Minister of Home Affairs Pham Thi Thanh Tra delivers remarks for the 2024-2025 academic year at NAPA

On October 22, 2024, H.E. Pham Thi Thanh Tra, Member of CPV Central Committee, Deputy Chair of Central Party Commission for Organization, Secretary of CPV Designated Representation, and Minister Of Home Affairs, attended and delivered a directive speech to initiate the new academic year at the National Academy of Public Administration (NAPA).

Minister of Home Affairs Pham Thi Thanh Tra delivering her remarks to celebrate the new academic year 2024-2025 at the National Academy of Public Administration.

Minister of Home Affairs Pham Thi Thanh Tra delivering her remarks to celebrate the new academic year 2024-2025 at the National Academy of Public Administration.

- Dear Vice Ministers, former Vice Ministers of the Ministry of Home Affairs, members of the NAPA Board of Directors, former NAPA Presidents and Vice Presidents, and distinguised guests,

- Dear lecturers, learners, students of the National Academy of Public Administration,

I am very pleased to attend the Opening Ceremony of the 2024-2025 Academic Year of the National Academy of Public Administration. On behalf of the Ministry of Home Affairs, I extend my warmest greetings to all distinguished guests, lecturers, learners, and students of NAPA. I would also like to warmly welcome more than 3,000 new students and learners who have been admitted into NAPA this year. May you continue to study diligently, grow, and succeed! I wish NAPA a successful academic year full of new achievements!

Dear esteemed guests!

We have completed the 2023-2024 academic year with many important accomplishments. With new energy and great effort, NAPA has continued to build on its proud 65-year legacy, reinforcing its status as a special public non-business unit in education, training, and research. After two years of restructuring, NAPA has undergone significant and very positive changes, creating a solid foundation and important prerequisites to enter a new phase of development – one that will see NAPA grow on both a regional and global scale. What is particularly commendable is that NAPA has built a united, cohesive team of staff and employees who all work together with a shared sense of purpose, sincerity, camaraderie, and mutual understanding. This collective spirit has fostered a new sense of motivation and aspiration for everyone – staff, employees, learners, and students – helping to create a democratic, friendly, and progressive working and learning environment. This environment inspires people to overcome difficulties together and continue driving NAPA’s ongoing innovation and development.

On behalf of the Ministry of Home Affairs, I highly appreciate and warmly commend NAPA Party Committee, the Board of Directors, the lecturers, staff, learners, and students for their contributions over the past academic year, as well as throughout various periods. You have made significant contributions to the development of NAPA in particular and to the overall cause of education and training in Viet Nam.

Dear lecturers, learners, and students

NAPA holds a unique position within the education and training system. It is a special-class public-non business unit entrusted by the Party of Viet Nam, the State of Viet Nam, and the Ministry of Home Affairs with the highly important responsibilities of training human resources for the public sector and society; training cadres, civil servants, and public employees; and conducting in-depth research on national governance and public administration. These responsibilities are demanding and challenging, yet also immensely honorable. In the new context of the nation, with the need to successfully achieve the national development goals by 2030, commemorating the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Party, and realizing the vision for 2045 – the 100th anniversary of the country’s founding — which aims to transform Viet Nam into a developed, high-income country, laying a solid foundation for entering a new era of development. This is to build a peaceful, independent, democratic, prosperous, strong, and civilized Viet Nam, steadily progressing toward socialism. Therefore, more than ever, NAPA must fully recognize its vital role and continue to strongly and comprehensively innovate in terms of its thinking, governance, management methods, and teaching of its staff and faculty, as well as the learning, training, and striving of its students and learners. NAPA should focus on the following key priorities:

Firstly, NAPA needs to promote great aspiration and a strong belief in future development. Looking back at the history of the Vietnamese nation, the aspiration for development is precisely the extraordinary inner strength, the source of the miracles that have occurred throughout the thousands of years of building, defending, and developing the country. Today, the nation is united in a strong and prosperous development aspiration. The development aspiration of NAPA must resonate with the greater ambition of the nation. Importantly, the aspiration for the NAPA’s development must permeate and be a constant presence in the consciousness of each official, lecturer, student, and learner of NAPA. In the development orientation for the next 5, 10, and 20 years, NAPA needs to clearly define its practical, tangible, and specific contributions to implementing the strategy for socio-economic development, in the field of education, training, science, and technology of the country, in the strategy for building and perfecting the socialist rule-of-law state of Viet Nam in the new phase, and in building a clean and strong political system and the overall development of the nation. The stature, position, and development of NAPA depend significantly on the quality and effectiveness of the tangible, dynamic values and training and research products that we produce each day, month, and year, thereby accumulating and elevating the core values, philosophy, and the spreading brand of our NAPA.

