Attraction and retention of talented people in the Public administrative agencies in Vietnam

1. Summary

  • Theme: Attraction and retention of talented people in the Public administrative agencies in Vietnam
  • Major: Public administration; Code: 62 34 82 01
  • PhD Candidate: Tran Van Ngoi
  • Supervisors:
    • Prof. Dr. Nguygn Dang Thanh
    • Dr. Tran Anh Tuan
  • Training Institution: National Academy of Public Administration

2. Briefings on new contributions.

The new contributions in terms of academics, theories and practices of the scientific studies within the framework of the Doctoral Thesis “Attraction and retention of talented people in the Public administrative agencies in Vietnam” are summarized as follows:

  • The Thesis introduces and interprets the concepts of talents, and talented people in the Public administrative agencies; the factors of identifying the talented people in the Public administrative agencies; concepts and implications of attracting and retaining talented people; significance, essentials and determinants of attracting and retaining talents; the roles of talented people in the Public administrative agencies.
  • The Thesis is a scientific work which is studied in a systematic manner with a view to clarifying some theoretical concepts and points as well as assessing practices on attraction and retention of talents, in which indicating the close and interactive relationship between attraction and retention of talented people in the Public administrative agencies; strongly arguing the attraction and retention of talents must be put in the context of human resource management process in order to propose the points of view, measures and solutions to complete the policies on civil servants management, making contribution to improving quality and effectivess on the operation of the Public administrative agencies.
  • The Thesis proposes several points of view on attracting and retaining talented people in the Public administrative agencies, such as the formulation and completion of policies on attracting and retaining talented people in the Public administrative agencies must be done in compatible with the innovation of human resource management practices; must be based on the nature and characteristics of the civil service operation; and must be implemented in compatible with the policies on highly qualified social human resources.
  • The Thesis proposes several groups of solutions for guaranting the effective attraction and retention of talented people in the Public administrative agencies, such as having consistent awareness on concepts, neccesity, importance of the policies on talent attraction and retention, and considering the attraction and retention of talented people in the Public administrative agencies as the responsibility of the Party and State organizations as well as the responsibility of the whole society; development of National strategy on Talent management, formulating and issuing legal documents on talent attraction and retention; well implementing remuneration policy, incentive regime, policies on rewarding and honouring; on training retraining and promotion; on working conditions and environment; on recruitment, utilization and performance appraisal; ensuring the enabling conditions on organizational machinery and personnel; and paying more attention to the personal responsibility of the heads of organizations, to rational and specific financial regime for attracting and retaining talented people.

Summary of the Thesis: Click here

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