Settlement of Complaints and Denouncement — A Method to Ensure Legislation and Discipline in Vietnamese State Administrative Management at Present

Dissertation title: Settlement of Complaints and Denouncement — A Method to Ensure Legislation and Discipline in Vietnamese State Administrative Management at Present

Major: Public Administration

Code: 62348201

Ph.D. candidate’s full name: Vu Duy Duan

Supervisors full names:

  • 1. Ass. Pro. Ph.D. Le Thi Huong
  • Ass. Pro. Ph.D. Nguyen Minh Man

Training Institution: Academy of Politics and Public Administration

Summary of the dissertation’s new contributions:

  • Based on the analysis of the different viewpoints on claims and the analysis on Vietnamese law on claims, the author gives his scientific opinions about claims in broad sense and narrow sense and specifies some features of administrative claims; settlement of claims, settlement of accusations in administrative field; differentiation between administrative claims, administrative accusations and the ones in private law. The dissertation shows that settlement of claims, accusations is one of the methods to ensure legislation and disciplines in State administrative management and it also presents the role of settlement of claims, accusations in State administrative
  • Via the specific data and evidence, the dissertation indicates the actual fact of the claims, accusations and the situation of the settlement of claims, accusations in our country from 1999 until 2013 and points out the reasons for the claims, accusations, and the reasons for the results, drawbacks, shortcomings of the settlement of claims,
  • The dissertation presents some viewpoints on and solutions for perfecting the institution, organization of the State machine and enhancing the efficiency of settlement of claims, accusations in order to ensure the legislation and disciplines in State administrative management in Vietnam at present.

Summary of the Thesis: Click here

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