Training course on leadership and management for department-level managers of the Ministry of Finance

On September 9th, 2019, the National Academy of Public Administration in collaboration with the School for Financial Officers solemnly held the opening ceremony of the training course on leadership and management for department-level managers of the Ministry of Finance.

Attending the opening ceremony were Dr. Vu Thanh Xuan, NAPA Vice President, Mr. Tong Dang Hung, Deputy Director, Department of Refresher Training Management, NAPA and course trainees who are the department-level leaders and managers of departments and units under the Ministry of Finance.

Speaking at the opening ceremony, Dr. Vu Thanh Xuan, NAPA Vice President emphasized that department-level leaders and managers play an important role in advising and assisting the Minister in state management of the respective sector. Therefore, in order to perform well the assigned task, it is crucial to regularly organize training courses for department-level managers to enhance their capabilities, knowledge, skills and working methods. He also stated that in this course, trainees will be introduced with thematic topics related to the leadership and management positions, strategic thinking, necessary skills and knowledge to improve and innovate their work.

Dr. Vu Thanh Xuan, NAPA Vice President delivering opening speech     Mr. Tong Dang Hung, Deputy Director, Department of Refresher Training Management, NAPA announcing decisions

Dr. Vu Thanh Xuan, NAPA Vice President delivering opening speech

Mr. Tong Dang Hung, Deputy Director, Department of Refresher Training Management, NAPA announcing decisions

Mr. Do Viet Duc, General Director of the General Department of State Reserves, on behalf of the course trainees expressed the trainees’ desire to attend the leadership and management course. He also shared expectation to learn more updated knowledge and skills in management and leadership.

 Mr. Do Viet Duc, General Director of the General Department of State Reserves delivering speech on behalf of the course trainees

Mr. Do Viet Duc, General Director of the General Department of State Reserves delivering speech on behalf of the course trainees


Closing ceremony


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