Closing ceremony of the training course for public leaders and managers at the ministerial department level at NAPA HCMC – Cohort 2 in 2024

On May 6, 2024, the National Academy of Public Administration – Ho Chi Minh City Campus (NAPA HCMC) held the opening ceremony of the training course for public leaders and managers at the ministerial department level – cohort 2 in 2024.

Attending the opening ceremony were Dr. Truong Cong Hoa – Executive Deputy Directorr of NAPA HCMC; Mr. Vu Manh Hung, Deputy Head, Division of Refresher Training Management; Ms. Nguyen Thi Minh Thuy, Deputy Head, Division of Refresher Training Management, and 45 course participants.

Mr. Vu Manh Hung, Deputy Head, Division of Refresher Training Management, reported that the training course was organized by NAPA HCMC, from March 19, 2024 to April 3, 2024. During the course, 45 participants attended lectures on 8 topics and 2 thematic reports. Besides theoretical studies, the participants attended a one-day field research trip at the T78 Management Department, Office of CPV Central Committee in Ho Chi Minh City. By the end of the training course, all 45 participants (100%) successfully completed the program and were awarded certificates by NAPA President, with the following results: 3 participants achieved excellent grades (6.7%), 33 participants achieved good grades (73.3%), and 9 participants achieved average grades (20%). Additionally, 5 participants who achieved high results were commended by NAPA President.

Mr. Vu Manh Hung reporting on the summary of the training course for public leaders and managers at the ministerial department level – Cohort 2 in 2024

Mr. Vu Manh Hung reporting on the summary of the training course for public leaders and managers at the ministerial department level – Cohort 2 in 2024.

At the closing ceremony, Ms. Nguyen Thi Minh Thuy, Deputy Head, Division of Refresher Training Management, announced Decision No. 2213/QĐ-HCQG dated April 8, 2024, on the issuance of certificates for the participants of the training course for public leaders and managers at the ministerial department level – Cohort 2 in 2024 at NAPA HCMC and Decision No. 2242/QĐ-HCQG dated April 8, 2024, on the commendation of 5 participants from the aforementioned course.

Ms. Nguyen Thi Minh Thuy announcing the decisions.

Ms. Nguyen Thi Minh Thuy announcing the decisions.

In his closing remarks, Dr. Truong Cong Hoa, Executive Deputy Director of NAPA HCMC emphasized the importance of public servant training in the current situation. He highlighted the necessity of enhancing the quality, content, and form of training to meet the requirements set for the cadre development. The training class targeted ministerial department-level leaders, managers, and ministerial department-level planning participants to improve their leadership, management capabilities, and advisory, management, and operational skills. Dr. Truong Cong Hoa warmly commended the achievements of the participants and encouraged them to continue learning and applying their knowledge in practice to enhance work efficiency. He also acknowledged the efforts of the lecturers, reporters, class management staff, and participants throughout the course.

Dr. Truong Cong Hoa delivering closing remarks at the ceremony.

Dr. Truong Cong Hoa delivering closing remarks at the ceremony.

On behalf of the participants, Mr. Le Manh Hung, Director of the Department of Civil Judgment Enforcement of Dien Khanh District, Khanh Hoa Province, expressed his joy and honor in participating in the course. He extended gratitude to the lecturers, class management staff, leaders of NAPA, NAPA HCMC, and other supervisory units for facilitating the participants’ successful completion of the course.

Mr. Le Manh Hung, Director of the Department of Civil Judgment Enforcement of Dien Khanh District, Khanh Hoa Province, representing the class at the closing ceremony.

Mr. Le Manh Hung, Director of the Department of Civil Judgment Enforcement of Dien Khanh District, Khanh Hoa Province, representing the class at the closing ceremony.

Photos at the closing ceremony:

An overview of the ceremony.

An overview of the ceremony.

Dr. Truong Cong Hoa, Executive Deputy Director of NAPA HCMC, awarding certificates to participants.

Dr. Truong Cong Hoa, Executive Deputy Director of NAPA HCMC, awarding certificates to participants.

Dr. Truong Cong Hoa, Executive Deputy Director of NAPA HCMC, awarding certificates to participants.

Dr. Truong Cong Hoa, Executive Deputy Director of NAPA HCMC, awarding certificates to participants.

Dr. Truong Cong Hoa, Executive Deputy Director of NAPA HCMC, awarding certificates to participants.

Dr. Truong Cong Hoa, Executive Deputy Director of NAPA HCMC, awarding certificates to participants.

Dr. Truong Cong Hoa, Executive Deputy Director of NAPA HCMC, awarding certificates to participants.

Dr. Truong Cong Hoa, Executive Deputy Director of NAPA HCMC, awarding certificates to participants.

Dr. Truong Cong Hoa, Executive Deputy Director of NAPA HCMC, awarding certificates of merit to outstanding participants.

Dr. Truong Cong Hoa, Executive Deputy Director of NAPA HCMC, awarding certificates of merit to outstanding participants.

Leaders of NAPA HCMC and class representative.

Leaders of NAPA HCMC and class representative.

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