The National Academy of Public Administration (NAPA) worked with the delegation from the Solvay Brussels School of Economics and Management (SBS-EM) under the Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB), Belgium

On April 16, 2024, the National Academy of Public Administration (NAPA) had a working session with the delegation of the Solvay Brussels School of Economics and Management (SBS-EM) under the Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB), Belgium.

On behalf of NAPA, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Ba Chien, NAPA President, chaired the working session.

An overview of the meeting.

An overview of the meeting.

Attending the working session from the partner side were Prof. Jean-Pierre Baeyens, Academic Director, SBS-EM, Mr. Pierre Du Ville, Chief Representative of the Wallonie – Bruxelles Delegation in Viet Nam (WBI), Embassy of Belgium in Viet Nam; Ms. Tran Tuyet Trang, Economic and Commercial Counselor representing the Government of the Brussels Capital Region, Embassy of Belgium in Viet Nam.

On the side of NAPA, there were Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Van Hau, Chief of Office of NAPA; Dr. Le Thanh Huyen, Director, Department of Graduate Training Management; Ms. Pham Thi Quynh Hoa, Director, Department of International Cooperation; Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Thi Thu Ha, Dean, Faculty of Interdisciplinary Sciences; Dr. Tran Dai Hai, Deputy Director, Department of International Cooperation; Ms. Le Phuong Thuy, Deputy Director, Department of Refresher Training Management.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Ba Chien speaking at the working session.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Ba Chien speaking at the working session.

At the meeting, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Ba Chien expressed his joy at welcoming the delegation from SBS-EM to visit and work with NAPA. He provided an overview of the position, functions and tasks of NAPA, its international cooperation activities, and initiatives related to curriculum development, faculty capacity enhancement, and international workshops.

He was impressed by the quality of training at Belgian institutions and expressed his desire for further collaboration between SBS-EM and NAPA through training programs to promote relations between the two countries. He proposed several key areas of cooperation, including (1) Collaboration in master’s degree-level education; (2) Student and faculty exchange programs; (3) Sharing experiences in curriculum development and coordinating training programs; (4) Co-organizing international workshops and academic exchange forums; (5) Collaboration in management training programs, sending officials for field research in the Kingdom of Belgium.

Prof. Jean-Pierre Baeyens speaking at the working session.

Prof. Jean-Pierre Baeyens speaking at the working session.

Prof. Jean-Pierre Baeyens extends his sincere thanks to Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Ba Chien, the Board of Directors and leaders of NAPA units for the warm reception and hospitality extended to the delegation. During the working session, Prof. Jean-Pierre Baeyens mentioned that SBS-EM is an affiliated training institution of the Université Libre de Bruxelles. The School has many specialized faculties, among which its strength lies in high-quality education in Economics and Management. SBS-EM is well-known for its strict and demanding education system, focusing on excellence at every level. This vision and mindset, and its highly international alumni network, enable the School to train the leaders of tomorrow’s society. SBS-EM has a history of cooperation in the field of education and has implemented training programs in Viet Nam for nearly 30 years. Prof. Jean-Pierre Baeyens hopes for in-depth discussions between the two sides to promote effective and practical cooperation in the near future.

After the working session, Prof. Jean-Pierre Baeyens and Mr. Pierre Du Ville engaged in discussions and exchanges with students and lecturers of NAPA at the seminar on “Global issues”, organized by the Faculty of Interdisciplinary Sciences and the Department of International Cooperation Department.

Meeting participants

Meeting participants


Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Ba Chien presenting souvenirs to the SBS-EM delegation.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Ba Chien presenting souvenirs to the SBS-EM delegation.

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