The Institute of Public Administration Australia


The Institute of Public Administration Australia (IPAA) is the nationwide professional association for those involved in public administration. It is a voluntary, non-profit, member-based organization that enables people with an interest in public administration and public sector reform to exchange ideas on trends, practices and innovations. It has divisions in all states and territories and a national support office.

IPAA aims to:

  • promote good governance
  • encourage excellence in the provision of public services in Australia
  • contribute to the development of public policy and management practices that will enhance the performance of the public sector.

IPAA recognizes the increasing demands on public administration to deliver better and more efficient public services, and the important role it plays as the nationwide professional association of the public sector.

IPAA has strong relationships with international public administration institutes and academic institutions, which are listed under Partnerships.

More about IPAA’s purpose

More about IPAA’s functions

Key facts

  • Established in 1927
  • Divisions in all states and territories
  • 4,000 members Australia wide
  • Members from all tiers of government and the wider public sector
  • 1,300+ events and training programs every year
  • 21,000+ people attend IPAA events and courses every year
  • $12 million annual turnover
  • Over 40 full-time staff

Divisions were established as follows:

  • South Australia – 1927
  • Victoria – 1929
  • New South Wales – 1935
  • Australian Capital Territory – 1943
  • Queensland – 1953
  • Western Australia – 1954
  • Northern Territory –  1985

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