NAPA Branch Campus in Tay Nguyen on the way of development


Civil servant training plays a very important role in the development of human resources. It determines the development of each industry in general and the country in particular. To the requirement of the need for adequate resources and policies to manage and promote the strengths of localities in the region of Tay Nguyen, especially high-quality local resources who are cadres, civil servants and public employees in the leadership and management apparatus from the provincial to the grassroots level to have a comprehensive development in all areas of social life, the Decision No. 335/2005 / QD-TTg dated on 16 December 2005 by the Prime Minister on establishment of NAPA branch campus in the region of Tay Nguyen. This was a historic event for ethnic minorities in the area for it enabled cadres, civil servants and administrative officials to be trained in their hometown.

Tây nguyên

On April 11, 2018, based on Decision No. 05/2018 / QD-TTg, dated January 23, 2018 by the Prime Minister determining functions, tasks, powers and organizational structure of NAPA, NAPA President issued Decision No. 1208/QD-HCQG defining the functions, tasks, powers and organizational structure of its branch campus in the region of Tay Nguyen.




The main functions of the Campus are as follows: building capacity and training public administration, leadership and management for civil servants and public employees; providing human resource training,  post graduate training as assigned by NAPA President; conducting research on administrative sciences and public management; associating with other training institutions in the country to deliver training activities; doing international cooperation in training, academic exchanges and administrative science research./.

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