( – In the afternoon of January 19th, 2024, the National Academy of Public Administration (NAPA) formally organized the 2023 Conference of Public Officials and Employees’ Representative to promote the ownership among public officials and employees, and to improve responsibilities of heads of the academy and its deparments. The Conference was held in an online format to connect between the Academy’s headquarter in Hanoi and its campuses in Central Vietnam, Tay Nguyen, and Hochiminh City.

Delegates and guests attending the Conference including: Assoc. Prof., Dr. Trieu Van Cuong – Member of the Party’s Personnel Committee of the Ministry of Home Affairs, Vice Minister of Home Affairs.

Delegates from NAPA include: Assoc. Prof., Dr. Nguyen Ba Chien – Secretary of NAPA’s Party Committee, President of NAPA; Vice Presidents of NAPA, namely:, Assoc. Prof., Dr. Luong Thanh Cuong, Dr. Lai Duc Vuong, Dr. Nguyen Dang Que, Assoc. Prof., Dr. Nguyen Quoc Suu; NAPA’s Party Committee; Executive Board of Labor Union; Secretary of Youth Union; People’s Inspection Board; Heads of units subordinate to NAPA, nearly 400 delegates representing for roughly 1,200 public officials and employees of the entire Academy.


The Presidium chairing and moderating the Conference included: President of NAPA Assoc. Prof., Dr. Nguyen Ba Chien – President and Party’s Secretary of NAPA; Dr. Bui Huy Tung – Member of the Standing Committee, Chairman of NAPA’s Labor Union, Director of Refresher Training Management Department. The Secretariat consisted of the following comrades: MA. Le Thi Quynh Nga – Principal Official of the Party – Union Office; MA. Le Ho Vi – Official of Administration – General Affairs & Legal Division, Office of the Academy.


At the Conference, Dr. Lai Duc Vuong – Vice President of NAPA, presented the Report on reviewing the realization of Party’s guidelines and resolutions and the implementation of State’s policies and laws related to the functions and tasks of the National Academy of Public Admnistration

2023 is the first year in realizing Decision No.27/2022/QĐ-TTg dated December 19th, 2022 of the Prime Minister regulating the functions, duties, powers, and organizational structure of the National Academy of Public Administration under the Ministry of Home Affairs. Hanoi University of Home Affairs was officially merged into the National Academy of Public Administration.

The process of merging and reorganizing two large-scale public entities requires simultaneous implementation of most difficult, complicated and potentially prolematic tasks (e.g organizational and personnel tasks) of highest volume and requirements for progress and quality. Many challenging tasks needed to be handled step by step, carefully, subjectively, and comprehensively.

By reorganizing focal points and operations, NAPA needs to develope and refine a system of internal management documents, overcoming the lack of rules, regulations, and legal framework for operations. The personnel structure of NAPA is still unbalanced in terms of professional titles and job positions. Facilities, vehicles, and equipment for work at NAPA are in shortage, some are old, and do not meet the requirements for performing tasks. The real estate system is scattered in several locations, affecting the organization of labor and management.

Thanks to the attention of the Government, the Prime Minister, and the support of ministries, branches of both central and local levels; especially the close attention and direction of the Minister and Vice Ministers of Home Affairs, and the coordination of units under and affiliated to the Ministry of Home Affairs; Along with the direction of the NAPA’s Party Committee and Board of Directors, NAPA has excellently completed political tasks in various fields of work in the past year. The fields of work achieved by NAPA are comprehensive in terms of training, fostering, scientific research, teaching, staff organization, planning, finance, logistics…

