The Asian Association for Public Administration (AAPA)

History of establishment and development

The Asian Association for Public Administration (AAPA)was established in 2010 with the aim to expand and improve research and academic exchange on public administration and public policy in the Asian region.

Prior to the official establishment of AAPA in 2010, a number of Asian scholars formed the Asian Public Management Forum (APMF) and had annual meetings for ten years from 2001, which paved the way for the formation of AAPA.
Over the years, many APMF participants expressed the need to organize a permanent professional organization of public administration in the Asian region. In 2009 APMF in Puli, leading participants discussed making this Asian forum a more permanent group. The last Asian Public Management Forum and the inaugural meeting of the Asian Association for Public Administration were held at Meiji University in Tokyo, Japan from January 29 to January 30, 2010. As a result, AAPA was formally established and a charter was approved by conference participants present in 2010.

Since establishment, AAPA held its annual conferences in Tokyo, Jakarta, Hong Kong, Seoul, Cebu, Xi’an, Chonburi, Astana, Jogyakarta, Manila, and in Shanghai.

AAPA Presidents

2010 – 2011: Akira Nakamura, Former Vice President, Meiji University Tokyo

2012: Anthony Bing Leung Cheung, Former President, Hong Kong Institute of Education

2013:  Pan Suk Kim, Former Dean, College of Government and Business, Yonsei University, Wonju Campus

2014 – 2015: Pan Suk Kim, Professor of Public Administration, College of Government and Business, Yonsei University, Wonju Campus

2016 – 2017: Pan Suk Kim, Professor of Public Administration, College of Government and Business, Yonsei University, Wonju Campus
2018 – 2019: Alex B. Brillantes, Jr., Professor, National College of Public Administration and Governance, University of the Philippines, Diliman.

Alex B. Brillantes, Jr - President, Asian Association for Public Administration (AAPA)

Alex B. Brillantes, Jr – President, Asian Association for Public Administration (AAPA)

Board of Directors - The Asian Association for Public Administration (AAPA)

Board of Directors – The Asian Association for Public Administration (AAPA)


AAPA is made up of individual members only. Interested academic peers and Public Administration practitioners are welcome to fill in the online AAPA Membership Application Form. New memberships must be approved of by both the general meeting and the Board of Directors.

Study Groups

  • AAPA Study Group on Social Policy and Management in an Aging Society
  • AAPA Study Group on Collaborative and Deliberative Governance
  • AAPA Study Group on E-Government
  • AAPA Study Group on Corruption in Asian Countries

AAPA Young Scholars Forum

The purpose of the AAPA Young Scholars Forum (AYSF) is to strengthen academic and social exchange mechanisms for young scholars (ranging from graduate students to assistant professors) in the field of public administration and public policy in the Asian region. AYSF will organize timely panels or workshops for young scholars at the AAPA Annual Conference.




AAPA Charter

I. The Asian Association for Public Administration (AAPA) was established to expand and improve research and academic exchange on public administration and management in the Asian region. AAPA will keep friendly rapport with other organizations involved in public administration in the Asian region and beyond.

II. To meet these objectives, the Association holds conferences and symposia on an annual basis in one of the locations in the area. The times, locations and hosts of the meeting are discussed and determined by the general meeting organized at the end of the annual conference.

 III. AAPA is made up of individual members only. The Secretary General described below shall keep the list of incumbent members of the organization. New memberships must be approved of by both the general meeting and the Board of Directors subsequently mentioned

IV. AAPA has a President and two Vice Presidents, in addition to a Secretary General and a Treasurer. They are selected every second year among the members of the organization at the general meeting of the Association. These officials make up a Board of Directors. They may serve for two years with a possibility of reelection, but not more than two consecutive terms.

V. The Board of Directors proposes to the general meeting of the site, time and theme of each Asian Association for Public Administration conference. AAPA is held every year preferably at the beginning of each calendar year. This may fluctuate, however, due to specific conditions of the host institution of the conference.

VI. AAPA shall collect membership and conference registration fees from the participants of the annual meeting. The method of collection and any other matters related to the fees are provided in a separate document.

 VII. Study groups may be formed with at least a handful of scholars or practitioners in order to study together a specific topic in the field of public administration and policy. National chapters and study groups may be formed in line with AAPA charter and objectives. Members of the Association in each country shall establish a national chapter whose aim shall be to promote the objectives of the Association at the national level.

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