relations with the Democratic Republic of Vietnam (1960). Recognizing the People’s Front, Cuba supported and helped Vietnam to liberate South Vietnam (1961), established diplomatic relations with the Provisional Revolutionary Government of the Republic of South Vietnam, and set up an embassy in the liberated area of South Vietnam in Tay Ninh province (1967).

In the early 1970s, Cuba gave Vietnam great support both materially and spiritually despite facing numerous challenges. Cuba supplied Vietnam with tens of thousands of tons of sugar, sold and exchanged it for foreign currency to aid Vietnam. They also sent engineers, workers, doctors and healthcare staff along with a large quantity of medicine and medical equipment to assist the Vietnamese people.

Especially, in 1973, President Fidel Castro visited Vietnam for the first time and came to the liberated area of Quang Tri. With the deep affection of a leader and the head of Cuba’s Party and State, he uttered an unforgettable phrase that touched the heart of every Vietnamese: “For Vietnam, we are willing to give our own blood”.

It was a great source of inspiration, encouragement from Cuba, in order to “share the challenges” in the fight and provide additional strength to Vietnam in the resistance war against the US.

After the liberation war, entering the country’s reconstruction, the two countries continued to support and help each other in the construction of socialism. When Vietnam carried out the renovation, Cuba was also in a particularly difficult and challenging period when the survival of the Cuban revolution was threatened.

The Vietnam-Cuba relationship was increasingly consolidated and become one of the important factors contributing to protecting the cause of building socialism in the two countries. President Fidel Castro once again affirmed: “If in the past we were willing to give our own blood, now we are ready to make all efforts to help Vietnam rebuild the country.”

With the noble international spirit and special solidarity between the two countries, Cuba supported and helped Vietnam to build a number of important projects serving the national livelihood such as Thang Loi hotel, Vietnam – Cuba friendship Dong Hoi Hospital (Quang Binh), Son Tay – Xuan Mai route (Hanoi), Ba Vi cow farm, etc.

In the late 80s and early 90s of the twentieth century, the socialist regimes in the Soviet Union and Eastern European countries collapsed and the communist and international workers’ movements fell into crisis. International reactionary forces took advantage of this situation and stepped up to destroy the remaining socialist countries, including Vietnam and Cuba.

Facing the siege and embargo of the US, as well as the fierce opposition of the Western hostile forces, Cuba and Vietnam remained united in building socialism and firmly defending the socialist regime in each country.

In the difficult situation when Cuba was besieged and embargoed, the two countries always stood in the same position, maintained their bravery and gave each other sincere support and assistance, while actively mobilizing countries around the world to call on the US to lift the embargo on Cuba.

Vietnam donated tens of thousands of tons of rice and sold rice to Cuba with many favourable terms, as well as offering assistance in terms of food, machinery, equipment, educational supplies and essential consumer goods to the Cuban.

From 2007 to 2020, Vietnam supported and aided Cuba with about 32,300 tons of rice from the national reserves. In particular, during his visit to Cuba (2018), on behalf of the Party and State of Vietnam, General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong declared debt relief for Cuba.

Most recently, during his visit to Cuba (April 20, 2023), on behalf of the Party, State and people of Vietnam, National Assembly Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue announced that Vietnam donated Cuba with 5,000 tons of rice. The National Assembly of Vietnam donated 300 tablets to the Cuban National Assembly and People’s Council. Ministries, sectors and localities of Vietnam also gave gifts to Cuban partners: Quang Binh province gave $50,000 to the people of Santiago de Cuba city, Quang Tri province donated $50,000 to the people of Holquin city (Cuba), along with a cooperation agreement between the two localities.

The friendly relationship between the two countries has developed comprehensively across all fields in both breadth and depth. The Vietnamese Party, State and people will always cherish the deep affection and invaluable assistance that the Cuban people have extended to the Vietnamese people during the struggle for national independence in the past, as well as in the ongoing process of national construction and development.

The traditional solidarity, support and comprehensive cooperation between Vietnam and Cuba has been continuously consolidated, promoted and developed in all fields with great achievements, making an important contribution to the revolutionary cause and socialist construction of each country.

2. Outstanding results and achievements

In the field of politics – diplomacy:

The special friendship between Vietnam and Cuba has been maintained and developed through the enhancement of high-level political and diplomatic activities.

