Vietnam tourism development strategy to 2030

Sustainable and inclusive tourism development, on the basis of green growth, maximizing tourism’s contribution to the United Nations sustainable development goals; effectively manage and use natural resources, protect the environment and biodiversity, actively adapt to climate change and ensure national defense and security


Vietnam tourism development strategy to 2030I. Viewpoints
1. Tourism development has really become a key economic sector, creating a driving force for the development of other industries and fields, making an important contribution to forming a modern economic structure.
2. Sustainable and inclusive tourism development, on the basis of green growth, maximizing tourism’s contribution to the United Nations sustainable development goals; effectively manage and use natural resources, protect the environment and biodiversity, actively adapt to climate change and ensure national defense and security.
3. Focusing on developing cultural tourism, associating tourism development with preserving and promoting the values of heritage and national cultural identity.
4. Developing tourism in the direction of professionalism, quality and efficiency; promote application of achievements of Industry 4.0 and focus on developing high quality human resources.
5. Simultaneously developing international tourism and domestic tourism; promote on-the-spot exports through tourism; strengthen links in order to promote the advantages of natural and cultural resources; diversify tourism products, expand markets and enhance the competitiveness of Vietnam’s tourism.
II. Target
1. By 2025
Vietnam becomes an attractive destination, striving to be among the top three countries in tourism development in Southeast Asia and 50 countries with the world’s leading tourism competitiveness, of which all 14 criteria of tourism competitiveness have increased, in line with the requirements of sustainable development.
– Total revenue from tourists: Reaching 1,700 – 1,800 trillion VND (equivalent to 77 – 80 billion USD), an average growth of 13-14%/ year; The direct contribution to GDP reaches 12-14%.
– Create about 5.5-6 million jobs, of which about 2 million are direct jobs, an average growth of 12-14% / year.
– Regarding tourists: Striving to receive at least 35 million international visitors and 120 million domestic visitors, maintaining the average growth rate of international visitors from 12-14% / year and domestic tourists from 6 – 7% / year.
2. By 2030
Tourism is truly a key economic and sustainable development sector. Vietnam has become a particularly attractive destination, one of the top 30 countries with the world’s leading tourism competitiveness, meeting the requirements and goals of sustainable development.
– Total revenue from tourists: VND 3,100 – 3,200 trillion (equivalent to USD 130 – 135 billion), an average growth of 11-12% / year; The direct contribution to GDP reaches 15 – 17%.
– Create about 8.5 million jobs, including 3 million direct jobs, an average growth of 8-9% / year.
– Regarding tourists: Striving to receive at least 50 million international visitors and 160 million domestic tourists; maintain the average growth rate of international visitors from 8-10% / year and domestic tourists from 5-6% / year.
III. Solution
1. Continuing to renew awareness and thinking on tourism development
a) Fully aware of tourism as a comprehensive service economy, deeply human and cultural, making a major contribution to economic integration, creating motivation for other industries to develop efficiency of economic, cultural, social, environmental, political, foreign and security results and national defense.
b) To vigorously renew tourism development thinking in accordance with the law of market economy, meeting the requirements of tourism development into a key economic industry.
c) Raise awareness of people, businesses and communities in civilized and friendly behavior with tourists and protect images and the environment, contributing to sustainable development, constantly improving prestige and trade brand and attraction of Vietnam tourism.
2. Completing institutions and policies for tourism development
a) Review, amend, supplement and improve institutions, policies and laws to create favorable conditions for tourism development.
b) To promulgate preferential policies on land, taxes and credits to mobilize investment resources in tourist clusters, tourist development motivation areas, national tourist resorts and areas with tourism potential.
c) Promote public-private partnerships and integrated governance models of public and private sector, business people and local communities in sustainable tourism development; establish favorable conditions to create favorable business environment, stimulate innovation, create start-up businesses, develop business forces, form many strong branded tourism businesses; support small and medium enterprises, tourism business households to acquire new technology, digital skills and access to finance.
d) Prioritizing resources for planning, human resource training, market research, promotion and development of tourism products; developing community based tourism; protect natural resources and tourism environment.
d) Continue to improve the policy to facilitate entry, exit and travel for international tourists; create conditions for domestic and international airlines to open new routes and directly connect Vietnam with key and potential tourism markets.
e) Complete the regulations to manage and develop new business models in the tourism sector in accordance with the actual conditions and situation.