  1. The development of internal administration documents: drafting and promulgating a system of internal administration documents: Regulations on functions, tasks, powers and organizational structures of units Academy affiliated to NAPA; The decision stipulates the functions and tasks of the units constituting the affiliated and subordinate units; the regulations in the fields of organization, personnel, enrollment, undergraduate and postgraduate training; regulations on science and technology management, training programs, textbooks, and teaching materials.
  2. The quality of undergraduate training has been assured and further improved to affirm the prestige of a leading institution for State Management training and tertiary education. Postgraduate training has been diversified in terms of training disciplines for master degree and doctorate, meeting the demands in capacity building for cadres, cilvil servants and public officials, and conformed with the strengths of NAPA.
  3. Capacity building for cadres, civil servants, and public officials has managed to maintain its scale and quality.
  4. Scientific research and the development of training curricula, textbooks and materials have received substantial attention and been renovated in accordance with the provisions of law, management institutions and research management were strengthened; a great volume of refresher training curricula and materials was completed.
  5. Organization and personnel: the organizational structures of subordinated and affiliated units of NAPA have been refined and streamlined to 21 focal points, focusing on specialized units consisting of 8 faculties, 6 functional departments, 4 public services and research units, and 3 affiliated campuses. The conversion of job titles based on job positions for leader and manager public employees was completed. Non-manager public officials and employees were arranged into units according to the new organizational structure. Regimes and policies for employees were performed in a timely manner.
  6. International cooperation continues to maintain cooperative relations with traditional partners, while expanding cooperative activities with new partners; Organize international training courses for officials, civil servants and public employees; Organized 07 international seminars and conferences, notably the 2023 EROPA Conference on “The role of Public Administration in socio-economic recovery and towards the goal of sustainable development” with 500 attendees including more than 200 international delegates from October 16th to 20th, 2023;
  7. Planning and finance has always fully and seriously complied with the State’s policies and regulations on finance. NAPA has successfully completed its management of finance and assets, development and finalization of financial report and annual balance statement.
  8. Administration and logistic duties were effectively managed and utilized in service of NAPA profession operations. Financial settlement was ensured to comply with the provisions of law and the principles of renovation, public disclosure and transparency.
  9. Testing and quality assurance in training and capacity building aimed at actual evaluation to create the momentum for improving the quality of fostering cadres, civil servants and public officials.
  10. Regarding publishing, library and NAPA’s review: up until now the State Management Review has 03 publications, including its print version, electronic version, and English version. All of the publications have been upgraded by 0.75 scientific point in 2023. The work in publishing, documentary and library has been delivered uniformly and comprehensively. Video recording and organization of panel accepting electronic lectures for 02 training programs for officials, principal officials and equivalent was completed.
  11. Party and Union: continued to develop and implement the Party Committee’s work plan for 2023. Implemented the work of consolidating the Trade Union Group, planning the Academy’s Trade Union cadres for the term 2023 – 2028. Carried out programs to accompany young people and build strong union organizations.


In 2023, NAPA’s Party Committee, NAPA’s Board of Directors, and its party cells, heads of NAPA units continued being fully aware of and carrying out the Party’s guidelines and the State’s policies and laws regarding the Regulations on grassroots democracy in conducting Party’s directives and resolutions. Unions continued promulgating and carrying out regulations in conformity with the delivery of tasks assigned to NAPA. The work tasks were delivered in public disclosure and transparency. Administrative procedures were conducted publicly as regulated.

Assoc. Prof., Dr. Nguyen Ba Chien presenting the summary evaluation and review of NAPA’s head.

Assoc. Prof., Dr. Nguyen Ba Chien presenting the summary evaluation and review of NAPA’s head.

The Conference also heard the 2023 Report on operations and the 2024 Operation Plan of the People’s Inspection Board presented by Assoc. Prof., Dr. Tran Thi Dieu Oanh, Dean of State – Law Faculty; the 2023 Financial Report presented by Dr. Vu Duy Duan, Director of Planning – Finance Department; the 2023 Emulation Report and the tentative emulation program for 2024 presented by MA. Nguyen Huy Hoang, Director of Organization and Personnel Department.

At the Conference, Assoc. Prof., Dr. Nguyen Ba Chien directly answered questions and comments sent to the Conference. Questions focused on the following issues: financial support for teaching activities and academic advising; enhancement of teaching facilities; payment for exceeded hours of lecture; ensurance of facilities and working conditions; Arrangement of organizational apparatus, consolidation of leadership and management positions; Financial payment procedures and processes for divisions, departments, per diems, travel expenses of officials; opening of training majors related to the faculties’ majors; Proposal of measures to improve working conditions and improve the lives of NAPA’s officials and workers.

The opinions, questions, and suggestions made and exchanged at the Conference were basically answered directly by NAPA’s President Nguyen Ba Chien as head of the institution in a progressive, responsible, thorough and penetrating manner. Delegates attending the Conference expressed high degree of consensus and satisfaction toward the directions given by NAPA’s President.