The two countries regularly exchange delegations at all levels through various channels including Party, State, Government, National Assembly and people-to-people. In recent years, the two countries have exchanged many high-level delegations for visits and work.

On the Vietnamese side, there have been visits to Cuba by leaders of the Party and State of Vietnam: General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong (2012 and 2018); Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung (2014); President Truong Tan Sang (2015); President Tran Dai Quang (2016); National Assembly Chairwoman Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan (2016); President Nguyen Xuan Phuc (2021); and the most recently National Assembly Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue (4-2023).

During the complicated development of the COVID-19 pandemic, the close relationship and cooperation between the two countries continued to be consolidated, through online forms and phone calls between senior leaders of the Party and State.

From December 2020 to July 2021, there were 7 phone calls and exchanges between senior leaders of the two Parties and countries: General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong and First Secretary Raúl Castro Ruz (December 2020); First Secretary Raúl Castro Ruz congratulated General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong on being re-elected as General Secretary at the 13th National Congress (February 20, 2021); General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong and First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba, Cuban President Miguel Diaz-Canel (May, July 2021 and December 2022); President Nguyen Xuan Phuc and First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba, Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel (August 2021); Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh and Cuban Prime Minister Manuel Marrero Cruz (July 2021);  Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Pham Binh Minh and Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez Parrilla ( March 2021); National Assembly Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue and his counterpart Esteban Lazo Hernandez (March 3, 2022).

On the Cuban side, Cuban senior leaders also regularly made visits to Vietnam: President Raúl Castro (2012), President of the Cuban National Assembly Esteban Lazo (2017); President of the Council of State and Council of Ministers Miguel Mario Diaz Canel Bermudez (2018); Prime Minister Manuel Marero Cruz (2022). Most recently, a high-ranking delegation of the Communist Party of Cuba led by Politburo member and permanent member of the Secretariat of the Communist Party of Cuba Central Committee Roberto Morales Ojeda had a visit and working session in Vietnam and co-chaired the 5th Theory Workshop between the two Parties, from April 30 to May 4, 2023.

These visits were not only of political significance, promoting bilateral relations, but also an opportunity for the two countries to exchange and share experiences in many fields and reach agreements within the framework of political – diplomatic and economic relations, together with many other fields.

Specifically, the visit to Cuba by General Secretary Nong Duc Manh (2007) opened a new stage of development in the comprehensive cooperation between Vietnam and Cuba, raising the friendship and solidarity between the two countries to a new height. The two countries have signed 8 agreements and cooperation agreements in the fields of culture, sports, television, finance, storage and exploitation of oil and gas on land as well as oil and gas exploitation in the Gulf of Mexico.

An important milestone in the visit to Cuba by General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong (2018) was that the two countries signed many cooperation documents and agreements such as Agreement on exchange and cooperation between the Communist Party of Vietnam and the Communist Party of Cuba for the period 2018-2023; Agreement between the Government of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam and the Government of the Republic of Cuba on debt relief to  Cuba from Vietnam; Agreement on mutual legal assistance in criminal matters; memorandum of understanding between Vietnam’s Ministry of Science and Technology and Cuba’s Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment on strengthening scientific and technological cooperation; memorandum of understanding between the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of Vietnam and the Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment of Cuba; Framework Agreement on the financial protocol of the project “Vietnam – Cuba cooperation to develop rice production in Cuba for the period of 2019-2023″.

During the visit of President Nguyen Xuan Phuc to Cuba (2021), many bilateral agreements were signed such as Joint Action Plan on Implementation of the Bilateral Economic Agenda; Action plan in aquaculture cooperation for the 3rd stage; cooperation documents on justice, cyber security, health, education – training, etc.

During the visit to Vietnam by Cuban Prime Minister Manuel Marrero Cruz (2022), senior leaders of the two countries agreed to continue maintaining dialogue and exchange of high-level delegations between ministries, sectors, localities and businesses, and improve the efficiency of bilateral cooperation through seminars between the two Parties and the Intergovernmental Committee on economic and scientific-technological cooperation.

While Cuba was embargoed, the visit of National Assembly Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue (April, 2023) made an important contribution to strengthening, consolidating and deepening the relationship between the two countries. During the visit, the National Assembly of the two countries signed an Agreement on the establishment of an inter-parliamentary cooperation mechanism in order to enhance the exchange of operational experience as well as mutual support at regional and international inter-parliamentary forums.

