Training course for leaders and managers at department level at NAPA

On May 4th2020, NAPA solemnly held the opening ceremony of training course (the 3th cohort of 2020) for department leaders and mangers. Attending the ceremony was Assoc.Prof.Dr. Trieu Van Cuong, Vice Minister of Home Affairs; Ms. Truong Thi Lien, Deputy Director, Department of Organization and Personnel, Ministry of Home Affairs; Dr. Dang Xuan Hoan, NAPA President; Dr. Bui Huy Tung, Director, Department of Refresher Training Management, NAPA; Mr. Tong Dang Hung, Deputy Director, Refresher Training Management, NAPA; NAPA faculties and administrators; and all the course participants coming from variouscentral agencies.

Opening ceremony of the training course for leaders and managers at department level (the 3rd cohort of 2020).

Opening ceremony of the training course for leaders and managers at department level (the 3rd cohort of 2020).

Mr.Tong Dang Hung, Deputy Director, Refresher Training Management announcing the Decision on organization of training course for department-level leaders and managers at NAPA

Mr.Tong Dang Hung, Deputy Director, Refresher Training Management announcing the Decision on organization of training course for department-level leaders and managers at NAPA

The course was organized by the Decision No. 798 / QD-HCQG dated April 29, 2020 by NAPA President.

Assoc.Prof.Dr. Trieu Van Cuong, Vice Minister of Home Affairs speaking at the event.

Assoc.Prof.Dr. Trieu Van Cuong, Vice Minister of Home Affairs speaking at the event.

Speaking at the event, Assoc.Prof.Dr. Trieu Van Cuong, Vice Minister of Home Affairs affirmed it is crucial for current leaders and managers, especially potential officialsfor leadership and management positions to take regular training on leadership and management skills. He also emphasized that participation in the training is not only to get a certificate for a fine profile, rather to acquire leadership and management knowledge and skills to improve their professional capacity to serve the country.Therefore, the course participants are required to fully, actively engage in learning activities. At the same time, the training must ensure compliance with the Directive No. 16/CT-TTgby the Prime Minister on urgent measures for Covid-19 and No. 19/CT-TTgon implementation of measures to prevent and combat Covid-19 in the new context.

Mr. Dao Minh Thien speaking on behalf of the course participants at the ceremony.

Mr. Dao Minh Thien speaking on behalf of the course participants at the ceremony.

Mr. Dao Minh Thien, Director of DakLak Customs Department, on behalf of the course participants, expressed his commitment to full attendance and active participation in the training course and expected to get updated knowledge and skills of leadership and management for better performance at work. He affirmed that learning is both the duty and right of the officials. Therefore, all of them would fully engage in the course to improve the learning effectiveness.

Opening ceremony of the training course for department level leaders and managers (the 3rd cohort of 2020).

Opening ceremony of the training course for department level leaders and managers (the 3rd cohort of 2020).

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