Secondly, with a deep awareness of its mission and responsibilities to the Party, the State, and society, NAPA must ensure the harmonious development of an ecosystem based on three pillars: training cadres, civil servants, and public employees; training high-quality human resources; and conducting research. The values of sustainable development, smart development, and the vision of national development must be reflected in the educational philosophy and training content and be ingrained in every lecture and research direction at NAPA. Without further delay, NAPA must also fully consider creating a green and smart development space, with a synchronized, complete, and modern infrastructure system; strongly promote digital transformation to comprehensively innovate management methods, training, creativity, and knowledge transfer methods, establishing the necessary foundation for forming a digital academy, a smart academy in the near future.

Thirdly, it is essential to focus on building and developing the NAPA’s team of public officials and lecturers. This team is truly the center, the main driving force, the most important resource, and the goal of NAPA’s development. Investing in developing this team is an investment in the NAPA’s current and future growth. NAPA needs a roadmap and a plan to allocate necessary resources for the development of its faculty and public officials, creating a highly motivational environment to nurture talent, while also encouraging the faculty and public officials to independently strive to meet the NAPA’s demands. Additionally, NAPA must pay special attention to attracting, utilizing, and valuing talent, creating a strong transformation in innovation capacity. The NAPA Party Committee and the NAPA Board of Directors need to inspire a spirit of dedication and maximize the capabilities of its public officials and lecturers, providing them with opportunities to make worthy contributions to the NAPA’s development. As a result, NAPA will become a happy home for its public officials and lecturers.

Fourthly, preserving and promoting the beautiful cultural values at NAPA is crucial. The history of human development has affirmed that harnessing cultural potential and strength is a vital and inevitable requirement to enhance development across all aspects of socio-economic life. According to President Ho Chi Minh, culture lights the way for the nation to move forward. Humanity has entered an era of soft power, and that is culture. This is a new driving force for development. NAPA needs to ignite pride in its long-standing tradition and build its identity with culture as the foundation. NAPA should promote a beautiful, meaningful way of living as a means to connect hearts, all aligned towards a better life and the development of NAPA. This identity should be spread and become a guiding value in the actions and work of every public official, lecturer, student, and learner at NAPA. I believe that with these cultural values, humanism, and the deep appreciation of kindness and goodwill, every student and learner who comes to NAPA will not only feel proud to study at a leading institution in leadership, management, governance, and administration but also take pride in learning in a cultural and educational environment that embraces the best of Vietnamese peoples.

Dear students!

I am delighted to meet more than 3000 of students and learners, brimming with hope and youth. The youth of Viet Nam, in general, and the youth of NAPA, in particular, represent a talented and promising generation. I hope that NAPA students will be worthy of being the youth of the Ho Chi Minh generation, always living with ideals and ambitions, striving to excel in both studies and personal growth, continuously working hard to establish yourselves and build your careers. Your generation is fortunate in many ways, but you also face many pressures. These pressures will become a driving force for you to achieve remarkable accomplishments in the future and to make worthy contributions to your homeland and country. Take advantage of the achievements of science and technology to learn and build the skills of tomorrow, enabling you to work in international environments and adapt to the increasingly diverse and multidimensional changes of today’s world.

I urge NAPA as a whole to focus on caring for the student generations – the future of our nation – and to create favorable conditions for students to study, grow, and develop, thereby affirming the NAPA student brand distinguished by their intelligence, bravery, and capability. Students, make the most of the advantages of science and technology to prepare yourselves for a strong future. NAPA must create the most favorable learning conditions for you to study in a modern and advanced environment at NAPA, worthy of its reputation as a special-class non-business institution.

Dear learners!

Since 1949, President Ho Chi Minh has clearly stated: “Learn to work, to be a good person, and to be a cadre. Learn to serve the organization, the class, and the people, to serve the nation and humanity.” More than ever, you must recognize your responsibility to the Party, the State, and the People. The country and the people are in great need of cadres, civil servants, and public employees who possess both talent and virtue, who dare to think, dare to act, and who know how to think and act correctly and effectively. President Ho Chi Minh also affirmed: “To achieve good learning results, one must have the right attitude and the right method… The principle and method of learning is to link theory with practice.” You must make the most of your time studying at NAPA to truly improve your skills and expertise, share and exchange your work experiences, and become more agile and comprehensive in analyzing and identifying the practical issues that arise. This way, you can creatively and effectively advise on and resolve practical problems.

Dear lecturers, learners, and students!

Viet Nam is entering a new era of development, an era where the nation is rising. The aspiration for prosperity and strength is calling the entire nation to embark on this journey of development. NAPA must also rise, dare to aspire, dare to dream, and be determined to realize those aspirations and dreams. The good traditions, built up over generations, along with the creativity and ambition of today’s generation, form the foundation for us to believe that NAPA will achieve many new and proud accomplishments in both the present and the future.

With great excitement and deep confidence, I wish NAPA a successful new academic year filled with new accomplishments. I extend my best wishes for good health and happiness to all of you – our lecturers, learners, students, and distinguished guests.

Thank you very much!


Member of CPV Central Committee, Deputy Chair of Central Party Commission for Organization

Secretary of CPV Designated Representation, Minister Of Home Affairs

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