Training courses to improve the capacity of English for public administration for trainers in the Ministry of Home Affairs

( – On December 16th, the National Academy of Public Administration (NAPA) held the closing ceremony of two intensive English communication training courses and English teaching methods for public administration for English as a Foreign Language (EFL) and English for Specific Purposes (ESP) trainers from the Ministry of Home Affairs.

Attending the closing ceremony, there were Mr. Le Dat, Deputy Director General of the Department of Personnel and Organization, Ministry of Home Affairs (MoHA); Mr. Luong Khanh Luong, Head of Training Center and Corporate Delivery, British University Vietnam (BUV); Dr. Lai Duc Vuong, NAPA Vice President and 36 participants who are trainers of the National Academy of Public Administration and Hanoi University of Home Affairs (HUHA).

Dr. Lai Dung Vuong, NAPA Vice President, delivering the closing speech.

Dr. Lai Dung Vuong, NAPA Vice President, delivering the closing speech.

Training programs for intensive English communication and English teaching methods for EFL and ESP trainers from MoHA are within the framework of the implementation of Decision No. 2080/QD-TTg dated December 22, 2017 of the Prime Minister on the approval of adjustments and additions to the Project entitled “Teaching and learning foreign languages in the national education system for the 2017 – 2025 period”.

With the two main subjects of the program being EFL and ESP trainers, the program content has been designed to suit the requirements of NAPA and HUHA.

Speaking at the closing ceremony, Dr. Lai Duc Vuong congratulated the participants of the two classes for actively completing the five-week training course and showing a marked improvement in their knowledge and foreign language skills.  He expressed gratitude to the BUV lecturers, for their solid expertise, extensive experience in a multicultural environment,  professionalism, zealous work ethic, and high level of responsibility during the course. He also gave his thanks to the leaders of the Ministry of Home Affairs for their guidance and for providing the necessary conditions for NAPA to organize the training course. This has created a premise for successful future training courses to improve foreign language proficiency for MoHA civil servants and employees.

Mr. Luong Khanh Luong, Head of Training Center and Corporate Delivery, BUV, speaking at the closing ceremony.

Mr. Luong Khanh Luong, Head of Training Center and Corporate Delivery, BUV, speaking at the closing ceremony.

At the closing ceremony, Mr. Luong Khanh Luong, Head of Training Center and Corporate Delivery, BUV, expressed his joy and honor about the NAPA – BUV cooperation. He sincerely thanked the leaders of the Ministry of Home Affairs and NAPA Board of Directors for trusting and cooperating with BUV to implement the plan to improve the English teaching capacity, qualifications and skills of MoHA staff and trainers. He also looks forward to having a long-term companionship with NAPA in upcoming strategic cooperation activities.

Ms. Pham Thi Quynh Hoa, Director General of the Department of International Cooperation, NAPA, announcing the Decisions on completing the training courses.

Ms. Pham Thi Quynh Hoa, Director General of the Department of International Cooperation, NAPA, announcing the Decisions on completing the training courses.

Delegates taking photos with the course participants.

Delegates taking photos with the course participants.

At the closing ceremony, on behalf of the course participants,  Ms. Nguyen Thi Mai from the NAPA Department of Refresher Training Management expressed her sincere gratitude to the MoHA leaders, NAPA leaders, BUV, related units, and trainers for having paid attention and created favorable conditions for participants to complete the courses. These courses have aided participants in developing their English-language proficiency, acquiring new and advanced teaching knowledge, methods and skills, and applying them to teaching and communication activities in an international working environment, thereby promoting the NAPA international integration process in the future.

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