Strategy of intellectual property until 2030

By 2030, Vietnam is among the leading ASEAN countries in terms of creativity, protection and exploitation of intellectual property rights


Strategy of intellectual property until 2030
I. Direction perspective
1. To develop a comprehensive and effective intellectual property system at all stages of creation, establishment, exploitation and protection, enforcement of intellectual property rights, creating an environment to encourage innovation, meeting international integration requirements, making intellectual property become an important tool to enhance national competitiveness and promote economic, cultural and social development.
2. Intellectual property policies on copyright, related rights, industrial property rights and rights to plant varieties constitute an integral part of economic and literary development strategies and policies, national and sectoral chemistry.
3. Intellectual property activities with the active participation of all entities in society, including research institutes, universities, creative individuals, especially role-playing enterprises, leading role in creating and exploiting intellectual property.
II. Target
1. By 2030, Vietnam is among the leading ASEAN countries in terms of creativity, protection and exploitation of intellectual property rights.
2. The establishment of industrial property rights and rights to plant varieties ensures fast, transparent, fair and timely response to the requirements of enterprises and society.
The enforcement of intellectual property law has been significantly improved, the infringement of intellectual property rights significantly reduced.
4. New intellectual property of Vietnamese individuals and organizations increases both in quantity and quality, dramatically improving Vietnam’s intellectual property indicators in the global innovation index ( GII):
a) The number of applications for invention and patent protection increases an average of 16-18% / year;
b) The number of industrial design registration applications increases by an average of 6 – 8% / year;
c) The number of trademark registrations increases on average 8-10% / year;
d) The number of applications for protection of plant varieties increases an average of 12-14% / year, 10 – 12% of which are registered for protection abroad; making Vietnam a center for plant variety protection with the establishment of an ASEAN + regional plant variety protection agency.
5. Effective use of intellectual property rights is improved and significantly increases the number of products with high intellectual property content:
a) Activities of exploitation and commercialization of intellectual property are focused and promoted; the rate of inventions being commercially exploited reaches 8-10% of the patents granted protection titles; have at least 1-2 plant varieties exploited right abroad; the number of enterprises effectively using intellectual property tools in their production and business activities has significantly increased;
b) To develop a number of industries with high levels of intellectual property use, especially those with priority and competitive advantages, significantly increasing their contribution to growth. GDP;
c) Geographical indications, genetic resources, traditional knowledge, technical secrets, folklore are protected and effectively exploited in production and business activities;
d) To develop cultural industries based on copyrights and related rights in order to create more and more diversified and high quality creative products; striving to 2030 the turnover of the copyright-based cultural industries and related rights will contribute about 7% of GDP and create more jobs for the society.
III. Mission, solution
1. Perfecting policies and laws on intellectual property
a) To enhance the compatibility of policies and laws on intellectual property with policies and laws of socio-economic branches and domains;
b) Integrating policies and solutions to promote creation, establishment, exploitation and protection of intellectual property rights in strategies and policies for scientific and technological development and innovation and development policies. economic, cultural and social development of the country and sectors and fields;
c) Reviewing and perfecting the legal system of intellectual property and related laws, creating a favorable legal environment for creative activities, protection, exploitation and protection of intellectual property rights, ensuring preserving the principle of balancing the interests among social entities, effectively preventing the abuse of intellectual property rights, in which attaching importance to:
– Satisfying adequately the relationship between patent protection and protection of community interests, especially in the field of pharmaceuticals and agro-products; have appropriate provisions for people and society to have timely access to essential products and services in areas related to public health such as health, nutrition or in other emergency situations;
– Reasonably addressing the beneficial relationship between the suppliers of biological resources, breeding, production and trading, focusing on protecting the lawful rights and interests of farmers;
– Create a mechanism for equitable benefit sharing among related groups of entities in the commercialization of ownership, use and benefit rights to intellectual property, especially intellectual property arising from activities scientific research and technological development using the state budget;
d) Completing legal provisions related to intellectual property transactions: capital contribution, security transactions, valuation, accounting and auditing of intellectual property; promulgate mechanisms and policies on finance, credit and other incentives to promote the exploitation of intellectual property generated from scientific research and technological development activities using the state budget.