3. Development of infrastructure, material and technical facilities in service of tourism
a) Rapid development of modern and synchronous infrastructure; focusing resources on transport infrastructure investment in tourist clusters, areas of tourism development, national tourist areas and areas with tourism potentials; improve traffic connection to tourist areas, tourist spots; Investing in stopping and resting points on road routes.
b) Upgrading, expanding and speeding up the construction of new airports; to build specialized seaports and inland ports for tourists; quickly improve infrastructure, quality of railway services to develop tourism.
c) Renewing and completing the information technology infrastructure system, speeding up the implementation of digital transformation in the tourism industry; digitize information and documents about destinations, build digital content stores, aiming to form and develop an intelligent tourism ecosystem.
d) Attract social resources, investors with modern and environmentally friendly technologies to invest in construction of material and technical facilities of the tourism industry, especially accommodation establishments and entertainment playing establishments, high-class resorts, suitable with the needs and new tourism trends.
d) Focusing on investment, forming large-scale, modern conferences, exhibitions, shopping, sports, entertainment centers in the areas of tourism development motivation
4. Development of tourism human resources
a) To develop tourism human resources according to a rational structure, ensuring the quantity, quality and balance of the occupational structure and training level, meeting the requirements of competition and integration; adopt policies to encourage the development of comprehensive human resources and labor markets, improve the quality of tourism human resources in both state management, business administration and tourism vocational skills, with a focus on training senior management personnel and skilled workers.
b) Diverse forms of training; promote socialization, encourage businesses to participate in training tourism human resources; focus on training skills and soft skills for the workforce directly serving tourism, especially the team of tour guides and tour speakers; organize training and retraining of knowledge and skills for communities involved in tourism business and contribute to the promotion of local tourism destinations and images.
c) Strengthen the capacity of high-quality tourism vocational training institutions and schools in the areas of tourism development motivation.
d) Encouraging the formation of a team of volunteers to guide and support tourists.
5. Developing and diversifying tourist markets
a) Regularly investigate and research the market, needs and tastes of tourists; building database of tourist market.
b) Diversify the international tourist market
– Continue to attract guests, expand markets with the ability to grow quickly, have a large source of visitors, have high spending and long stay.
– Focus on attracting tourists from markets: Northeast Asia, Southeast Asia, Australia, North America, Western Europe, Northern Europe, Eastern Europe and the Russian Federation.
– Interested in developing new and potential markets: Middle East, Southern Europe, South America, South Asia (India); expanding potential markets, increasing the number of tourists traveling abroad every year.
c) To strongly develop the domestic tourist market
– Pay attention to and create favorable conditions for people of all classes to visit, travel and relax in the country; promote the tourism market in combination with traditional education, cultural, historical and ecological exploration.
– Regularly research and grasp market trends to promptly meet the needs and new tastes of domestic tourists.
– Promote the development of the market for tourist resorts and weekend tourism in association with health care, education, cultural and historical research, ethnic cultural experiences, and enhancement of cultural exchanges among regions.
– Reorient the market for festival tourists and spiritual culture in the direction of combining harmoniously with other purposes to overcome the seasonality.
6. Developing tourism products
– Focus on developing tourism products of quality, diversity, difference, high added value and increasing tourist experience based on the advantages of resources of each region and locality, in accordance with market needs and improve the competitiveness of Vietnam’s tourism.
– To strongly develop key tourist products with advantages of Vietnam’s tourism in association with tourism development areas:
+ Prioritizing the development of tourism products for sea and island resorts, sport tourism and marine recreation in conformity with the orientation of the Vietnam Marine Economic Sustainable Development Strategy. To concentrate resources on investment in the development of a number of high-class tourist centers and resorts with strong brands in the international tourist market.
+ To attach importance to developing cultural tourism products, in association with preserving and promoting the values of national cultural, historical and traditional heritages; focus on exploiting the diverse and unique culinary strengths of regions and regions to form unique and different tourism products with competitive advantages, contributing to creating a prominent brand of Vietnam’s tourism.
+ Promote the development of community based tourism, agricultural and rural tourism, eco-tourism, and adventure sports tourism.
– Continue to develop urban tourism products, conferences, seminars, and events (MICE); tourism combines shopping, medical treatment, health care, education and entertainment, especially nightlife.
– Enhancing connectivity and improving service quality in the tourism product value chain.
7. Promote tourism promotion, branding and cooperation, and international integration in tourism
a) Promote tourism promotion and promotion
– Innovating methods, tools, content, promoting the application of digital technology in tourism promotion and promotion, ensuring uniform, professional and effective implementation; promote the power of communication and increase the promotion on social networks.
– Focusing on mobilizing social resources, combining state resources in tourism promotion and promotion.
– Promote the role of Vietnamese representative agencies and the Vietnamese community in foreign countries in promoting and promoting tourism; opening Vietnam tourism promotion office in some key markets.
b) Branding of tourism
– Focus on building and developing national tourism brands on the basis of developing regional, local tourism brands, businesses and tourism product brands.
– Strengthening the coordination among levels and sectors in tourism brand building and development to ensure consistency.
c) Cooperation and international integration
– Actively and proactively bilateral and multilateral cooperation on tourism; giving priority to regional cooperation and cooperation for product development and promotion of common destinations; effectively implement the ASEAN Mutual Recognition Agreement on tourism.