In the field of economic, trade and investment cooperation:

Overcoming difficulties and challenges caused by the embargo from US and Western on Cuba, Vietnam and Cuba have worked closely in removing difficulties in bilateral economic and trade relations.

For Vietnam, one of the highlights of the relationship in the new period is the cooperation in the agricultural sector between the two countries, in which the focus is on implementing the Vietnam – Cuba cooperation project on the development of rice production.

The project has been implemented since 1999 and has gone through many stages. The project implementation process achieved many positive results, which were highly appreciated by Cuba. After completing 4 stages, the project has built an important foundation for rice production activities such as transferring and disseminating advanced farming techniques, contributing to improving the irrigation system and some other infrastructure to improve both the cultivated area, the arable land use coefficient (from 1 crop to 2 crops per year) as well as productivity.

By 2015, the project was widely implemented in 12/15 provinces of Cuba. 54,000 ha of production models were built (up 163% compared to the plan), bringing rice productivity from 2.5 tons/ha to 4.65 tons/ha. Before the project, rice production stood at 80,000 tons and then rose to about 300,000 tons (2014), meeting nearly half of the domestic demand.

The project helped Cuban farmers master wet rice cultivation techniques, and simultaneously aims to help Cuba become self-sufficient in food and ensure national food security.

Currently, the Rice Production Development Project continues to be implemented in stage 5 (2019-2023), with the goal of helping Cuba cultivate 200,000 hectares of rice and average output of 6 tons/ha, thereby meeting 86% of Cuba’s national rice consumption demand.

By 2021, Cuba had established a model for producing high-quality rice seeds and cultivating commercial rise on a scale of nearly 68,000 hectares, bringing the average rice yield in the model ranging from 4.0 tons to 6.4 tons/ha. The highest rice yield could reach 8.07 tons/ha (compared to the national average rice yield of 2.4 tons/ha to 3.5 tons/ha).

Projects to support Cuba in corn and soybean production stage 1 and 2 have achieved positive results. The Ministry of National Defense and the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of Vietnam have provided technical assistance to help Cuba develop high-yielding maize.

In order to promote cooperation between the two countries in the field of aquaculture, the project to support Cuba to develop aquaculture has been implemented since 2009.

The two stages of development result in the increase in aquaculture production in Cuba. The aquaculture project stage 3 (2022-2025) continues to be implemented with the goal of training of human resources, equipment, research materials and production of tilapia, vannamei shrimp and lobster. Building a farming model to increase the production of tilapia, vannamei shrimp and lobster in some provinces would help Cuba step by step become self-sufficient domestically and aim for export. Cuba cooperates to help Vietnam in sugar cane technology, processing sugar cane by-products…

In the field of trade exchange:

To replace the Agreement on trade exchange and other forms of economic cooperation signed earlier (1996), the two countries signed the Vietnam – Cuba Trade Agreement on November 9, 2018 which officially took effect on April 1, 2020. This is an important legal basis, contributing to promoting trade development between the two countries.

Vietnam is currently Cuba’s second-largest trade partner, after China. In the period 2015-2020, bilateral trade turnover reached about 250-350 million USD, the trade balance tilted towards Vietnam mainly from rice export.

Due to the impact of the COVID pandemic, the trade turnover between the two countries decreased to 178.5 million USD in 2020, down 21.3% compared to 2019 (226.8 million USD). In 2021, bilateral turnover reached 261.7 million USD, increasing 46.6% compared to 2020. In the first 8 months of 2022, it stood at 106 million USD, down about 20% compared to 2021.

Vietnam’s main exports to Cuba are rice, coffee, chemical products, textiles, clothing, footwear, electrical appliances, electronics, cosmetics, building materials, industrial materials, household appliances, and stationery.

Vietnam’s main imports from Cuba are biotechnology products, medicines, vaccines and medical biological products, lobster, and tobacco. Cuba imports from Vietnam about 300,000 – 400,000 tons of rice per year.

In the field of investment:

Vietnam is the biggest Asian investor in Cuba. Facing changes in economic and investment environment management policies of Cuba, Vietnamese enterprises are increasingly interested in expanding cooperation and investment in Cuba in the fields of tourism infrastructure construction, industrial park infrastructure, construction materials, production of washing powder, diapers and new fields such as vaccine and pharmaceutical production.