2. Improving the effectiveness and efficiency of the state management of intellectual property
a) To strengthen the system of State management agencies in charge of intellectual property in the direction of creation and efficiency; identify and strengthen focal points on intellectual property at relevant state management agencies at central and local levels; promote inter-sectoral coordination mechanism in the state management of intellectual property;
b) Renewing the mechanism of operation of agencies establishing industrial property rights and rights to plant varieties in an effective and appropriate manner, changing the fee mechanism in providing public services to price mechanism;
c) Strengthening macroeconomic management of intellectual property through:
– Use indicators of intellectual property as a management tool, especially the intellectual property constituents of the global innovation index (GII) and competition index global (GCI);
– Developing and perfecting indicators of intellectual property in strategies, socio-economic development plans and scientific, technological and creative activities;
– Research and propose to put intellectual property targets into the list of national and sectoral statistical indicators.
d) Simplify, modernize, publicize and transparent the administrative procedures and procedures on intellectual property;
d) Improve the quality of public intellectual property services, promote socialization and public-private cooperation in the provision of intellectual property services;
e) Comprehensive deployment of online public services, digitalization of intellectual property data; increasing investment, developing infrastructure, applying new technologies in activities of establishing, exploiting and protecting intellectual property rights;
g) To build a database system of connected intellectual property and synchronous connection between state management agencies.
3. Focusing on promoting and improving the effectiveness of intellectual property rights enforcement
a) Reviewing and clearly defining functions and tasks, gradually streamlining focal points of competent agencies to handle infringements of intellectual property rights by administrative measures;
b) Strengthen coordination among state administrative agencies and with judicial agencies in protecting intellectual property rights; coordinate research on strengthening the role of courts in dealing with intellectual property cases;
c) Strengthening inspection, control and strictly handling violations of intellectual property rights, especially acts of infringing intellectual property rights in the digital environment;
d) Improve the effectiveness of the implementation of measures to control import and export goods related to intellectual property;
d) Actively and proactively detect, prevent and fight against intellectual property crimes; improve the efficiency of criminal investigation of intellectual property cases;
e) Encourage the settlement of intellectual property disputes in the form of arbitration and conciliation;
g) Encourage enterprises, organizations and individuals to actively protect their intellectual property rights by themselves;
h) Enhancing training and retraining of intellectual property knowledge and skills for staff in charge of intellectual property rights protection;
i) Expand socialization in parallel with improving the quality of judicial assistance activities on intellectual property; developing a team of intellectual property assessors; promote the development of intellectual property assessment services and legal consultancy services on the protection of intellectual property rights.
4. Promote activities to create intellectual property
a) Developing and providing intellectual property information tools and services, technology maps for research institutes, universities and enterprises; to form organizations providing patent information analysis services and forecasting technological development trends to guide science, technology and innovation activities;
b) Use indicators of intellectual property as a basis for assessing the performance of research institutes, universities and enterprises. Research institutes and universities identify the objects of intellectual property rights that must be achieved for research results using the state budget. Technical and technological schools conduct procedures to register for protection of objects of industrial property rights and rights to new plant varieties simultaneously with the publication of scientific papers on research results. high applicability;
c) Develop and implement science and technology programs, support research institutes and universities to cooperate with enterprises in the direction of creating research results protected by intellectual property rights, in which increase the use of intellectual property tools to develop key industries and fields, products and services with competitive advantages, and create source technologies and core technologies;
d) Promote the creation of innovation centers in combination with venture capital investment forms to nurture intellectual properties from idea creation, research and development of intellectual properties to production. testing and forming start-up businesses; assisting startups in perfecting technologies, creating high value-added products and services;
d) Effectively implement mechanisms to encourage individuals to participate in the process of technological innovation and cultural creation;
e) Instruct enterprises to create and effectively exploit trade indications for their products and services; Support for registration of protection of potential geographical indications.