– Promote cooperation with other countries and international organizations to exchange experiences, take advantage of technical assistance, attract investment, train tourism human resources.
8. Application of science and technology
– Accelerate the digital transformation in the tourism industry; developing smart tourism; promoting, promoting and branding; tourist management and tourism activities, tourism resources, control, monitoring and warning of pollution based on the application of modern science and technology and digital technology platform.
– Developing smart tourism ecosystem; apply digital technology to connect to support and increase the experience for tourists; expand capacity to provide services combining digital and real channels; make maximum use of electronic transactions in tourism activities.
– Application of digital technology, green and clean technology in tourism business.
– Widely applying technology in payment of travel services towards reducing cash payments, guiding and encouraging tourists to use electronic payment forms on smart devices.
– Application of information technology to perfect the tourism statistics system; building database system for tourism industry, connecting with national database system.
9. State management of tourism
a) Improve the effectiveness and efficiency of state management of tourism
– Complete the system of laws, standards and national regulations on tourism.
– Continue to consolidate the state management system on tourism from the central to local levels, ensuring uniformity, effectiveness and efficiency, meeting the requirements of developing a spearhead economic sector.
– Renovating inter-sectoral and inter-regional cooperation on tourism, raising the operational efficiency of the State Tourism Steering Committee and the provincial Tourism Development Steering Committee; step by step formulate a tourism development coordination mechanism to meet the requirements of tourism development links.
– Enhancing the role and responsibility of local governments at all levels in building a civilized lifestyle, ensuring hygiene, environment, food safety, security and safety for tourists; creating a civilized and friendly tourism environment.
– Strengthen inspection and control of service quality and destination management; propagandize and popularize the law on tourism.
b) Protect the environment, adapt to climate change and prevent natural disasters
– Propagating to raise awareness and strongly implement measures to protect natural resources, environment and biodiversity conservation.
– Enhancing pollution control capacity, ensuring the prevention, reduction and effective handling of pollution sources from tourism activities.
– Focusing on the work of forecasting, warning, proactively preventing and mitigating natural disasters, adapting to climate change in the construction and operation of tourist service establishments.
– Encourage tourism service establishments to use clean energy, renewable energy, recycled and reused products, and apply clean technologies to limit environmental pollution and minimize greenhouse gas emissions.
IV. Key and breakthrough tasks
1. Concentrating on building and implementing a number of key tasks:
a) Planning on tourism development in accordance with the law on planning and tourism.
b) The target program on tourism infrastructure development is in line with the 5-year medium-term public investment plan.
c) Specialized tourism development programs and projects on markets, products, human resources and promotion.
2. Focus on mobilizing resources to deploy a number of breakthrough tasks
a) Regarding infrastructure development: Speeding up the new investment in Long Thanh and Chu Lai airports …; upgrade and expand airports in key and potential areas, firstly at airports such as Noi Bai, Da Nang, Tan Son Nhat, Cam Ranh, Phu Quoc, Phu Bai, Van Don …; invest in building a number of international tourist seaports and roads connecting with national tourist areas.
b) On creating favorable conditions for tourists: To create the most favorable conditions for visa procedures for international visitors, applying the electronic visa policy to all international tourist markets; drastically improve the process of controlling entry, exit and customs procedures at the border gates by air, road and sea, ensuring the fastest and most convenient way for international visitors to Vietnam.
c) To invest in forming a number of synchronous and quality tourist clusters of large scale and international class.
d) Developing smart tourism: Accelerating the application of digital technology to connect to support and increase the tourist experience; building a smart tourism ecosystem to connect tourism service infrastructure; enhance the application of green and clean technologies in service establishments and tourist accommodation establishments.
d) Community-based tourism development: To adopt policies to support resources for people involved in community-based tourism development; associating the development of cultural tourism with the experience of community life to improve economic and cultural life, contributing to hunger eradication and poverty alleviation for people, especially in deep-lying, remote, border and island areas.
V. Organization of implementation
1. Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism
a) Review and propose amendments, supplements and perfecting mechanisms, policies and laws on tourism to facilitate tourism development.
b) To assume the prime responsibility and coordinate with the ministries, branches and People’s Committees of provinces and centrally-run cities in deploying, guiding and inspecting the implementation of the Strategy.
c) To assume the prime responsibility and coordinate with the concerned ministries and branches in elaborating, submitting to the Prime Minister for approval and organizing the implementation of, tourism development planning; direct the formulation and approval according to its competence and organize the implementation of other priority key tasks of the Strategy.
d) Assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with Ministry of Planning and Investment, Ministry of Finance and relevant agencies in, formulating investment mechanisms and policies, mobilizing domestic and foreign capital sources and aid for tourism development.
d) Act as a focal point to summarize the implementation of the Strategy and report to the Prime Minister annually; held a preliminary review of the implementation of the Strategy by 2025 and proposed amending and supplementing the priority tasks for the next period.
