The National Academy of Public Administration strengthens exchange and cooperation in training and research with Korean partners

On October 16, 2024, at NAPA Headquarters in Ha Noi, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Ba Chien, NAPA President, had a meeting with a delegation of experts from INHA University and Sunmoon University, South Korea.

At the meeting.

At the meeting.

The South Korean expert delegation included Prof. Youngsoon Kim, INHA University; Prof. Dae-yeon Jin, Sunmoon University; Dr. Soan Choi, INHA University.

Also in attendance from NAPA were Dr. Nguyen Dang Que, NAPA Vice President; Ms. Pham Thi Quynh Hoa, Director of the Department of International Cooperation; Dr. Nguyen Thi Thu Cuc, Deputy Director of the Department of International Cooperation; Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Van Hau, Chief of the Office of NAPA; Dr. Le Thanh Huyen, Director of the Department of Higher Education Management; and Dr. Bui Huy Tung, Director of the Department of Refresher Training Management.

Prof. Youngsoon Kim, INHA University, South Korea, at the meeting.

Prof. Youngsoon Kim, INHA University, South Korea, at the meeting.

Introducing INHA University, Prof. Youngsoon Kim shared that INHA is a leading private university in Incheon, highly regarded within South Korea’s education system, with a student body of 20,000, including 5,000 international students. The university comprises 15 colleges, nine graduate schools, four branch campuses, 1,000 professors, 500 support staff, and 200 administrative staff. Discussing the proposal for collaboration, he mentioned that research has been conducted to explore cooperative opportunities, with a particular focus on immigration issues and crises, including research collaboration on immigration matters between Viet Nam and South Korea.

He further shared that he and INHA University began collaborating with NAPA in 2009 through seminars and scientific research programs. He expressed his hope that INHA University and NAPA will continue to build on their cooperative spirit, enhance exchanges, and support each other to effectively achieve the shared goals of collaboration in the near future.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Ba Chien, NAPA President, proposing areas of cooperation.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Ba Chien, NAPA President, proposing areas of cooperation.

Welcoming the experts from INHA University and Sunmoon University, South Korea, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Ba Chien noted that NAPA and its Korean partners have a strong, ongoing relationship, regularly implementing practical, effective, and high-quality cooperation activities in training and scientific research. He expressed his admiration for the scale of activities and the number of international students currently studying and researching at INHA University. He also proposed several directions for cooperation based on mutual capabilities and interests, specifically:

(1) Collaborating on designing, developing, and organizing exchange programs for study tours and practical work visits in South Korea for officials from various ministries, agencies, and localities, aiming to enhance their capabilities. This could include direct visits to learn and work with experts from INHA University and Sunmoon University.

(2) Exchanging students and trainees in training programs.

(3) Collaborating in teaching and academic exchange through various formats, both in-person and online.

(4) Joint research on topics of mutual interest, especially research on multicultural issues and immigration.

(5) Continuing discussions to finalize and reach agreements on cooperation between the parties.

Prof. Youngsoon Kim expressed strong agreement with the proposed areas of cooperation from NAPA and looked forward to expanding in-depth academic research with NAPA. He suggested forming a working group to discuss key topics, which could include online exchanges on subjects like artificial intelligence and smart cities.

Meeting participants.

Meeting participants.

Following the meeting, the Korean experts participated and contributed their insights at the international workshop “Capacity Development of NAPA Officials and Lecturers for Training, Research and Working in the International Environment”.

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