The Vietnam Oil and Gas Group has cooperated, invested in oil and gas exploration and production in Cuba. Military-run telecommunications group Viettel signed a memorandum of understanding with Cuban Telecommunications Corporation Etesa (2013). Accordingly, Viettel invested 200 million euros to develop the telecommunications industry in Cuba.

Currently, Vietnam is implementing 5 investment projects in Cuba, including 4 in Mariel Special Economic Development Zone (ZEDM) and 1 in construction material production in Santa Cruz. There are 2 projects by Viglacera Corporation: Sanvig joint venture factory with Cuban Geicon Group for the production of building materials and an investment project to develop an industrial park in Mariel Special Zone. Three other projects by Thai Binh Company including diaper factory, washing powder and detergent factory and solar power plant

In the field of health and education:

In the field of health: The two countries have implemented many important activities, including cooperation in biotechnology, production of vaccines against COVID-19. Cuba is ready to send experts to transfer vaccine production technology to Vietnam.

Implementing the agreement between the two countries’ senior leaders, in August 2020, Cuba gave Vietnam thousands of doses of Interferon alfa-2B manufactured by Cuba to support the treatment of COVID-19 patients.

During President Nguyen Xuan Phuc’s visit to Cuba (2021), Vietnam signed a contract to buy 5 million doses of Cuba’s Abdala vaccine against COVID-19, receiving 150,000 doses of Abdala vaccine donated by the Cuban Ministry of Revolutionary Armed Forces. Cuba provided Vietnam with 5 million doses of Abdala vaccine to support the treatment of COVID-19 patients in October 2021.

In the difficult context of the COVID-19 pandemic, from April 2020 to July 2021, along with sending over 17,000 tons of rice to Cuba, the Party, State and people of Vietnam presented Cuba with many medical supplies including rapid diagnostic kits, medical masks, protective clothing, medicines, etc.

In the field of education – training cooperation:

Vietnam and Cuba signed the Higher Education Cooperation Agreement (2013) and the Education Diploma Equivalence Agreement (2015) between the Vietnamese Ministry of Education and Training and the Cuban Ministry of Higher Education. Accordingly, this created opportunities for deeper and more effective cooperation in the field of higher education between the two countries, especially in the exchange of lecturers, researchers and students; exchange of information and experiences in higher education development.

The two sides have implemented scholarship programs of the Government of Vietnam and the Government of Cuba at prestigious higher education institutions of each country. Every year, Cuba awards many specialized scholarships to Vietnamese students.

Currently, the number of Cuban students studying in Vietnam is still small compared to other countries. The number of Vietnamese international students studying in Cuba is about 300, of which 200 are self-sufficient.

In the field of defense – security and multilateral diplomacy:

On the basis of the 2011 Defense Cooperation Development Agreement, Defense cooperation plan for the period 2014-2016, 2017-2019 and 2020-2022, cooperation between the two countries has been promoted with many new contents such as defense industry, engineering, electronic warfare, and personnel training. In particular, the defense industry has become the mainstay of the bilateral defense relationship.

Cooperation between the two sides achieved many important results in such fields as defense industry; air defense – air force; training in military medicine; cipher – cryptography; preserving weapons, equipping, repairing, improving and refueling anti-aircraft missiles; use of fuel for aircraft; construction and use of unmanned aerial vehicles; airspace management organization; conduct of air defense operations; defense and protection of seas and islands; exchange experiences in Party and political work, etc., contributing to strengthening the resources and strength of the two militaries, firmly defending the socialist regime, protecting the people and territorial integrity and sovereignty of each country.

In the field of multilateral diplomacy:

The two countries maintain cooperation and mutual support at international organizations and multilateral forums, especially at the United Nations. In the new context, Cuba is ready for dialogue in all aspects, enlisting supporting forces, normalizing relations with the US, flexibly handling US demands on “democracy”, “human rights” to minimize sanctions and uphold the principles of sovereignty and self-determination, equality and mutual respect in relations with major countries.