5. Encouraging and improving the efficiency of intellectual property exploitation
a) Forming and developing a network of technology and intellectual property transfer centers at research institutes, universities and enterprises in order to promote the creation and exploitation of intellectual property;
b) Forming an innovative startup ecosystem in universities. Supporting research institutes and universities in establishing enterprises to exploit intellectual property rights, shortening the process of applying research results to production and business;
c) Speeding up the implementation of mechanisms and policies to develop industries with high levels of intellectual property use, creating prestigious and quality products, promoting the export of goods of high intellectual property;
d) To guide and support enterprises to promote the use of intellectual property tools in production and business activities; supporting Vietnamese individuals and enterprises in protecting and exploiting intellectual property rights in foreign countries;
d) To develop a healthy intellectual property market in the direction of expanding and improving the quality of intermediary services to enhance the supply and demand connection of intellectual property; promote activities of assessing and valuating intellectual properties as a basis for conducting market transactions;
f) Enhancing the exploitation and analysis of invention information to serve the selection and exploitation of appropriate technologies; encourage the use of technologies with expired or not protected intellectual property rights in Vietnam but suitable to the production capacity of domestic enterprises;
g) Promote the exploitation and use of innovative products that are the subject of copyright or related rights which have expired their protection or belong to the State;
h) Strengthen the management and effective use of geographical indications, genetic resources, traditional knowledge, technical know-how and folklore in order to exploit the potential of Vietnam’s powerful products;
i) Effective implementation of programs to support small and medium-sized enterprises exploiting intellectual property.
6. Development of intellectual property assistance activities
a) Expanding and improving the operation quality of professional consultancy service organizations, attaching importance to developing intellectual property consultancy centers in research institutes and universities;
b) Promote the development of intellectual property support services, improve the quality of intellectual property services;
c) Improve the operational efficiency of associations in supporting and deploying activities of creation, establishment, exploitation and protection of intellectual property rights;
d) Strengthen capacity, invest in material facilities to improve the performance of collective management organizations of copyrights and related rights, promptly respond to social needs, ensure harmony interests of stakeholders;
d) Mobilizing social resources into the development of the intellectual property system to supplement the State’s resources, encouraging non-State organizations to conduct a number of non-business activities on intellectual property;
e) Develop criteria to standardize intellectual property service activities; complete the system of management and supervision of intellectual property services, especially intermediary services.
7. Strengthening human resources for intellectual property activities
a) Develop an overall plan for development of human resources for intellectual property, with a focus on training highly qualified human resources; attract high-quality human resources at home and abroad to participate in intellectual property activities;
b) Focus on professional training and fostering, raising the quality of human resources of state management agencies and intellectual property rights protection agencies;
c) To build a number of intensive intellectual property training institutions with training and retraining programs suitable to each target group, with a focus on training experts in intellectual property management for enterprises. karma.
8. Forming a culture of intellectual property in society
a) Enhancing communication on the mass media in order to raise awareness about intellectual property and encourage innovation; building a sense of respect and protection of intellectual property rights, forming an intellectual property culture in society;
b) Developing and implementing intellectual property training and fostering programs in education and training establishments, especially tertiary education establishments.
9. Actively, proactively cooperate and international integration on intellectual property
a) Promote cooperation and international integration in intellectual property, make full use of the support in all aspects of foreign intellectual property agencies and international organizations in order to quickly improve capacity of the national intellectual property system, keeping pace with international trends and qualifications;
b) Accessing international intellectual property treaties in conformity with Vietnam’s development conditions and requirements; participate in developing intellectual property protection standards under international treaties;
c) Actively and actively participate in activities of international organizations in the field of intellectual property.
IV. Organization of implementation
1. The Ministry of Science and Technology shall:
– Act as a focal point to summarize the implementation of the Strategy, report to the Prime Minister annually; conduct a preliminary review of the implementation of the Strategy to 2025 and identify priority tasks and schemes for the next period;
– Deploy tasks, solutions and schemes related to industrial property.
2. The Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism shall be responsible for implementing tasks, solutions and projects related to copyright, related rights and cultural industry.
3. The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development shall implement tasks, solutions and schemes related to intellectual property in the field of new plant varieties and agriculture.
4. The Ministry of Industry and Trade and the Ministry of Education and Training shall base themselves on their functions, powers and State management tasks to concretize the contents and organize the implementation of related tasks, solutions and schemes. in Strategy.
5. The Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Planning and Investment shall base on the provisions of law to balance and allocate funding for the implementation of the Strategy.
6. Ministries, ministerial-level agencies, Government-attached agencies and People’s Committees of provinces and centrally run cities shall step up law enforcement and intellectual property work within their functions and tasks. assigned.
7. Concerned ministries, branches and agencies shall organize the implementation of the Strategy within the scope of their assigned functions and tasks and according to current law provisions.
8. People’s committees of provinces and cities under central authority shall be responsible for implementing the Strategy, ensuring consistency and synchronization with the implementation of local socio-economic development plans.Long Giang
Source: Vitic /

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