  1. Nguyen Huy Hoang, Director of Organization and Personnel Department announced the Decision rewarding the collectives and individuals with high achievement in their work.
Assoc. Prof., Dr. Trieu Van Cuong – Vice Minister of Home Affairs and NAPA’s President Nguyen Ba Chien awarding the State President’s Outstanding Teacher Title to Assoc. Prof., Dr. Nguyen Thi Thu Van – Dean of Archives and Office Management Faculty, and Assoc. Prof., Dr. Nguyen Van Hau – Chief of NAPA’s Office

Assoc. Prof., Dr. Trieu Van Cuong – Vice Minister of Home Affairs and NAPA’s President Nguyen Ba Chien awarding the State President’s Outstanding Teacher Title to Assoc. Prof., Dr. Nguyen Thi Thu Van – Dean of Archives and Office Management Faculty, and Assoc. Prof., Dr. Nguyen Van Hau – Chief of NAPA’s Office

Assoc. Prof., Dr. Trieu Van Cuong – Vice Minister of Home Affairs awarding the Ministry’s Flag of Emulation to the Faculty of Social Management – the collective with successful completion of tasks.

Assoc. Prof., Dr. Trieu Van Cuong – Vice Minister of Home Affairs awarding the Ministry’s Flag of Emulation to the Faculty of Social Management
– the collective with successful completion of tasks.

Assoc. Prof., Dr. Nguyen Ba Chien awarding the Ministry’s certificates to the collectives with successful completion of tasks in 2023.

Assoc. Prof., Dr. Nguyen Ba Chien awarding the Ministry’s certificates to the collectives with successful completion of tasks in 2023.

Dr. Nguyen Dang Que awarding the Ministerial certificates to the individuals who won the title of Emulation Soldier in 2023.

Dr. Nguyen Dang Que awarding the Ministerial certificates to the individuals who won the title of Emulation Soldier in 2023.

Dr. Lai Duc Vuong awarding the Ministerial certificates to the collectives with successful completion of tasks for 2 consecutive years 2022-2023

Dr. Lai Duc Vuong awarding the Ministerial certificates to the collectives with successful completion of tasks for 2 consecutive years 2022-2023

Dr. Nguyen Dang Que awarding the Ministerial certificates to the individuals with successful completion of tasks for 2 consecutive years 2022-2023

Dr. Nguyen Dang Que awarding the Ministerial certificates to the individuals with successful completion of tasks for 2 consecutive years 2022-2023

Assoc. Prof., Dr. Nguyen Ba Chien and Dr. Nguyen Dang Que handing over the Decision of associate professor appointment and gave flowers to Dr. Nguyen Nghi Thanh, Dr. Ngo Si Trung, and Dr. Phuong Huu Tung.

Assoc. Prof., Dr. Nguyen Ba Chien and Dr. Nguyen Dang Que handing over the Decision of associate professor appointment and gave flowers to Dr. Nguyen Nghi Thanh, Dr. Ngo Si Trung, and Dr. Phuong Huu Tung.


Launching the 2024 emulation program, Assoc. Prof., Dr. Nguyen Ba Chien, President of NAPA emphasized on promoting the achievements gained in recent years, facing the requirements of the new tasks, thoroughly grasping Directive No. 34-CT/TW dated April 7th, 2014 of the Politburo on “Continuing to innovate emulation and commendation”. At the same time, responding to the emulation program launched by the Minister of Home Affairs with the theme “Discipline, exemplary, professional, effective”, focusing on the following contents:

