Virtual training courses for department-level leaders and managers at NAPA Branch Campus in Tay Nguyen

On July 1, 2021, NAPA Branch Campus in Tay Nguyen held the online opening ceremony of 02 virtual training courses for department level leaders and managers.

 Attending the ceremony was Mr. Hoang Manh Hung, Deputy Director, Department of Home Affairs of Dak Lak province; Dr. Thieu Huy Thuat, Deputy Director General, NAPA Branch Campus in Tay Nguyen, representatives of faculties and 95 course participants.

The training courses cover research topics relating to department level leadership and management, a field trip to localities and a test at the end of the course.

Speaking at the ceremony, Dr. Thieu Huy Thuat emphasized that the training courses aim at improving duty performance capacity of department level leaders and managers. The course participants will be provided with updated knowledge on leadership and management, strategic thinking, international integration, the system of leadership and management skills in the new context so as to improve their professional qualifications, develop thinking capacity and  problem solving. Mr. Thuat requested that the course participants have serious attitudes to study and strictly comply with the course discipline for the best learning results.

Dr. Le Van Tu, Head of Training Management Division announcing decisions of the training course organization

Dr. Le Van Tu, Head of Training Management Division announcing decisions of the training course organization

Dr. Thieu Huy Thuat, Deputy Director General, NAPA Branch Campus in Tay Nguyen speaking at the ceremony

Dr. Thieu Huy Thuat, Deputy Director General, NAPA Branch Campus in Tay Nguyen speaking at the ceremony


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