Training course for senior officials in Thanh Hoa province (the 7th cohort in 2020)

On May 30th,  2020, NAPAheld the opening ceremony of the training course for senior officials (the 7th cohort in 2020) in Thanh Hoa provincein collaboration with the Political School of Thanh Hoa.

Attending the ceremony was  Ms. Le Phuong Thuy, Deputy Director, Department of Refresher Training Management, NAPA; Dr. Do Trong Hung, Head,the National Assembly Delegation of Thanh Hoa province; Dr. Luong Trong Thanh, Principal of the Political School of Thanh Hoa province; lecturers, representatives of the Provincial Party Committee and course participants.

The course covers 14 topics and 04 thematic presentations. In addition to lectures, a field trip is organized to provide the course participants an opportunity to exposure to management practice. The course participants are required to submit a project proposal at the end of the course.

Speaking at the event, Ms. Le Phuong Thuy emphasized that public official training in general and leadership and management training for senior officials in particular plays an important role. The training aims not only to standardize the contingent of cadres and civil servantspromotion exambut also provide public officials the necessary knowledge and skills to serves the modernization of public administration. Importantly, the course participants have an opportunity to learn and sharecrucial knowledge and skills of state management in various fields and sectors to serve their organizations effectively.Upon the course completion, the participants will be granted a certificate which is a criterion for the civil service rank promotion.

Ms. Le Phuong Thuy, Deputy Head,Department of Refresher Training Management, NAPA making an opening speech at the ceremony

Ms. Le Phuong Thuy, Deputy Head,Department of Refresher Training Management, NAPA making an opening speech at the ceremony

Dr. Do Trong Hung,  Head, the National Assembly Delegation of Thanh Hoa province speaking at the event

Dr. Do Trong Hung, Head, the National Assembly Delegation of Thanh Hoa province speaking at the event

The administrators and course participants at the opening ceremony

The administrators and course participants at the opening ceremony

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