Administrative complaint resolution in the administrative reform in Vietnam

  1. Summary
  • Dissertation theme: Administrative complaint resolution in the administrative reform in Vietnam.
  • Major: Management of Public Administration; Code : 62 34 82 01
  • Full name of the postgraduate: Hoang Ngoc Dung
  • Scientific instructions by:
  1. Prof. PhD. Pham Hong Thai
  2. Ass. Prof. PhD. Tran Thi Cuc
  • Governing institute: National Academy of Public Administration
  1. Content of page referring to new information

New academic and argumentative contribution, new theoretical points on science and practice of the dissertation drawn from the research named “Administrative complaint resolution in the administrative reform in Vietnam” outlined as follows:

  • The dissertation put forth and interpreted the concept and characteristics of administrative complaints and settlement of administrative complaints, the objects of the administrative complaint.
  • The dissertation is the direct and overall research work of administrative complaints settlement associated with administrative reform; pointing out the role of the administrative complaint settlement in the administrative reform and the requirements for administrative complaint settlement in the administrative reform in Vietnam; clarifying the relationship, the interactions between administrative reform and administrative complaint settlements to make scientific arguments and viewpoints and solutions to complete the provisions of the laws on the settlement of administrative complaint in the context of administrative reform, contributing to the enhancement of administrative reform.
  • The dissertation shows that the administrative reform is to build a public administration with high quality of administrative services and public service, serving people better and better. Administrative complaint settlement is part of the State administration, thus resolving administrative complaints needs institutional reform and renewal procedures, orders to create favorable conditions for citizens to exercise their right to appeal and the resolution of the competent agencies ensures objectivity, openness, democracy and timeliness in accordance with the Law on Complaints in 2011.
  • The dissertation proposes a number of perspectives of resolving administrative complaints in the context of the current administrative reform is that the solution of the administrative complaint is considered as an important task of administrative reform, contributing to achieving objectives and tasks of the administrative reform; promoting administrative complaint settlement is contribution to ensuring the rights of citizens in the context of building Vietnam Socialist state of law and ensuring the effectiveness and efficiency of state management
  • The dissertation also proposes some solutions to ensure current administrative complaint settlement such as to continue perfecting the institution, promoting the innovation, perfecting order and procedures for settlement of administrative complaints on the basis of objectives and tasks of the administrative reform and improving public service responsibility, ethics of public servants, working capabilities of public servants in charge of such tasks as well as responsibility of the head of state administrative agencies in resolving administrative complaints; continuing the administrative modernization on receiving citizens and settling complaints consistent with the duties of the administrative reform.

The scientific grounds, the solutions of the dissertation contribute to perfect laws on complaints and practices of settlement of administrative complaints in administrative reform in Vietnam today. /.

Summary of the Thesis: Click here

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