The State Management Review was founded underDecision No. 08/HCQG dated March 3, 1993 by the President of National Academy of Public Administration (NAPA) and operated under Publishing License No. 183/BC-GPXB dated January 20, 1993.

Currently, the State Management Review has printed and online versions. The printed State Management Review operates under License No. 2499 / GP-BTTT dated December 25, 2012 by the Minister of Information and Communication; State Management Review Online operates under the Online Newspaper LicenseNo. 173 / GP-BTTTT dated May 4, 2019 by the Minister of Information and Communication.


Decision No. 1203/QD-HCQG dated April 11, 2018 by NAPA President defines functions, duties, and organizational structure the State Management Review. Accordingly, the State Management Review works as a research unit and voice of NAPA,introducing the Party’s guidelines, public policies and legislation, complying with the law on the press and NAPA’s regulations. It functions as a scientific forum,presenting studies and discussions of theoretical and practical issues on public management, and disseminating administrative knowledge and technology.


– Total staff: 10 people including 02 doctors, 7 masters and 01 bachelor.

Editor-in-Chief Dr. Nguyen Quang Vinh

Dr. Nguyen Quang Vinh

ViceEditor-in-Chief Dr. Ta Quang Tuan

Dr. Ta Quang Tuan

– Professional units including:

1.  Editorial Board:

Head Ms. Vu Minh Hue

Ms. Vu Minh Hue

Deputy Head Ms. Nguyen Thi Hong Ngoc

Deputy Head
Ms. Nguyen Thi Hong Ngoc

The Editorial Board functions as an advising unit to the Editor-in-Chief in editing and publishing the State Management Review in accordance with the Press Law, NAPA’s regulations, and other related regulations.

  1. Board forState Management ReviewOnline:

Deputy Head Ms. Nguyen Thi Thuy Van

Deputy Head
Ms. Nguyen Thi Thuy Van

The Board for State Management Review Onlinefunctions as an advising unit to the Editor-in-chief in editing and publishing State Management ReviewOnline according to the principles and purposes defined in the Operating License and provisions of the Press Law, NAPA’s regulations, and other related regulations.

  1. The Secretariat – Administration Unit:

Head Ms. Le Kim Nga

Ms. Le Kim Nga

The Secretariat – Administration Unit functions as an advising unit to the Editor-in-chief in monitoring performance of all units of the Review; conducts financial and accounting activities; implements the printing, publishing and other administrative work according to the law and NAPA’s regulations.

IV. Key activities

- Printed State Management Review: monthly circulation of over 1,000 nationwide.There has been 290 issues of State Management Review publishedby March 2020.

- State Management Review Online: started on June 20, 2019.

- Scientific research.

- Cooperation with units inside and outside NAPA for advertisements in its publications

V. Achievements

- Certificate of Merit by the Prime Minister in 1999

- Emulation Flag for excellent performance in public servant training in 2000.

- Certificate of Merit by Vietnam Journalists Association in 2001.

- Emulation Flag for excellent performance by NAPA President in 2001 and 2002.

- Third-Class Labor Medal by the State President in 2002.

- Certificate of Merit by the Central Committee of Ideology – Culture and Ministry of Culture and Information in 2003.

- Certificate of Merit by Vietnam Trade Union of Public Officials in 1999, 2007, 2011 and 2012.

- Certificate of Merit by NAPA President in 2004

- Certificate of Merit by Minister of Home Affairs in 2006

- Certificate of Merit by the President of Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics – Administration in 2007.

- Certificate of Merit by the Trade Union of Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics – Administration in 2011-2012.

- Certificate of Merit by the President of Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics – Administration in 2013.

- Emulation Flag for excellent performance by Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics – Public Administration in  in the academic year of 2007-2008.

- Emulation Flag for excellent performance at ministerial level by the President of Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics – Administration in the academic year of 2012-2013.

-  Certificate of Merit by the Minister of Home Affairs in 2018.

- Award for Outstanding Performance in many years.

Staffof State Management Review

Staffof State Management Review

VI. Orientation


– Enhance scientific quality of State Management Reviewto meet international standards and to be indexed in the list of ISI or Scopus.

– Expand the influence of State Management Review by increasing the circulation and publishing State Management Review Online.

– Follow the principles and purpose of STATE MANAGEMENT REVIEW  as a research unit and voice of NAPA, a specialized scientific journal of public administrative and state management.

– Continuously innovate in contents and forms of publicationswhile promoting article qualityin both theoretical and practical aspects.

– Improve the human resourcequality of State Management Review.

– Expand the network of collaborators and promote publishing.

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