The Prime Minister promulgates the Decision defining the functions, tasks, powers and organizational structure of the National Academy of Public Administration

On December 19, 2022, the Prime Minister issued Decision No. 27/2022/QD-TTg defining the functions, tasks, powers and organizational structure of the National Academy of Public Administration under the Ministry of Home Affairs.


Special public non-business unit

The National Academy of Public Administration is a public non-business unit directly under the Ministry of Home Affairs.

The National Academy of Public Administration is a special public non-business unit, a national center performing the functions of training and upgrading competencies, knowledge and skills in administration, leadership and management for cadres, civil servants, and public employees; human resource training; research on administrative sciences; giving advice to the Ministry of Home Affairs on public administration and state management.

The National Academy of Public Administration has its own legal status, its own seal, a bank account at the State Treasury, a head office located in Ha Noi, and its international transaction name in English which is the National Academy of Public Administration, abbreviated as NAPA.

Tasks and powers

  1. Training cadres, civil servants, and public employees:

a) Assisting the Minister of Home Affairs in organizing the implementation of training programs and training contents of public administration and state management for cadres, civil servants, and public employees nationwide in accordance with the law;

b) Training knowledge and skills of state management based on the standards of civil servant ranks and the professional titles of public employee in accordance with the law;

c) Training knowledge and skills based on the requirements of leadership and management job positions and specialist job positions in accordance with the law;

d) Upgrading professional qualifications and skills, pedagogical methods for state management lecturers in the system of training and research institutions;

đ) Training knowledge, skills and professional skills in administration, public administration, and state management for leaders, managers, cadres, civil servants, and public employees in the political system and others in state-owned enterprises;

e) Participating in research and survey, assessment of training needs and quality of the training for cadres, civil servants and public employees; research, propose directions for innovation and improve the quality of training to meet the requirements of state management and the civil service;

g) Organizing the training on training management for cadres, civil servants, and public employees in charge of training management in ministries, ministerial-level agencies, Government agencies, socio-political organizations at the central level and in the provinces and centrally run cities, and a number of other tasks as instructed by the Minister of Home Affairs.

2. Training bachelors, masters and doctors in accordance with the Law on Higher Education and existing laws.

3. Scientific research

a) Research on administrative science, state management and policy science to serve the training of the Academy;

b) Studying and providing scientific arguments on administrative reform, civil service reform, civil servants, public policies, strategies and measures to enhance the capacity and quality of cadres, civil servants, and public employees, organization of the state administrative apparatus commensurate to each stage of development;

c) Participating in developing programs and projects in the area of public administration and state management as assigned by competent authorities.

4. Undertaking international cooperation in training, academic exchange, research on administrative science, state management and related fields.

5. Organizing the development of training curricula and courseware for cadres, civil servants, and public employees according to the Academy’s assigned tasks and powers and as assigned by the Minister of Home Affairs; compiling, promulgating, and developing programs, textbooks and documents to serve the undergraduate and postgraduate training in accordance with the law.

6. Managing samples and awarding degrees and certificates in the field of training of the Academy in accordance with the law.

7. Testing and assuring the training quality of the Academy as assigned by the Minister of Home Affairs and in accordance with the law.

8. Publishing and circulating journals, newsletters, academic publications, textbooks and documents to serve the training and research on administrative science and state management in accordance with the law.

9. Making decisions on and directing the implementation of the Program for Administrative Reform of units under the Academy.

10. Conducting internal control, settling complaints and denunciations, preventing and combating corruption, negative behaviors and waste in all activities of the Academy in accordance with law.

11. Managing organization and apparatus, staffing, employment; implementing policies and incentives; training; implementing emulation, reward and discipline for public employees and laborers of the Academy in accordance with the law and as decentralized by the Minister of Home Affairs.

12. Managing the provided finance and assets in accordance with the law.

13. Joining other units of the Ministry of Home Affairs in formulating strategies, programs, plans, regulations and legal normative documents when assigned by competent authorities.

14. Performing other tasks and powers as assigned by competent authorities and in accordance with the law.

Organizational structure

  1. Office.
  2. Department of Personnel and Organization.
  3. Department of Planning and Finance.
  4. Department of International Cooperation.
  5. Department of Refresher Training Management.
  6. Department of Higher Education Management.
  7. Faculty of Administrative Sciences.
  8. Faculty of State and Law.
  9. Faculty of Social Management.
  10. Faculty of Economic Management.
  11. Faculty of Human Resource Management.
  12. Faculty of Archival Sciences and Office Administration.
  13. Faculty of Interdisciplinary Sciences.
  14. Faculty of Foreign Languages and Information Technology Studies.
  15. Institute of Administrative Studies.
  16. State Management Review.
  17. Center for Testing and Quality Assurance.
  18. Center for Technology and Library.
  19. National Academy of Public Administration Campus in Ho Chi Minh City.
  20. National Academy of Public Administration Campus in the Central region.
  21. National Academy of Public Administration in Tay Nguyen.

The Board of Directors of the Academy is composed of the President and no more than four Vice Presidents. The President of the Academy shall be appointed or dismissed by the Minister of Home Affairs after consulting the Prime Minister. Vice Presidents of the Academy are appointed and dismissed by the Minister of Home Affairs at the proposal of the President of the Academy.

See full document: Decision No.27/2022/QD-TTg; QĐ số 27/2022/QĐ-TTg

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