Welcome message from NAPA President

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyễn Bá Chiến NAPA President

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Ba Chien
NAPA President

Welcome to the National Academy of Public Administration (NAPA), Viet Nam,

NAPA is a special public non-business unit, a national center performing the functions of training and upgrading competencies, knowledge and skills in administration, leadership and management for cadres, civil servants, and public employees; human resource training; research on administrative sciences; giving advice and consultancy to the Ministry of Home Affairs on public administration and state management.

The year 2023 marked a special milestone in the development history of NAPA with the merger of Hanoi University of Home Affairs into NAPA and the implementation of Decision No. 27/2022/QD-TTg dated December 19, 2022, of the Prime Minister stipulating new functions, tasks, powers and organizational structure of NAPA.

NAPA operates simultaneously as a government school and a university, with three fundamental functions: 1) Training of leaders and public servants for the Government; 2) Training high-quality human resources for the civil service; 3) Research and policy advice. NAPA has head-quarter in Ha Noi and fifteen regional campuses and training institutions across the country, from Hue, Danang, Da Lat, Tay Nguyen to Ho Chi Minh City.

In a new development stage, operating on a larger scale, with more abundant resources and higher expectations of the Government, of the Ministry of Home Affairs and of the entire society, NAPA strives for innovation and creativity, strengthens its solidarity, promotes internal forces and tradition of more than 60 years of construction and development, expands international cooperation, strives, turns challenges and difficulties into opportunities to be a develop the Academy to a new level, successfully complete its missions, and enhances its international status.

In the Digital Age, under the influence of globalization and intertwined, interdependent structures with unpredictable fluctuations, governments are required to make intense reforms to change the way of thinking and promote professionalism, responsibility, transparency and effectiveness for stability, development, and prosperity. In that context, the development of public servants and high-quality human resources for the civil service is especially meaningful because they are key actors in the success of government reform initiatives.

NAPA has been promoting international networking and cooperation for its training and research to meet the needs of the public sector reform, innovation, and international integration, creating a strong driving force for the prosperity of the country in its new stage of in-depth development on the basis of science, technology and innovation. Possessing competent lecturers and researchers, NAPA strives to provide high-quality international training services in a dynamic learning environment, practice-oriented and deeply reflecting the culture and values of civil service.

NAPA wishes to expand its cooperation with domestic and international partners in training activities, sharing experience, and discussion of emerging issues and future challenges for the development of a digital government which serves people better and is able to steer the boat of the country to happiness and prosperity.


Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Ba Chien, NAPA President

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