Faculty of State Management on Economic Affairs


On October 1st 1995, Faculty of State Management on Economic Affairs was established and separated from Faculty of State Management, NAPA.

Function and Mission

  • Training: providing training for experts, principal experts, senior experts; bachelor, master and doctoral students in Public Administration, students from secondary professional training programs in Public Administration, , position based training programs for public managers at division, ministerial department, provincial department, and district levels.
  • Development of curriculum for subjects of state management in the field of economics;
  • Research: research projects related to state management in various economic aspects, serving the teaching activities of NAPA;
  • Supervising doctor, master and bachelor students.

Organizational Structure and Personnel

The faculty has 29 staff and lecturers (from both Hanoi campus and Ho Chi Minh City campus);

  • Acting Dean : Dr. Luong Minh Viet
  • Deputy Dean: Dr. Nguyen Hoang Quy
  • Deputy Dean: Dr. Dang Dinh Thanh

The Faculty has four teaching divisions:

  • Division of Economic Principles:
    • Head of Division: Dr. Nguyen Hoang Hien
    • Deputy Head: Dr. Bui Thi Thuy Nhi
  • Division of Foundation Theories of State Management of Economic Affairs:
    • Head of Division: Dr. Do Thi Kim Tien
  • Division of State Management Skills in the fields of economy:
    • Deputy Head of Division: Ms. Vu Thi Thu Hang
  • Division of State Management of Economic Affairs (Ho Chi Minh City Campus)
    • Deputy Head of Division: Mr. Phan Anh He


  • Continuously wining the title of Excellent Collective of Laborer from 1997-2007;
  • Emulation flag for outstanding achievement of the academic year 2007-2008 from President of Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics and Public Administration;
  • Certificate of Merit from the Prime Minister in 2008;
  • Emulation Flag awarded at ministerial level in the academic year 2012-2013;
  • Titles awarded to individual lecturers: NAPA Excellent Lecturer, Emulation Laborer at grassroots level Medal for Education, Second Class Labor Medal, Third Class Labor Medal, Certificate of Merit from the Prime Minister. Good Laborer, Excellent Labor.


  • Organizing field trips for lecturers every year;
  • Organizing field trips for students
  • Organizing stage performance including  “Big Road” concert for students; “NAPA folk songs” to celebrate the 55th anniversary of NAPA; Organizing “Full Moon Festival” towards the 20th anniversary of the Faculty;
  • Organizing the talks between lecturers and students on the topic “Experience and Career guidance”; between businesses and students


Telephone: 04 3 8345877
Email: khoakinhte.hvhc@gmail.com

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