2. The Ministry of Planning and Investment and the Ministry of Finance shall base themselves on their assigned functions and tasks to balance and allocate funding for the implementation of the Strategy strictly according to the provisions of law on state budget, public investment and law. related laws; propose preferential mechanisms and policies on land, tax and credit to promote investment in tourism, especially to mobilize investment resources in tourist clusters, areas of tourism development motivation, National tourist areas and areas with tourism potentials; propose policies to support the development of community based tourism, especially in remote, border and island areas.
3. The Ministry of Transport shall elaborate, review and adjust mechanisms, policies, strategies, plannings and plans on development of transport infrastructure, modes of tourist transport, focusing on transportation of aviation to ensure favorable conditions for tourism growth and development.
4. Ministry of Public Security shall assume the prime responsibility and coordinate with the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the concerned ministries and branches in implementing the electronic visa policy for all international tourist markets and perfecting mechanisms and policies to create the most favorable conditions for tourists on exit and entry; implement measures to ensure security, social order and safety for tourists.
5. Ministry of Foreign Affairs shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Ministry of Public Security and concerned ministries and branches in, elaborating legal provisions to ensure the lawful rights and interests of Vietnamese citizens traveling abroad; coordinate with Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism in promoting and promoting Vietnamese tourism abroad.
6. Ministry of Home Affairs shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism in, continuing to arrange and perfect the state management system for tourism at the central and local levels, ensuring a streamlined and synchronous, effectiveness, efficiency manner, meeting requirements of development of spearhead economic branches.
7. Ministry of Construction shall assume the prime responsibility and coordinate with the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism in formulating a mechanism to manage new types of tourist accommodation according to the shared economic model and construction planning in tourism areas.
8. Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs and the Ministry of Education and Training shall assume the prime responsibility and coordinate with Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism in promulgating policies to promote the development of tourism human resources and improve investment in high tourism training capacity, especially tourism vocational training.
9. Ministry of Industry and Trade shall assume the prime responsibility and coordinate with the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism in organizing trade promotion programs and building products for tourism; promulgate according to its competence policies to encourage the development of a modern shopping center network in tourism development dynamics areas.
10. Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment shall assume the prime responsibility and coordinate with Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism in managing the use of tourism resources, protecting the environment, preserving biodiversity and coping with change of climate and disaster prevention; propose mechanisms and policies to develop tourism associated with protection of natural resources, environment and sustainable development, ensuring that the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals are fully met.
11. Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development shall assume the prime responsibility and coordinate with Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism in integrating tourism development contents into the National Target Program on New Rural Construction; building agricultural products, models of clean agriculture development, hi-tech agriculture associated with tourism development; coordinate with Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism and Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment in studying and formulating mechanisms and policies for developing eco-tourism and community-based tourism in national parks and nature conservation zones.
12. Ministry of Information and Communications shall assume the prime responsibility and coordinate with the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism in organizing communication and advertising about Vietnam, its people and tourism; completing the information technology infrastructure system, supporting the acceleration of the implementation of digital transformation in the tourism industry, forming and developing an intelligent tourism eco-system.
13. Ministry of Science and Technology shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism in deploying programs, subjects and schemes on application of science and technology to serve tourism development; protecting intellectual property rights in tourism business; propose policies to support investment, development and creation of tourism products and services on digital technology platforms; promote the application of green and clean technologies to service establishments and tourist accommodation establishments.
14. Ministry of Health shall assume the prime responsibility and coordinate with the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism in proposing mechanisms and policies to develop medical products and services for tourism; forming a system of high-quality medical establishments, meeting the requirements of serving tourists.
15. State Bank of Vietnam shall formulate mechanisms and policies to promote the provision of electronic payment services, electronic payment on smart devices, non-cash payment and supervision mechanisms, control cross-border payment activities in the tourism sector.
16. The ministries, ministerial-level agencies and agencies attached to the Government shall base themselves on their functions and tasks to organize the implementation of the Strategy according to their competence.
17. People’s Committees of provinces and cities under central authority
a) Based on the Strategy, organize the development of local tourism development plans to ensure consistency and synchronization with the implementation of local socio-economic development plans.
b) Strengthening destination management, ensuring security, social order and safety for tourism development; propagandize and raise people’s awareness to build a civilized and friendly tourism environment; have programs to support people to participate in developing community based tourism, contributing to improving livelihoods and reducing poverty for people, especially in remote areas, borders and islands.
c) Preliminary and summation of local tourism development plans to the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism for synthesis and reporting to the Prime Minister.
18. Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry, social-professional organizations in tourism and other social-professional organizations actively coordinate with Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism in carrying out target of strategy.

Long Giang
Source: Vitic /

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