Strengthening, innovating Vietnamese enterprises support activities to enhance competitiveness and international integration in the 2025 period, orientations to 2030

To concentrate on assisting enterprises in a number of priority branches and domains; Develop and implement effective measurement assurance program in enterprises; Strengthening measurement activities closely linked to business operations.

1. General objective
a / To develop the national measurement infrastructure in a synchronized and modern manner, meeting international integration and the need to ensure accurate measurement of enterprises’ activities and suit socio-economic conditions of Vietnam. Nam, in line with the development planning of ministries and localities.
b / To concentrate on assisting enterprises in a number of priority branches and domains; Develop and implement effective measurement assurance program in enterprises; Strengthening measurement activities closely linked to business operations.
c / To step up the socialization and mobilization of diversified resources in society to contribute to the development of measurement activities.
d / To efficiently formulate and apply a set of national criteria to evaluate measurement domains in order to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the State management over measurement; To standardize the capacity and operation of organizations providing services of expertise, standardization, testing of measuring devices and measurement standards.
e / To concentrate on stepping up propaganda activities, raising awareness and widespread dissemination of the role and importance of measuring and assisting enterprises.
2. Specific objectives
a) By 2025:
- Develop national metrology infrastructure in order to fully recognize 41 national measurement standards under the approved planning; Recognizes at least 200 internationally recognized calibration measurements within the framework of the Global Mutual Recognition Arrangement (CIPM-MRA);
- To uniformly orientate the development of measurement technical infrastructures from the national level to the ministries, branches and localities;
- To develop at least 100 standard substances, measuring standards and measuring devices of all kinds to meet the requirements of accurate measurement of enterprises;
- To foster and raise the professional measurement skills of at least 10,000 cadres involved in measurement activities;
- To implement the program of measurement assurance through the verification, calibration, testing of measuring devices, measurement standards and the building of measurement methods for at least 50,000 enterprises, including State-owned enterprises. and private sector enterprises;
- To apply the national criteria set to evaluate the measurement domains of at least 1,000 accredited laboratories nationwide for the measurement domains in order to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of state management of measure; To standardize the capacity and operation of organizations providing services of expertise, standardization, testing of measuring devices and measurement standards.
b) By 2030:
Developing a national metrology infrastructure that recognizes at least 300 internationally recognized calibration measurements within the framework of the Global Mutual Recognition Arrangement (CIPM-MRA);
- To develop at least 250 standard substances, measurement standards and measuring devices of all kinds to meet the requirements of accurate measurement for enterprises;
- To foster and raise the professional measurement skills of at least 20,000 cadres involved in measurement activities;
- To formulate and promulgate a set of national criteria for measurement domains in order to raise the efficiency of the State management over measurement; To standardize the capacity and operation of organizations providing services of expertise, standardization, testing of measuring devices and measurement standards
- To implement the program of measurement assurance through verification, calibration, testing of measuring devices, measurement standards and measurement method building activities for at least 100,000 enterprises, including State-owned enterprises. and private sector enterprises;
- Applying the national criteria set to measure fields of measurement of at least 2000 accredited laboratories nationwide for measurement domains in order to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of state management of measure; To standardize the capacity and operation of organizations providing services of expertise, standardization, testing of measuring devices and measurement standards.
1. To renew and amend policies to facilitate measurement and support activities for enterprises:
- To elaborate and promulgate the list of key production and business branches and domains which need to intensify and renovate metrology activities in order to support Vietnamese enterprises in raising their competitiveness and international integration to 2025. The To review and supplement the list by 2030;
- Formulating and promulgating policies to create a favorable legal environment for measurement activities; promote the socialization of measurement activities; To study and formulate mechanisms and policies to boost the commercialization of products from research results, application and development of measurement technology;
- Reviewing and supplementing measuring devices, measurement standards and quality standards into the list of hi-tech products to be encouraged for development;
- To formulate and promulgate a set of national criteria for measurement domains in order to raise the efficiency of the State management over measurement; To standardize the capacity and operation of organizations providing services of expertise, standardization, testing of measuring devices and measurement standards.
2. Strengthening development of national metrology infrastructure:
- To build and develop national-level metrology technical infrastructure and branch lines in a synchronized and modern manner and meet international integration;
- To develop a network of organizations providing calibration and testing services, measuring devices and measurement standards that meet the requirements of the national criteria set for measurement areas to meet the demand. measurement of the business;
- To concentrate on developing the national level measurement infrastructure; Maintaining the system of national measurement standards, ensuring the accuracy and linkage of national measurement standards of Vietnam to national measurement standards, international measurement standards with higher accuracy of measurement institutes. countries in the region and in the world;
- Strengthening the basic research, applied research in science and technology measurement;
- To foster and raise professional measurement skills at home and abroad for officials participating in measurement activities of ministries, localities and enterprises;
- To intensify the research into the development and commercialization of standard chemicals, measurement standards and measuring devices in line with international standards so as to meet the requirements of accurate measurement in the country and export.
Improving the efficiency of state management of measurement:
- Strengthening the coordination among ministries, branches, localities and enterprises on the management of measurement activities;
- Strengthening the inspection and evaluation of the application of national criteria for assessment of domains.
4. Implementing the support to enterprises to ensure the quality of products and goods:
- To assist enterprises in implementing the program of measurement assurance through the expertise, calibration, testing of measuring devices, measurement standards and measurement method development activities;
