Training course for department-level managers of the Ministry of Culture, Sports, and Tourism

On June 21st, 2019, in collaboration with the School for public managers of culture, sport, and tourism, NAPA organized the opening ceremony of the training course for department-level managers of the Ministry of Culture, Sports, and Tourism.

Attending the opening ceremony were Dr. Bui Huy Tung, Chief of Office, in charge of Department of Refresher Training Management, NAPA; Mr. Giang Thanh Nghi, Head of Division for Managerial position-based training.

Presented at the opening was Minister of Culture, Sports, and Tourism Nguyen Ngoc Thien and course participants who are department-level managers of the Ministries.

In the opening ceremony, Minister of Culture, Sports, and Tourism Nguyen Ngoc Thien emphasized department level managers play important role in assisting ministers in state management of the sector. Therefore, it is crucial to frequently organize training courses on leadership and management skills and knowledge for department level managers to well accomplish the assigned tasks. Course participants are expected to develop strategic thinking, apply acquired leadership and management skills and knowledge to promote innovation and performance at work.

Dr. Bui Huy Tung, Chief of NAPA’s Office, in charge of NAPA Refresher Training Management Department announcing Course Decisions by NAPA President


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