Speech by representative of NAPA students

Student Luong Ngoc Diep from Class 24B, Major Party Building and State Government, representing NAPA students and learners to deliver a speech at the opening ceremony.

Student Luong Ngoc Diep from Class 24B, Major Party Building and State Government, representing NAPA students and learners to deliver a speech at the opening ceremony.

Dear distinguished delegates, guests,

Dear lecturers,

Dear fellow students,

Poet Huu Thinh wrote :

Suddenly, the scent of guava
Drifts through the cool breeze,
Mist leisurely lingers by the gate,
It seems that autumn has arrived.

Summer is giving way to autumn, so that many feelings of nostalgia and excitement flood into the subconscious. A new academic year starts full of emotions and excitement of youth during the autumn days in Ha Noi with the scent of young rice and warm sunlight. This academic year is completely different from the ones of the past. It opens up a four-year university journey full of hope for the new students taking their first steps in university with both excitement and nostalgia. Today’s opening day is filled with our pride to be students of the National Academy of Public Administration. I would like to send to all delegates, lecturers, learners and new students my most respectful greetings and best wishes for health.

Dear delegates, lecturers, learners and new students!

I am Luong Ngoc Diep, a student of the class Building Party and State Administration 24B, Faculty of Interdisciplinary Sciences. I am honored to represent  nearly 5,000 new students of the NAPA’ 24th cohort to express our feelings at this solemn and meaningful opening ceremony.

During 12 years of schooling and living with our families, we were almost “carefree, with little to worry about”.  When standing at the threshold of 18 years old, feeling the nervousness of having to make decisions about our future paths, my friends and I have asked ourselves many questions. For me personally, these questions have caused much thought and deliberation: What will I do, and who will I become? Now, those feelings have been replaced by pride and happiness  when we become students of NAPA  and step into a new, dynamic university with a rich tradition. Intertwined with this happiness is anxiety and concern as we enter a new environment, away from our families and the protection of our parents. But we have been fortunate—right from those first bewildering days of orientation, we have always received the dedicated help of our teachers and upperclassmen in understanding NAPA’s training programs. We would like to send our most sincere gratitude to lecturers and older students.

Dear delegates, lecturers, learners and new students!

On the threshold of the new academic year, the entire cohort of the new students of K24, pledge to follow the guidance of Asooc.Prof. Dr. Nguyen Ba Chien – NAPA’s President given during our first days at NAPA. Especially, we will remember and act upon his thoughtful and dedicated advice: “I hope you will truly be students of the fourth industrial revolution, studying and practicing to know, to do, to live together, to integrate and grow with the country”. These words will serve as the motivation and direction for us to study hard, strictly follow the NAPA’s regulations, and dedicate our youthful energy to continuously striving in our learning and development to achieve the best results.  We hope that the efforts of K24 students will be remembered as a shining achievement in NAPA history. Together with the previous generation, we will strive to learn add the golden pages of history, promoting the noble tradition of students of the National Academy of Public Administration.

Finally , I would like to wish all distinguished delegates, esteemed NAPA lecturers and officials good health and happiness. I wish all the students success in their studies so that they can realize their dreams and ambitions and live up to the glorious tradition of the National Academy of Public Administration..

On behalf of the NAPA’s students, I would like to present to the lecturers a bouquet of fresh flowers expressing our feelings and commitment to NAPA and the lecturers. I respectfully invite Assoc. Prof.Dr. Nguyen Ba Chien – NAPA President to receive our flower bouquet.


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