NAPA Branch Campus in Hue City

Development process

NAPA Branch Campus in Hue City was established in 2004 and currently operates in accordance with  Decision No. 1207/QĐ-HCQG dated April 11, 2018 by NAPA President on the functions, tasks, power, and organizational structure of NAPA Branch Campus in Hue City.


After more than 15 years of establishment, NAPA Branch Campus in Hue City has provided 14 undergraduate training batches (including part-time undergraduate training for the first degree holders, part-time undergraduate training for the second degree holders, full-time undergraduate training, undergraduate training for selected students) for 1,346 students; 40 graduate training batches in 3 majors in Public Administration, Finance – Banking, Constitutional and Administrative Law for 1455 master students; 306 short courses for 12,672 course participants in different areas in all provinces in Tay Nguyen. The human resources trained by NAPA have been contributing to the economic, cultural and social development of the country. Many NAPA students have become leaders and managers of the Party and State’s agencies in localities in the region.

ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE AND PERSONNELNAPA Branch Campus in Hue City has 54 employees, including  with professional qualifications: Doctor: 02 doctors; 03 employee who are PhD candidates; 24 Masters; 05 bachelors.

There are 08 affiliated units, including 02 teaching divisions and 06 functional units:

  1. Office of Organization – Administration
  2. Office of Facilities Management
  3. Office of Finance – Accounting
  4. Division of Training Management
  5. Division of Foreign Languages – Infomatics – Information and Library
  6. Division of Research and International Cooperation
  7. Teaching Division of Law, Public Administration, and Organization
  8. Teaching Division of State Management

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