  1. Continue to thoroughly grasp and propagate the Party’s guidelines, President Ho Chi Minh’s thoughts on patriotic emulation, Directive No. 34-CT/TW dated April 7th, 2014 of the Politburo on “Continuing to innovate emulation and commendation”, the 2022 Law on Emulation and Commendation and guidlines documents, promoting the implementation of Directive No. 19-CT/TTg dated July 16th, 2021 of the Prime Minister on launching emulation to successfully implement the annual socio-economic development tasks and the 5-year plan 2021-2025 according to the Resolution of the 13th National Party Assembly;
  2. Respond and effectively implement emulation programs launched by the Minister of Home Affairs; Officials and workers of units under the Academy are determined to emulate and successfully complete tasks, making achievements to celebrate the country’s major holidays, the 79th anniversary of the founding of the Ministry of Home Affairs, Traditional Day of State Organization, 76th anniversary of Uncle Ho’s call for patriotic emulation, 65th anniversary of the establishment of the National Academy of Public Administration (May 29, 1959-May 29, 2024); continue to study and follow Ho Chi Minh’s ideology, ethics, and style; Strongly arouse the spirit of patriotism, the will to be self-reliant, self-reliant, the spirit of solidarity, and the desire to develop the country, creating breakthrough resources to successfully carry out political tasks in 2024;
  3. Compete to complete and exceed progress targets and ensure quality and efficiency of assigned tasks according to NAPA’s 2024 work program and other tasks delegated by the competent authority;
  4. Ensure 100% of public officials and employees strictly abide by the administrative regulations and discipline; Seriously and effectively implement Directive No. 26-CT/TTg dated October 20, 2023, of the Prime Minister on rectifying and strengthening inspection, examination, and supervision of public service activities and working regulations, office culture regulations, and the regulations on internal political security of NAPA;
  5. Practice thrift, combat waste, and implement the regulations on financial management and internal spending of NAPA, the Law on Corruption Prevention and Combat, and the Law on Practicing Grassroots Democracy;
  6. Emulate to build an Academy worthy of being a national center performing the functions of training and fostering capacity, knowledge, and skills in administration, leadership, and management for cadres, civil servants, and public employees; human resource training; researching administrative science, consulting for the Ministry of Home Affairs and the Government in the field of administration and state management;
  7. Being actively and taking the initiative to discover and foster advanced role models through emulation movements; promptly replicating, honoring, praising, and rewarding advanced examples, especially collectives, and individuals with outstanding and typical achievements and specific outcomes; being enterprising, dynamic, creative, and experienced in performing tasks;
  8. Promote the application of information technology and digital transformation in directing and administering the implementation of tasks, enhancing extensive communication in the process of building and organizing the implementation of State policies and laws to navigate public opinion, helping public officials and employees grasp mechanisms and policies to manage and implement them correctly and effectively, creating a new atmosphere of trust and motivation for successful implementation assigned tasks;
Assoc. Prof., Dr. Nguyen Ba Chien and Dr. Bui Huy Tung signing the 2024 Mutual Agreement of Emulation

Assoc. Prof., Dr. Nguyen Ba Chien and Dr. Bui Huy Tung signing the 2024 Mutual Agreement of Emulation

Concluding the Conference, on behalf of the NAPA’s Party Committee and Board of Directors, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Ba Chien would like to thank the attention, support, and facilitation of the leaders of the Ministry of Home Affairs and the leaders of departments and units affiliated with the Ministry so that the Academy can have new, stable, and positive development. At the same time, the President requested all Academy officials and employees to make efforts to implement program goals, plans, and each specific task of 2024. Build a unified and solid collective of NAPA’s officials and workers striving to complete all set goals, bringing the Academy to new heights, meeting expectations and trust of the Party, Government, and Ministry of Home Affairs leaders to the National Academy of Public Administration.

Pictures taken at the Conference:






Outstanding Teacher, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Van Hau – Member of NAPA’s Party Committee, Chief of NAPA’s Office, announcing the rationale and introducing delegates attending the Conference

Outstanding Teacher, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Van Hau – Member of NAPA’s Party Committee, Chief of NAPA’s Office, announcing the rationale and introducing delegates attending the Conference

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tran Thi Dieu Oanh presenting report at the Conference

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tran Thi Dieu Oanh presenting report at the Conference

Dr. Vu Duy Duan presenting report at the Conference

Dr. Vu Duy Duan presenting report at the Conference

MA. Nguyen Huy Hoang presenting report at the Conference

MA. Nguyen Huy Hoang presenting report at the Conference

Le Ho Vi presenting report at the Conference

Le Ho Vi presenting report at the Conference

Delegates attending the Conference taking group photo

Delegates attending the Conference taking group photo

Broadcast points at NAPA branches

Delegates attending the Conference taking group photo

Broadcast points at NAPA branches

Broadcast points at NAPA branches

Panoramic view of the Conference at Hanoi

Panoramic view of the Conference at Hanoi

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