Closing Ceremony of the training course for district leaders and managers 2019 in Binh Dinh province

On February 26, 2020, authorized by NAPA President, NAPA branch campus in Hue City held the closing ceremony of the training course for district level leaders and managers in 2019 in Binh Dinh province.

Attending the closing ceremony was Mr. Lam Hai Giang – Member of the Provincial Party Committee, Director of Binh Dinh Department of Home Affairs; Mr. Ngo Van Huong – Deputy Director of Binh Dinh Department of Home Affairs; division heads of the Department of Home Affairs; Dr. Ngo Van Tran, Permanent Deputy General Director of NAPA Campus in Hue City; Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen Hoang Hien – Deputy General Director of NAPA Campus in Hue City; NAPA lecturers and the course participants.

The training course included 47 participants who are secretaries, deputy secretaries, chairmen, vice chairmen of People’s Councils, People’s Committees, department and division level heads (who are potential district leaders) coming from the districts of Binh Dinh and Phu Yen province. During the course, the trainees were introduced general knowledge of public administration by experienced lecturers. The training program consisted of 7 modules as follows: Overview of district level and district leadership and management; Building and implementation of socio-economic development plans at district level; Problem solving and decision making skills; Skills to handle emergencies for district leaders; Examination, evaluation, citizen reception, complaint and denunciation settlement skills for district leaders; Meeting chairing and conducting for district leaders and managers. The purpose of the training course was to build  leadership and management capacity and skills to improve the participants’ ability in consultation, management, administration and civil service performance of district level leaders; to provide a number of basic skills in leadership and management to help district leaders to apply effective measures in performing the functions and tasks of leaders and managers in the state administrative apparatus, contributing to raising the responsibility of duty performance of leaders and managers at district level. The participants paid a field trip the People’s Committee of District 12, Ho Chi Minh City, where they were shared about administrative reform and experience in building a public administration centre of District 12. Through practical activities, they could vividly and harmoniously combine knowledge and skills with practical experience to apply to their practice of leadership management in their localities.

Speaking at the closing ceremony, Dr. Ngo Van Tran, on behalf of NAPA leaders, expressed his thanks to the interest and guidance of the leaders of the Provincial Party Committee, People’s Council and People’s Committee of Binh Dinh Province as well as the coordination of leaders from Binh Dinh Provincial Organization Committee and the Department of Home Affairs. He highly appreciated the efforts of the course lecturers and participants in fulfilling the goals of the training course as well as their seriousness and responsibility during the course time. Dr. Ngo Van Tran hoped that the participants would apply what they had learned from the course into their practical work at their organizations and improve their own capacity in making effective and practical policies.

The course ended successfully with 100% of the participants receiving certificates of completion granted by NAPA President.

Dr. Ngo Van Tran, Permanent Deputy General Director of NAPA Campus in Hue City speaking at the Closing Ceremony

Dr. Ngo Van Tran, Permanent Deputy General Director of NAPA Campus in Hue City speaking at the Closing Ceremony

Certificates presenting to the course participants

Certificates presenting to the course participants


Certificates presenting to the course participants

Certificates presenting to the course participants

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