- Support enterprises providing calibration, testing and testing services that meet the requirements of the national criteria set for measuring areas;
- Support enterprises to participate in research and application of advanced measurement technology in the production process according to the current law provisions.
5. Strengthening international cooperation:
- To actively participate in the activities of international organizations and regional metrology institutes in Vietnam as members;
- To promote exchanges, cooperation in research, training and technology transfer with agencies and organizations measuring countries / economies in the region and the world;
- Expanding the negotiation and conclusion of bilateral and multilateral agreements to mutual recognition of the results of measurement, calibration and testing of measuring devices and commodities to facilitate trade activities.
6. Focusing on communication activities on measurement activities:
- Organize the annual Vietnam Enterprise Forum for Measurement, the 5 th National Conference on Measuring Science and Technology and related conferences and seminars; To organize emulation and commendation for organizations and individuals that well implement the measurement activities;
- To step up the information and propagation of policies and laws and raise the awareness of enterprises and society on measurement activities in order to raise the efficiency of the State management over measurement.
1. Funds for implementation of the Scheme:
- Funds for implementation of the Scheme include state budget funds, enterprises’ contributions and other lawful sources;
- Funds for regular State budget expenditures to perform the tasks of the Scheme include: Renewing and amending policies to facilitate measurement activities to support enterprises; to strengthen the development of national metrology infrastructure; To raise the efficiency of the State management over measurement; To deploy the assisting enterprises to ensure the quality of their products and goods; strengthening international cooperation; Promote communication activities on measurement activities;
- The State budget’s development investment expenditures shall be used to perform the tasks of investment in development of national metrology infrastructure according to the provisions of law.
2. The management and use of state budget funds for the implementation of the Scheme’s tasks shall comply with the provisions of law on the State budget and relevant regulations.
1. The Ministry of Science and Technology
a / To assume the prime responsibility for elaborating plans and implementing the Scheme contents; To guide, examine, organize the preliminary review and review of the Scheme’s implementation; To annually report to the Prime Minister on the implementation of the Scheme.
b / To assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with concerned ministries and branches in, studying, amending and supplementing mechanisms and policies in order to intensify and renovate metrology activities to support enterprises; Annually approving national-level scientific and technological tasks in measurement; To formulate and approve the list of key production and business branches and domains which need to intensify and renew the measurement activities (hereinafter referred to as the List for short) by 2025; To review and supplement the list by 2030; Reviewing and evaluating the results of the implementation of the program of measurement assurance according to the criteria of raising the competitiveness and international integration of enterprises according to each branch or domain in the List.
c / To assume the prime responsibility for elaborating plans, estimating, allocating and assigning state budget funds for scientific and technological activities and other lawful funding sources for the implementation of the Scheme.
d / To assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with ministries, branches and localities in, reviewing technical measurement infrastructures, thus ensuring uniform development orientations from the national level to ministries, branches and localities in order to support enterprises in Improving the country’s competitiveness and international integration.
e / To promulgate, apply the set of national criteria for assessment of measurement domains.
e) Coordinate relevant ministries and agencies to negotiate bilateral and multilateral agreements on mutual recognition of measurement results on the basis of the Global Mutual Recognition Arrangement on Measurement.
2. Ministries, ministerial-level agencies and government-attached agencies
a / Ministries, ministerial-level agencies and government-attached agencies shall, within the ambit of their respective tasks and powers, have the responsibilities:
- Basing themselves on the functions, tasks and conditions for development of the sector’s measurement activities, to assume the prime responsibility for, and propose and coordinate with the Ministry of Science and Technology in, formulating and approving the scheme’s tasks State management agencies according to their competence and the provisions of relevant laws;
- Assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Ministry of Science and Technology in, ensuring accurate measurement in enterprises falling under the State management scope;
- Assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Ministry of Science and Technology in, suppressing measurement difficulties faced by enterprises when engaging in production, trading, import or export activities;
- Mobilize and allocate appropriate funding sources for implementation of the Scheme contents.
b) The Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Planning and Investment shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Ministry of Science and Technology in, allocating regular expenditures and development investment expenditures on the basis of plans and budget estimates for implementation. The project is funded by the Ministry of Science and Technology and has the ability to balance the annual budget.
3. Provincial / municipal People’s Committees shall, within the ambit of their respective tasks and powers, have the responsibilities:
a / Basing itself on the development of metrology activities in their respective localities, direct their attached units to formulate and submit them to competent authorities for approval and carry out the tasks under the scheme in their respective localities according to regulations. under the law.
b / To guide and support enterprises operating in branches and domains on the list and enterprises engaged in metrology activities in their respective localities to apply mechanisms and policies according to the scheme’s contents. .
c / Periodically or irregularly, upon request, organize the review and report on the results of implementation of the scheme’s tasks within the assigned scope and competence and issues to be resolved to the Ministry of Science and Technology; Technology for synthesizing and reporting to the Prime Minister.
4. Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Vietnam Association of Small and Medium Enterprises, socio-professional organizations based on actual needs of enterprises and members:
a / To coordinate with ministries, branches and localities in supporting and creating conditions for organizations, individuals, associations and member associations to implement the scheme’s contents.
b / To coordinate with the Ministry of Science and Technology in organizing the propagation and dissemination of the scheme to the concerned enterprises for implementation.

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