Bangladesh Public Administration Training Center

Mission & Vision

Vision: BPATC becomes Centre of excellence for developing patriotic, competent and professional civil servants dedicated to public interest.


We are committed to achieve the vision through:

  • developing competent and professional human resources by imparting quality training and development programs;
  • conducting research, publishing books and journals and extending consultancy services for continuous improvement of public service delivery system;
  • establishing effective partnership with reputed institutions of home and abroad for developing organizational capacity; and
  • Promoting a culture of continuous learning to foster a knowledge-based civil service.

Core Values

  • Discipline: maintain discipline of highest order in every step of our activities. We believe in mutual respect and human dignity. We are committed to creating an environment where all views, opinions and inputs are encouraged and valued.
  • Integrity: demonstrate patriotism and ethics in our activities. We do what we say. We practice integrity by ourselves and encourage our trainees to uphold it in their activities.
  • Inclusiveness: committed to achieving a diverse and highly professional workforce at all levels of the organization and to ensuring equity and equal opportunities for all irrespective of faith, creed, ethnicity, language, age, race, gender and physical infirmity. We promote social inclusion and a culture of tolerance and peace.
  • Professionalism: showing leadership and strive for excellence in our activities by means of professionalism and competencies. We are passionate about the work we do and foster pro-people attitude.
  • Learning for results: impart training for results and take follow up actions to stay relevant. We value and maintain an enabling environment for continuous learning for our clients and ourselves. We are keen to build partnership and collaboration with local and international organizations.
  • Innovation: draw inspiration from our shared history and tradition. We are equally committed to finding creative and sustainable solutions to problems in an ever-changing global context. We highly regard innovations in governance and public management.
  • Team spirit: foster spirit de corps in our activities and share our achievements as well as failures among ourselves.

Training Programs

Training programs are broadly classified into two categories: (i) core courses and (ii) short specialized courses. Core courses usually range from 10 to 16 weeks and are linked to career development while short specialized courses range from 1 to 4 weeks. Focus of the core courses is development of the conceptual and technical base while short specialized courses focus on the development of skills of specific clientele groups. Following are the major courses organized by the Centre.

The Centre prepares a comprehensive annual plan for organizing training courses, workshops and seminars which are revised on a year to year basis to include new courses, seminars and workshops on the basis of the needs of the clientele and of the rapidly changing environment.

Career Development Courses

  • Senior Staff Course (SSC)
  • Advanced Course on Administration and Development (ACAD)
  • Foundation Training Course (FTC)
  • Special Foundation Training Course for Election Commission Officials

Short Courses

  • Improving Public Services through Total Quality Management (IPS-TQM)
  • Training of Trainers Course
  • Project Management Course
  • Course on Trade and Aid: Planning Negotiations Techniques
  • Human Resource Planning Course
  • Financial Management Course
  • Environmental Management and Sustainable Development Course
  • Modern Office Management Course

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