Training course for senior officials in Kon Tum Province

On October 8th, 2019, the National Academy of Public Administration solemnly held the closing ceremony of the training course for senior officials in collaboration with the Political School of Kon Tum Province. The training course opened on August 19, 2019.

Presented in the ceremony was Mr. Huynh Tan Phuc, Head of Kon Tum Provincial Party Organization Committee, course management and 41 trainees who are senior officials.

Course trainees were introduced 14 topics of two fundamental blocks including knowledge of state and law, state administration, state management by sector and territory and key administrative skills by NAPA lecturers. In addition, during the course, four thematic reports were presented to trainees by experts from ministries and agencies. Trainees have to write a proposal at the end of the course.

Ms. Vuong Thanh Thuy, Head of Rank and Position-based Training Management, Department of Training Management, NAPA announced course decisions

Ms. Vuong Thanh Thuy, Head of Rank and Position-based Training Management, Department of Training Management, NAPA announced course decisions

Course trainees receiving the course certificates

Course trainees receiving the course certificates

Mr. Huynh Tan Phuc, Head, Kon Tum Party Organizational Committee delivering a speech

Mr. Huynh Tan Phuc, Head, Kon Tum Party Organizational Committee delivering a speech


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