Vietnam consistently, strongly advocates ending the siege and embargo against Cuba. Vietnam supported Cuba’s candidacy for the Human Rights Council for the term 2021-2023, actively promoted Cuba to sign the Treaty of Amity and Cooperation in Southeast Asia (TAC) (2020), thereby affirming its commitment to the goals and principles of the Treaty as well as its desire to strengthen cooperation with ASEAN countries.

Cuba supported Vietnam’s candidacy for the position of a non-permanent member of the United Nations Security Council for the term 2008-2009 and 2020-2021, Human Rights Council for the term 2023-2025.

The two sides reaffirmed their commitment to promoting international peace and security and disarmament, especially nuclear disarmament, welcomed the signing and ratification of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons by the two countries.

3. Prospects and development orientation

Vietnam and Cuba are facing new opportunities and new challenges. With the above background, Vietnam and Cuba share huge prospects for the special friendship relationship in the coming time.

In the field of politics – diplomacy: The close relationship and mutual trust between the two countries continue to be consolidated and enhanced through high-level contact activities between leaders of the Party, State, Government and National Assembly.

The two sides continue to promote the exchange of practical and theoretical experiences, especially experiences in implementing the country’s renovation policy in the fields of economy, politics, Party and state building, policy making on socio-economic management, national defense, security and foreign affairs, etc. Cooperation between departments, ministries, branches, people’s organizations and between localities of the two countries have also been strengthened.

Vietnam and Cuba continue to closely coordinate in multilateral forums on international and regional issues on the basis of their steadfast stance on the principle of protecting peace, independence and sovereignty of nations, and resisting foreign interference and aggression; supporting each other’s legitimate rights and interests.

In terms of economy – trade: The potential for cooperation between the two sides is huge. Vietnam has many strengths in the fields of agriculture, telecommunications, electronics, informatics, electrical appliances, consumer goods, construction and building materials.

Cuba has strengths in education, health, biotechnology, pharmaceuticals and tourism. Cuba continues to have a lot of demand for imported goods because the domestic manufacturing industries have not met the consumption requirements. Therefore, this will still be an opportunity for traditional Vietnamese products to enter Cuba.

Currently, the two countries strengthen the development of economic – trade relations through cooperation, investment programs and projects.

With many new preferential trade commitments brought by the Vietnam-Cuba Trade Agreement, it will continue to bring economic and trade relations between the two countries to the special political relations, creating a basis for the two sides to strive to raise the two-way trade turnover to US$500 million by 2025.

In terms of national defense – security:

Vietnam and Cuba determined that defense cooperation must be an important pillar. The two sides  continued to strengthen cooperation in arms industry, army medical corps, etc., complete the dossier on 60 years of history of defense relations between Vietnam and Cuba, develop and sign new cooperation agreements and documents such as the cooperation plan for the period of 2023-2025, the Memorandum of Understanding on cooperation in Party work, political work in the military, a five-year cooperation agreement between the two countries’ army medical corps. They are also committed to deepening defense cooperation, achieving practical results, and meeting the aspirations and interests of the peoples.

In terms of health and education:

Cuba is a country with a well-developed health and education system. On the basis of the agreement between the two countries’ senior leaders in this field, the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Education of the two sides continue to promote cooperation in health and education, especially research, training, pharmaceutical production transfer, promote and support direct cooperation between higher education institutions of the two countries in the exchange of lecturers, researchers and students.

During more than six decades, the cooperation, support and mutual assistance in various fields between the two countries is a testament to the special traditional historical relationship between Vietnam and Cuba.

Looking back at the accomplishments in the past 63 years, it can be seen that this is a relationship that is “symbolic of the times” with a sense of loyalty of comradeship and a brotherhood between Vietnam and Cuba.

The solidarity, friendship and cooperation between Vietnam and Cuba will continue to be preserved by generations of leaders and people of the two countries and will continue to deepen, making more and more active contributions to the cause of national construction and defense in each country, in peace, stability and development in each region and in the world.

 Assoc, Prof. Dr. Duong Trung Y, Vice President of Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics


1. Ho Chi Minh Complete Collection (Ho Chi Minh toan tap), National Political Publishing House, H, 2011, T.15, p. 179

2. Selected Speeches of Fidel Castro, Truth National Political Publishing House, H, 1978, p. 34

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12. https://moet.gov.vn/Pages/tim-kiem.aspx?ItemID=6316, dated October 29, 2019.

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