Training course for department-level managers in 2019

On 20 March 2019, the Office of the National Assembly in collaboration with the National Academy of Public Administration (NAPA) organized an opening ceremony of the training course for department-level manages in 2019.

Attending the opening ceremony were Dr. Vu Thanh Xuan – NAPA Vice President; Mr. Pham Dinh Toan, Deputy Chairperson, the Office of the National Assembly; representatives from NAPA’s Department of Refresher Training Management; representatives from Department of Personnel and Organization, the Office of the National Assembly; and 23 course participants.

Speaking at the event, Dr. Vu Thanh Xuan, NAPA Vice President emphasized the important role of department-level managers who assist Ministers in state management of the respective sectors. Department-level managers are required to frequently take training courses to upgrade their competency in performing the assigned duties.

Dr. Vu Thanh Xuan – NAPA Vice President speaking at the opening ceremony

Dr. Vu Thanh Xuan – NAPA Vice President speaking at the opening ceremony

That training course for departmental managers will focus on leadership and management at department level, providing updated knowledge and professional, supporting skills, aiming at enhancing awareness and developing strategic thinking of departmental managers which facilitates their innovation and improvement at work. He also expected tranees to actively involved in learning activities during the course.

In his response, Mr. Pham Dinh Toan stated that in realization of the Directive 28/CT-TTg dated 18 September 2018 by Prime Minister on training prior appointment to leadership and management positions, the Office of the National Assembly approved a plan for training leaders and managers by 2020, ensuring 100% managers of the Office of the National Assembly taking the required training. The training help leaders and managers to develop their leadership and management competency, meet the requirements of their jobs and departments and their organizational objectives. He stressed that NAPA is an experienced training provider who organizes many training courses for leaders and managers at all levels. Course trainers have profound theoretical expertise and management practice knowledge.

Mr. Pham Dinh Toan – Deputy Chairman, Office of the National Assembly, speaking at the opening ceremony

Mr. Pham Dinh Toan – Deputy Chairman, Office of the National Assembly, speaking at the opening ceremony

He expected trainees to actively participate during the training. He also emphasized that trainees are introduced not only management, leadership knowledge and skills but also other recent developments of the country.

On behalf of 23 course participants, Mr. Le Hoang Anh, Deputy Director, Department of Organization and Personnel expressed a strong commitment to the training and a desire to acquire new knowledge, skills, and experience from both trainers and trainees.

The training course is conducted from 20 March 2019 to 22 May 2019, focusing on 12 topics: duties and standards of department-level managers; inter-governmental relation in socio-economic development; working scheme and management at department level; overview of competency and leadership and management skills; democracy and rule of law principles in performing public duties; strategic thinking in a changing environment and international integration; skills in organizing the task implementation; skills in policy formulation; skills in organizing and chairing meetings; skills in assigning, delegating, coordinating in performing public duties; skills in conflict management; a presentation on  “Preventing and combating corruption in the current context”. The training is designed in accordance with the required standards of public leaders and managers and the leadership and management practice of ministries and localities.

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